What type of support do you want to see in game?

I’ve often desribed bap as a deconstructed mercy.

I would say bap is mercy like in a way. :man_shrugging:t6:

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What type of support do I want in game?

… emotional :cry:


Exactly. I get much more satisfaction from sustaining my team than I do from getting kills. I’d like more options in the support role that embody that perspective. I and so many of my friends felt that way back when the game was first released. Since OW’s refactoring of the support role all of my friends have left the game years ago - I’m the last one standing :sweat_smile:.

I know that’s a small dataset of the player base but I can’t help but wonder how many other people have left the role due to its shift in priorities.

I’ve seen a lot of criticism on the forums complaining about supports not prioritizing healing but I truly believe it’s because the role these days doesn’t necessarily encourage that but rather dueling and dealing damage. It may also be because vastly different types of players are now assuming the support role as a potential alternative to DPS.

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A giant guy. So that he has to pump out lots of healing. Since he’s easier to hit. Basically Bastion.

I kind of want the original concept for Mercy added to the game. Make him more like Doomfist mobility with discrete jump/slam distances that damage enemies and heal allies on impact, give his caduceus staff “ammo” that can be supercharged by deflecting enemy damage with his staff.

You can’t tell me this wouldn’t be :fire: to play.

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Heres another one.
Sheild and flame thrower.
Name Backdraft
Hp 200 sheild 100
Weapons: flame thrower and 3 orbital sheilds
Primary: standard flame thrower
Secondary: launch a fuel canister like a grenade. The more fuel it has the more damage it can do. 50% slower reload next reload
Ability 1: change sheild rotation direction. Clockwise and anticlockwise
Abilty 2: sheild burst. Call all 3 sheilds forward to fron of player for 2 seconds. Sheilds spin in last direction imput, but direction can be changed with ability 1. Heal burst aoe originating at hero and spreading 20 meters dealing a burst of say 50 to 75 health.
Ult: drill sheild charge. Spin sheilds in a cone shape in front of player. Usung flame thrower as engine boost forward leaving a trail of fire in your wake.
Passive: allies within your sheilds range or aoe burst gain 50 sheild that fades 5 seconds once they leave range.

Just make a red mei gun, problem solved

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How about that mercy like hero be an ice user like mei. Freeseing foes and the ground via touch.
Primary, frozen snow balls
Secondary, subzero shotty. Single shot knockback shottty like ash but slows foes.
Abilty 1, lunging swing. Hero dives forward and swings at target. If contact is made the target takes standard mele damage but is slowed fir 3 seconds
Abilty 2, subzero spray. Short range 5 to 10 meters spurt of super chilled air that stops dot abilities and slows foes if contact is sustained.
Ult, avalanche. Row of ice spikes come out of the ground in targeted direction. Spikes extend 10 to 15 meters from origin. Foes cought in wave are knocked away from caster.
Passive, the ground around hero freezes for 3 sec. Speed increase of 50% on ice but loose all directional control until returning to unfrozen ground.


I’d like a support with some kind of access to non player entities. Like, a pet/drone they can order around to do things or maybe they can set up a med station that teammates can use.

Also, I want a support who can just screw over dive in general because I hate it with a burning passion.

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Kiriko? She’s forcing a hard rush meta right now.

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another moira


Yeah a drone support would be pretty cool

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I would love to see Lynx added because they were introduced in Zarya and Sombra’s comic “Searching” and then phased out of the lore after people speculated about them being a hero. THEY’RE RIGHT THERE JUST MAKE ITTT!!

Lynx would make a cool hero!
The problem is how would they make them different to Sombra (as they’re both hackers) Sombra can already do everything as a hacker

I think it’s about time for a support to get a beam weapon of some kind. No, Moira don’t count.

How? They’re nothing alike, they don’t play the same at all.
Kiriko is way more “mercy-like” than bap, because she can escape using her teammates, her healing feels a bit similar too, and they’re both wifey material.

I want to see a support that was called Blizzard and healed this game.

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Something like disco priest from WOW - WOW players would understand. For others: Basicly you put some aura spell on your team mates, that has a timer and than you dmg enemies with spells - while this also heals those, who has your aura applied. So you have to watch your team and reapply that aura on them. Or you can heal them directly with basicly the same spell you are doing dps with to the enemy. Some more simple version of this would be fun.
I know, we have Brig with a similar stuff, but she is more like a “holy paladin” healer to me and I would prefer some caster - ranged version, which disco priest is.

Than something, that would use a healing totem/object (like Shaman or Monk in WOW)

A mech support that can transform to be solely for healing and bit of dmg or to tank but can’t heal and can’t be healed but can do plenty of dmg.

A MECH support would be really interesting

Which character do you think could be a MECH support? One of the MEKA squad?