What tank counters zarya

Does monkey zap no longer go through bubble?
Makes it hard for zar to defend teammates, no?
Zar good at closeup but Ram good at distance without the burst dedication of sig.

I usually go zarya to counter Rammatra actually.

Winston, Reinhardt, possibly Ramattra.

I love how literally nobody has suggested a good counter because there isn’t one. Stop shooting her bubbles.


I have to disagree if Ram goes nemesis she can supercharge zarya in seconds , zarya can also bubble her team mates . Nemesis is the best utility Ram has . So she can effectively waste the Nemesis value and abuse cooldown and when supercharged upclose Ram does not have a chance .


Except the fart Robot Orisa .
Doom and Winston are good at ignoring Rein , but then it is a matter of skill .

Thats why I found it strange people keep suggesting rammatra this is like exactly what I do his punches are also slow enough to where when I see it coming it is guaranteed charge they especially punch immediately after not blocking or when they think its safe, and by the time he does decide to punch if he does notice Im baiting him for charge I’ve already wasted like entire seconds off of his strongest form (outside ofnhis ult obviously which can also be bubbled off). Like this is legit the worst possible suggestion.

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Sigma. Zarya is a Brawl Tank with no mobility. Poke out her bubbles from a distance and melt her as a team.

As a general rule, play Poke against Brawl.

Zarya’s whole gimmic is that she needs to play at the close-medium range and is very effective at stalling and gaining the most from bursty heroes.

If you want to kill Zarya, I would advice before anything to go for Rein. He has more survive ability than her (more health, more armor & a shield), his charge stalls her bubble duration, and since his damage is aoe, her bubbles can’t block his damage for every team member.

However, if Rein is not your style. Rammatra has to be the 2nd best option. He has a lot of range to outrange Zarya’s beam, he’s not too bursty so bubbles aren’t the end of the world, and his shield + nemesis form give him ton of survive ability.
So while Zarya’s ult does counter his ult, he’s still a good pick.

Last option is Orisa, she’s not great on Zarya but at least she can outrange her…

I admit however most tanks aren’t too great against Zarya considering the divers work around get in- get out quickly, which isn’t too good against Zarya’s bubble.

Both D.va,Orisa & Sigma use protection Zarya ignores, and either a stun or burst that Zarya can “eat” using her bubble.

And both Roadhog & Junkerqueen relly on a bursty combo Zarya can block and gain energy form.

So in conclusion.

First place goes to Reinhardt, truly a good counter to Zarya.

Then Rammatra, decent one that also requires Rammatra to play from range and shield-dance.

And lastly Orisa, She’s not perfect but fortify does allow her to avoid grav, and she does have some range to use against Zarya.

Rammatra is the worst possible pick into zarya Im surprised this isn’t known yet, (you actually gave me 2 reverse counters). But still that ones a huge no. Rams poke is actually more negligible and weaker then people think it legit tickles ESPECIALLY on a pocketed tank.

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Truth be told its about respecting that bubble.

The only thing that can counter something else is skill

If you hit all shots Rammatra’s primary does 112.5 damage per second not including reload… That’s really not a low number, especially when you consider he has no fall off and Zarya is slow… For comparison, Reinhardt does less than 90 and Winston,Sigma & Hammond do even less than that…

And unlike most tanks, he can actually play from range which means he doesn’t need to risk himself at all. Combine that with any heavy damage dps or support like Zen or Bastion, and Zarya can’t really do much.

Not to mention, since his shots are consistent - he doesn’t give the bubble too much energy.

What about Rammatra is weak to Zarya excactly…? Only his ult vs her ult and maybe the fact his vortex doesn’t do much against the bubbles.


Not happening. With anyone.

Sigma is the best counter as the best Poke Tank. Poke hard counters Brawl.

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With a dps that counters zarya rammatra counters zarya actually you added in 2 extras. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN LIST BASTION IF YOUR TRYING TO SAY RAM COUNTERS ZARYA HELLO? bastion counters zarya by himself the F does he need rammatra for? Decoration?

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Depending on the outfit the decoration could be pretty cool tbf

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… technically sigma
I say that because snipers counter zarya. She has incredible damage when given charge but she gets beaten down by snipers especially ranged hitscan.
However more accurately I’d say other good heroes are ball and Reinhardt (Rein destroys her in the brawl, ball she can’t really do anything about)


Mobility heroes because she struggles at the chase game, if no one is hitting her bubbles to charge up and are avoiding her with mobility or distance. She absolutely loses value especially in high elevation maps.

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Anything with range, mobility and armor.

If you have 3 of these, you are doing good.

D.va isn’t ranged. I’m tired of telling my D.vas just because you get hit markers at 15+ meter targets doesn’t mean you are doing meaningful damage with Primary. Same with Ball.

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How to say that you are diamond or below without saying that you are diamond or below: “D.va isn’t good against zarya1!!11”