Sombra should not hack the ults

I am going to remind your words every time there’s a discussion like this.


these are hilarious, I am never going to forget them, sorry

to my question [quote=“Nyxa-21603, post:55, topic:853215”]

you said

here’s the original post. trickster is here too, what a surprise that same fanbois are defending sombra at the cost of their dignity.

I got the receipts, my boy. Make Sombra unplayable garbage again, please - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

I am going to continue to argue with you only after you provide me a game code where you take out sombra from invis, during her hack, while she is invisible. Your own words, btw.

Fair enough, but that’s not the only argument.

Are these all the same category then?

It’s an excuse if you are a sombra fanboi without rational thinking.

The info on this is not very consistent either. Some ultimate types I couldn’t find at all, like Moira’s. Even so, EMP hacks some gadgets and doesn’t hack the tree, for example. Which is a gadget, and it was hackable before. And symm turrets can’t be hacked manually too, according to wiki. How is this consistent?

It’s just you solo tank now and kina want to have a privilege of having an ult too.

Because it’s inconsistent. You can find 2 matches in hundreds, but still it doesn’t come up with any logic. There’s a little bit logic, like channeled ones are canceled, I get that, but it’s not 100% correct or consistent. I am happy that you have a Sombra portrait, but you acknowledge that.