What ults can Sombra counter?

I know this has been discussed before her rework a lot, but I was curious on which ults Sombra can counter with her hack and/or EMP? Any information is very much welcome :sob:

Don’t want to give him a plug per se but one of the bigger ow2 streamers got EMPed in the middle of executing an EMP, and the first EMP canceled the second. Which was interesting.

And I know for sure both hack and EMP will counter both coalescence and terra surge.


If you mean countering as in cancelling:

  • Cass
  • Orisa
  • Sigma
  • Mei
  • Ashe (hacking Bob)
  • Reaper
  • Bastion
  • Pharah
  • Torbjorn
  • Baptiste (destroys Amplification Matrix)
  • Illari (has to be before she hits people with her ult)
  • Moira
  • Wrecking Ball (timing has to be before the mines are deployed)
  • Reinhardt
  • Junker Queen
  • Symmetra (destroys Photon Barrier)

A few others can be interrupted doing their cast time (i.e. Ana’s nano boost, Junkrat tire) but the timing is super short.

  • Junker Queen’s Rampage: Hack or EMP (During cast animation only)
  • Orisa’s Terra Surge: Hack or EMP (During wind-up animation/charge period)
  • Reinhardt’s Earth Shatter: Hack or EMP (During the brief second of his cast animation, before his Hammer hits the ground)
  • Sigma’s Gravitic Flux: Hack or EMP (During any point in which he is in the air/before the Flux slams down)
  • Cassidy’s Deadeye: Hack or EMP (At any point before he releases to shoot)
  • Hanzo’s Dragonstrike: Hack or EMP (During the very beginning of his cast animation, before the arrow is shot)
  • Junkrat’s Rip-Tyre: Hack or EMP (During his cast animation where he pulls the tyre out. Nothing can be done once he takes control of the tire)
  • Mei’s Blizzard: Hack or EMP (Hack can disable it during her cast/throw animation, but as of Season 4, EMP can disable Blizzard once casted)
  • Pharah’s Rocket Barrage: Hack or EMP (Any time throughout the duration of her Ultimate)
  • Reaper’s Death Blossom: Hack or EMP (Any time throughout the duration of his Ultimate)
  • Sombra’s EMP: Hack or EMP (During the short window in her cast animation, before the purple AOE is created. If you miss your timing, you will simply Hack the enemy Sombra after she EMP’s, or EMP on top of her EMP, which won’t cancel it out.)
  • Tracer’s Pulse Bomb: Hack or EMP (During the first second of her cast animation, before she sticks the bomb to anyone)
  • Baptiste’s Amplifcation Matrix: EMP (Hack won’t do anything, but you can cancel his Ultimate or remove it at any point after casting with EMP.)
  • Wrecking Ball’s Minefield: Hack or EMP (You can Hack Ball during his cast animation to cancel Minefield, and you can also EMP over top of the mines before they activate to cancel them out/stop them from activating.)
  • Symmetra’s Photon Barrier: EMP (You can’t cancel Photon Barrier’s cast with Hack, but you can instantly remove the wall once it’s up with EMP.)
  • Kiriko’s Kitsune Rush: Hack or EMP (During her cast animation, before the Kitsune emerges.)
  • Lucio’s Sound Barrier: Hack or EMP (You can Hack or EMP Lucio during the cast animation of Sound Barrier, at any point before he hits the ground to cancel it.)
  • Moira’s Coalescence: Hack or EMP (Any time throughout the duration of her Ultimate)
  • D.Va’s Re-Mech: Hack (You can stop Baby D.Va during the cast animation of summoning her mech again with a well-timed hack. This must be timed before the mech hits the ground for her to climb into.)
  • Ana’s Nano Boost: Hack or EMP (In the very slim window of her cast animation, before she’s able to call out her voice line)
  • Ashe’s B.O.B: Hack or EMP (You can hack Ashe out of summoning B.O.B if you time the hack during her cast animation. Otherwise, you can take B.O.B out of the team fight for a number of seconds by hacking or EMPing him.)

I think EMP counters Orisa’s and Lifeweaver’s ults

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It used to, it does not now.

Thank you soooo much for going into specifics! This’ll help me out so much more!

Well that’s a shame.

I was hoping for middle ground on that one, where it shut down the tree, but didn’t remove it as a barrier.

But nope, it just does nothing now.

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I think that would be better balanced as Tree still provides a lot of cover.

I mean, Sombra is still real good at killing Lifeweaver so, I’m not really worried overall :slight_smile: