What tanks in 5v5 feel like

i’m already hearing the “you don’t know everything” crowd, but i do think we know just enough to at least make informed guesses.
We know they want to make “rein more like hog” and, well, one tank per team. We know a few of the changes they are toying with and we’ve had the 1-3-2 exc to have a peak at what the devs are trying.
Is it final? Of course not, but to me it’s enough.

I’ve tried some workshop 5v5 modes with my friends, one of whom is a professional player that played in the world cup and honestly…
Tanks feel mostly fine, but they feel like a completely different beast.
Have you ever played paladins? Reinhardt now feels closer to Fernando. Basically, you’ll have to play them as aggressive flankers, ironically the point is usually the worst place they can be and they should be guarding the side paths.

One thing i did gather is that zarya plain doesn’t work, like AT ALL. She needs another tank to help build energy and her bubbles aren’t enough to create space. She just doesn’t have enough tools to solo tank and her charge mechanic makes her too weak in the first engagement when other tanks can just go to town immediately. If i were to go back to paladins again i would point out torvald, which has hack to enforce the space around himself and a projectile weapon to help at range.
Basically, Zarya is the tank that needs a rework the most and considering she’s the best designed hero in the game i’m sad to see her go.

Ironically HOG of all tanks is a better solo tank than Zarya, by virtue of the hook being absolutely monstrous and him being tough to take down with his improved kill power.

Hammond instead is the best tank making the transition, i don’t get people saying he needs a rework. He’s always been the best solo tank in the game since he’s the most independent diver. Just buff him back to launch state and he’s golden.

Haven’t tried the other tanks, so this is my 5v5 feedback considering what we know so far.
I would also like to add that shields are indeed supposed to offer quick protection and aren’t big space creation tools anymore. That’s something people ought to remember. Overwatch 2 tanks will play VERY differently.


In other words tanks will not feel like tanks even more than now. Tank population is so gonna grow/stabilize for them fast dps q!


i think too many people who don’t play tanks think tanks should be “big shield” and nothing else, which is something that saddens me every single time.
Really, they’ll just feel like Paladins tanks, which puts me in a weird spot since i like overwatch and paladins at the same time because they offer different tanking experiences. Now overwatch has to try and make it work something paladins has refined in the past 5 years and paladins has more infrastructures to make solo tanking actually work.

I forgot to add that in 5v5 the lone tank ends up being the centerpiece of the team way too much, usually the first team to kill the other tank wins the fight 80% of the time.
As it stands now the tank is too essential for the team to work and i predict it’s going to be “pick the meta tank or be flamed to death”. Plus, now tank players will be expected to play the entire tank roster on a similar skill level and overwatch hero design is very restrictive with little overlap, so you hope the meta tank is one you’re good at or you better find some other role to play.

This is my feedback as of now


Did rein look like hog in the PvP stream to you? If you wear glasses I suggest getting your prescription checked


This game will rise up from ashes as soon as tank role would not be center of this game, but just a role what you could like to play.


Me, a Dva main, not saying anything negative about 5v5 because it means Dva buffs in the end.

I think to some extent you can make generalized guesses at what tanking will feel like, but assessing the value of individual tank picks seems rather pointless right now, when we know that will all be changing.

Current Zarya would require a second tank (Mei/Doomfist/Reaper), but current Zarya won’t be in OW2. Current Roadhog would be a 100% throw pick as long as current Ana exists, but one or both will almost certainly be changed to fix that. Et cetera…

Except then nobody will actually tank and people will complain when nobody wants to go shield tank still. 5v5 is only going to drive all the actual tank mains aways, and it will be better for a week before everyone goes DPS again.


Anything short of “Raid Boss” power will fail.


Yes, everyone is on the same page here - tanks won’t be tanks. The only real question is whether or not that’s a positive or negative in your view.

They’re counting on DPS players picking up the tank, and shoving tank players out the door. And they’re gonna find out real quick DPS players only play DPS, even if they’re fat DPS they won’t play them because they have the ‘stink’ of tank on them.


Except then DPS will be complaining nonstop “I Can’t kill tanks in 0.1 seconds”


I’ve played a few games of 5v5 with the current patch (so literally the game as it is right now with the only change being 1 less tank). It was pretty fun actually, at least in an organized environment. That said, the game is always better in an organized environment…


Man how fun the game would be with clans, tournament modes, teambased SR etc. Instead of current solo attitude (GM players can only duo etc). I don’t get why devs want to push OW closer to solo game than a team game with good coordination.


Yeah, particularly clans/guilds would’ve been really good for OW1. Alas, it’s been hinted that we’re getting it in OW2 but it’s a system that should’ve been in the game for a lot longer.

I figure one of the main reasons would be due to the whole need for bnet social things to be uniform across all of their games, which has definitely hampered OW.

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This would have gone a long way to solving the tank issue instead of screwing around with heroes/balance. Just like when you play with your friends your more than willing to play roles you generally wouldn’t, same extends to guilds. But Blizzard doesn’t add features to the game these days, you muffin, they only disable them.

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Balancing Hammond to be a Tank in the top 2% of players in 5v5 isn’t a problem.

The catch is for the bottom 95% you either got a Hammond player that isn’t trying to coordinate with their team at all, or you got a Hammond trying to coordinate but their teammates aren’t pouncing on their CCed victims before the CC resets.

Which makes it so Hammond offers nearly zero positioning advantage to the team, when compared to a big blue rectangle.

Then throw in that Hammond is probably going to get heavily nerfed survival after these CC nerfs come in.


Also keep in mind that Hammond really doenst play like a front line tank, its usually better to set up and then attack. With the 5v5 format your team will be wiped before you can get into position or dive the widow that just got a 4 kill.

And you are right with the survival nerf. Aside from Ana, it seems like only tanks will keep CC, among Tanks, only really 4 of them have CC to stop Hammond and lets be honest, Rein´s charge isnt the most optimal solution to Hammond.

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Did you try support though.

You’d like to think that don’t underestimate the stupidity gaming developers lol

It’s gonna feel as it does now.
All the dps players rushing out with there healer duo pin pal. Leaving the tanks to be “feeding” as they call it when all there doing is dying and hearing the dps solo cry out “heal me”

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