What tank counters zarya

Ok and Ana doesn’t think that when playing against a Kiriko? It doesn’t mean Kiriko doesn’t counter Ana.

Sigma can also eat Zarya’s ult so by your logic she doesn’t counter him. The fact is, she counters both.

Ah yes, the tank can run away meanwhile most other tanks have shields for protection or abilities to reduce damage. But don’t worry D.va can run away!

a good ana will think that lol

Zarya is pretty much a non-threat if you don’t feed her which is where a tank like Winston comes in handy. Literally nothing he does bursts down Zarya bubble all that fast. Which denies her the ability to quickly convert big burst damage into fast energy for her. It slows her ult generation as well.

By spreading out your damage too and having shield Zarya can’t do much to you either. It mostly comes down to your team not feeding her to kingdom come. WHich is a problem since usually most people pull out Zarya either to counter a specific tank you are using, avoid status, or counter enemy spam. Junk has a hard time not spamming giving easy energy to Zarya. You’d normally play Zarya into Sigma as her bubbles stop a great deal of his nonsense. Ploughs through shield when charged. Eats through kinetic grasp and out DPS’s him once shield is broken.


Honestly, I just baited out bubbles with JQ carnage (turning away) even before the last update and tried to out damage her and keep her low charged. It’s not easy. Aside that, Ramattra for shield and slow.

A good Ana does not switch just because the enemy has a Kiriko. And would you mind replying to my entire post?

This is what I usually do as well cause I main jq and I know to bait out bubbles and all that, but I was just wondering if there was like a “true” zarya counter which from my understanding the only ones are winston and maybe doomfist (well if he gets buffed a bit).

Ah I see. Yeah, I play and rotate tanks a lot but I’m no pro, so my take is just hoping she doesn’t get a lot of value (like no one else is shooting her bubbles). I try to “outplay” her efficiency with my tank and hope that just makes them swap to keep up. Like I’m killing the backline or something. Maybe with Ramattra I can Nemesis and run past if I’m not playing a dive tank or something. For a direct tank confrontation it seems there’s no true counter. I guess people say Winston because he does low damage but again I would be using him to dive the back line and avoiding her in general.

The best counter to Zarya is not having idiot teammates buff her up. I find Sym to be a great counter. Zarya gets nuked down by a fully charged Sym.


If you are looking purely at health… I guess. Otherwise… no. Zarya has such high sustain when paired with good support that it’s ridiculous.

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I just lost a game to a mercy/moira HAAARRR pocketed zarya it didn’t matter if I went for the supports or what I did bri it was soooo much healing I was waiting out bubbles and everything but it was like they were rotating the zar bubbles with the moira orbs (didn’t help that my dps weren’t that good either and we didn’t have a ana player) I won my next game using the same strat it’s sooooo annoying to go against.

With all the hours I have on D’va (like 1,500), I’ll make the Zarya prove themselves before I switch, but I wouldn’t recommend playing D’va as a Zarya counter. That’s just silly.


I finally feel at home. Someone saying DVA counters Zarya if you play the right way rather than the “OMG she’s a beam are you stoopid?” crowd.

I’ve eaten 3-4 gravs in one game now as a 1 v 1 tank duel. Do people really think tanks are running at one another playing head on? When I play Ball or Doomfist, I’m in the backline all game. This isn’t WW1 simulator where everyone runs straight at each other.

I play DVA to matrix all the cooldowns, not to try and 1 v 1 battle Zarya. When you matrix every shot from Ana or Bap, the enemy tank dies pretty quick.

No. There is no Zarya counter.

Reinhardt he is the better brawler.

The counter for Zarya is her bubble.
Any tank can take her down, just don’t juice her up.

That’s it.

Though I guess dva is the worst as she’s countered by lasors the hardest of all tanks.


Winston’s great against Zarya but the trick isn’t to fight Zarya head on. You isolate teammates with him and force her attention onto you. You force bubbles out so that she doesn’t get any sort of worthwhile bubble charge and whittle down her team.


Zarya is stronger than people give her credit for, mostly because nothing really outright counters her. She has some not great matchups, but nothing like orisa bullying roadhog or beam heroes vs dva stuff.


Monkey and Ball, both give her no charge and able to avoid while dealing with her backline.


No. If she’s close to you, you shoot the bubbles and you pop her like a zit. That’s how you kill Zarya, and it’s the only way. Not shooting the bubbles when she’s in position to nuke your supports is just asking her to get free kills on you.

I’d argue it’s not a nuke until it’s charged.
She can tickle the supports until then. And they can probably react rather than melt up to a certain charge.

Treat it kinda likea blocking Doom. You could hit him, he’s just standing there. But if he’s not low enough, don’t charge that one either.

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