What tanks in 5v5 feel like

Because they already realised, that it’s just not happening. Coordination is exception, not a rule.

I get this too, I mean even if I play with 4-stack there are still two question marks. But I still feel like the game should encourage players grouping up or playing with friends. I mean big part of smurfing is just that people want to play a full game with friends, but the game disallows it with SR restrictions. And you can’t by-pass these restrictions not even with a full 6-stack. Plus we still don’t have a unranked mode, where you can play a full game without worrying about SR

I feel like 5vs5 still has lots of synergy and untapped potential, if devs could slap any kind of tournaments system or a clan system. We would be playing a better game, teambased games played solo are always so hit or miss

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i was quoting kaplan, when he said something akin to “we tried to make off tanks more like main tanks, but then we wondered if we should do the opposite, make rein more like hog for example”
What they are doing is turning them into bruisers

that’s exactly what i said, that she will be effectively erased and that i’m sad

hammond is pretty self sufficient and i dont see why we need to butcher a hero design because he is hard to play. You are using current tank line up, but with one tank only and lowered shields that wont be a problem. Rein already doesnt play like a point tank in the “current” 5v5 changes

no, i’m a main tank player, so i went woth the role i actually know enough to make guesses

This is my issue with 5v5 tbh. I like OW because… it’s OW. I am really not stoked about this change and genuinely not looking forward to it at all. The previews they have given us so far have looked ridiculously boring, but that could be the people that were playing…

No point in me moaning because it’s happening. I’m just glad D4 is supposed to be coming out around the same time so I can jump ship if I need to haha.

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This is the problem I see happening. Why play a role that has less impact, less variation, less playstyles, less characters and is way more isolating when you could play the role that has double the hero choice, infinitely more varied playstyles and overall more freedom?

What’s the point in playing tank (big worse dps) when you could just play dps?


So if you can basically expect Hammond to be an extremely hard throw pick for 95% of the ELOs, you don’t see that as a problem?

In a system where 1 Tank represents an entire team’s worth of Tanking, with else nobody able to fill for them?

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Just a DPS. In fact, Paladins isnt much a fair comparison because all 3 roles still matter over there. Fernado can fight, but he’s still a defender(heck, he’s a Rein knock-off). All the Tanks in Paladins are still Tanks.

But in OW2, it will be all about the damage. Tanks over there arent Tanks anymore. They’re Bruisers, Brawlers or Heavies.

Hammond was never a Tank to begin with. He was always a 2nd rate Tracer.

She’ll get one. Same for Winston & Orisa. Heck, DVA’s getting close to becoming a DPS.

CC nerfs are for DPS not Tanks. The devs said repeatedly they want to KEEP MOST CC on tanks and remove it from DPS.

You honestly think Hammond, who is strong now, wouldn’t be ultra-mega strong if they got rid of most of the stuns and hack in the game?

Granted they could probably balance that for the bottom 95%, but at the expense of zero tank variety at high tier.

hammond is LITERALLY the best solo tank in the game, plus you’re acting as if he’s nigh unplayable at any level but pro.
The cc changes will require tweaking, but hammond kit is perfect for solo tanking, ESPECIALLY in the more bruiser oriented ow2 tanks

this is what people that dont know what tanking means think
Hammond has always been a tank, tanking was never about “big shield”, it’s about zoning and toughness hammond is a fantastic tough zoner.
Tanks are meant to be fat dps to work, the problem with 5v5 is that tanking will change completely and at that point paladins does it better

Sure sounds like “He’s fine at my ELO, and almost the entire rest of the playerbase can burn for all I care”.

If anything, you know what Hammond is great at? Running off solo and hunting snipers. Which he’d do a lot better job at, as a DPS.

Additionally, if he’s in the DPS role, then you got some semblance of Tank synergy. Like Winston/Ball, D.va/Ball, or Zarya/Ball. But critically, it’s not the “excessive durability” kind of Tank synergy.

“What tanks in 5v5 feel like”

If you know what slamming your hand repeatedly in a car door feels like you have a pretty good idea…

That state in which he owned any 200hp hero on his own? Nah hope we will never see that monstrosity

Overwatch 2 tanks will play VERY differently.

How about we just delete tanks. All problems solved.

I did play gold tank queue today. The queue timer is 10 seconds. 10 freaking seconds!!
x90 times faster than a korean dps queue time.

well, my elo is between 2800-3300, which is the majority of the playerbase.
Hammond is a bit tough in terms of floor, but he’s not this impossibly unplayable hero that must be reworked cause he’s less viable in metal ranks.

once you get the hang of it he’s the one that requires the least amount of team coordination.
The problem is people thinking tanks means “shield”

Majority is 2300 though

I’m a hog main, so I’m pretty open minded on the idea.

To me Tanking means 2 things.

  1. Being good at standing on objectives
  2. Giving for team a positioning advantage over the enemy team, which can come in the form of giving the enemy team bad positioning.

The catch is, if that positioning advantage isn’t capitalized on by Hammond’s teammates, in about 1 second of less, then it’s worthless.

Which is even more strict timing than getting Plat/Gold players to coordinate on an EMP.

That said, maybe I’m entirely wrong on this. But so far I’m not seeing a way for Hammond to not be a problem as a Tank.

And maybe the correct way is to just design him as a Tank anyways, then rework him later, after the community can admit it’s a problem.

standing on the point is a suboptimal way to play tanks in general.
Hammond is a main tank that fills the same niche as Winston, the two play very similarly at the basic concept: dive enemy backline and become a huge threat for the enemy team to focus on, while relieving pressure from your team.
Hammond has the benefit of being more self sufficient than winston on top of that. I dont think so far hammond has ever been a huge issue and i wouldnt want to see my fav hero redesigned because he MIGHT be hard to play in lower ranks, even more when all tanks are gonna play more similar to him, that is being bruisers

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Ah so nothing changes then.

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Shocking, who would apply such common sense on this change?

that is the idea. they are changing it because its not popular now and its causing balance and queue issues