Type in . What type tank would you like to be added to the game? What should it do?
The following:
I just had 2 ideas
- A tank that has damage reduction against Melee attacks. Even Dragonblade.
- A tank that use active block that is even shorter than DM. You gotta almost catch bullets with your bare hands.
- 2 can be one hero maybe
We need another tank with damage mitigation like Zarya. Orisa has that, but it’s a self-targeting ability, so it’s only good for self-gain and body blocking.
We need a tank that can have some sort of grounding ability that plants teammates so that they can’t be knocked around and stunned for a very short amount of time. We also need a tank that does some sort of sacrifice to a teammate where they take all of a target’s received damage (or a percentage of it).
It’s Blizzard; they can get creative with their tanks. WoW is full of unique tanking types, so OW could use another one or two.
Pretty sure that’s what armor on heroes already does.
A hero with decoy ability like in FFXII
Just another viable main tank. Pls blizz
Then it would be a very Armored tank. But isnt armor more like reduce small portion of damage and does more against lots of small ones like Reaper? Melee resistance means more like a limited Ironclad that works against Hammers and Flails and Punches
Another front line Tank, Reinhart and Orisa are the only ones, and having Reinhart every single game is boring.
Would like a tank that is actually a tank.
I’m not talking about the kid’s playtoy tank that is Bastion’s ult.
I want a futuristic M1 Abrams rolling around.
Someone that can knock rein off his throne but as I think about it that tank would be ran with rein
Some kind of tank that shields enemies from damage and then uses it to power… up…
Wait, that’s Zarya.
(I should probably play more Zarya…)
But another couldn’t hurt. I do like the playstyle.
I want a slow moving tank that can latch on to enemies with a skill shot, reel them in and consistently kill them and have that skill shot not be completely bugged all the time.
I want a tank that can boost around and reposition easily, and has twin cannons without extra severe falloff and hit registration issues.
I want a tank with a big barrier shield, solid melee damage and the ability to charge at enemies, and have that charge actually register consistently and also maybe have them not melt the instant they drop that barrier.
I want a tank that can punch enemies really hard and isn’t a fragile DPS hero with only 250hp despite the fact he’s FOUR TIMES BIGGER bigger than any 200hp hero. Also it would be nice if they weren’t given CD gaps when they cannot attack or move while also lacking any kind of ability to shield themselves despite the fact even Genji gets a Deflect.
A shield tank with an active playstyle that isn’t overly team reliant. So basically an off-tank with a shield
I would want a Heavy BURST tank. Basically he absorbs a ton of dmg and uses it to clothesline you with his arms and slams you into ground using Doomfist’s mechanics. He would be bigger than Rein and heavier looking. Someone like a Wilson Fisk, Big Pun or Suge Knight type. There was a Talon Boss that was like this in the Retribution Event.
Ranged tank, ranged area denial. Close combat is full of cc, I want to keep my distance, thank you.
A main tank, but one who has actual range. Orisa and Hammond are more mid range, really.
CC prevention is also a really good idea going forward. So far Orisa and Zarya (I think) can somewhat block CC, but a dedicated tank for anti-CC would go a long way.
We could go full circle and tell brig mains to switch when they’re countered.
Magnet Tank.
He’s a tank that attracts all projectiles and bullets to him for a duration and massively reduces the damage.
He’d be a main tank without a shield!
Anchor tank. Mix of shield/brawler. Hulkbuster type. D.mon basically
i want the margrave from gigantic in overwatch
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