What super said is scary

Supposedly the whole purpose of putting off the OW2 release is so they could “properly rebalance the game”. The game is, in their words, “already finished”. So anything you’re hearing or seeing in video/live format is likely not far from what the release version will be. Numbers may change but the general theme will most likely stay.


tl:dr tanks and healers are screwed, dps is king.

power lvl->


I’m extremely concerned for OW2. I want it to be an insane game too, and everything so far has been giving me red flags. Just like a toxic relationship.


but its easier to make wild accusations towards devs and cry bloody murder instead of waiting patiently :confused:

No one who mains a role ever accepts their role to be the most powerful

And, yeah, there are other people whose opinions I would value much more. Personally, from my gameplay and OWL/streamers spectating experience, I think tanks have always been most influential/powerful

From what I read, the current state and the healing nerfs are just temporary while testing. But for sure, the direction is clear - an arena brawler where actual defensive play is meaningless. Just gib gib gib.

For me this looks lousy bec I like playing Support and defensive strats. If I wanted to play a brawler, there are tons of other games I play that are way better at it than OW.


Why play this game over Call of Duty? Surely this would will always be inferior to an aim shooter because of the reliance on abilities no?


“We want heroes to feel individually impactful!”

Strange how that only applies to DPS and supports and tanks get shafted. :unamused:


If this is the concept phase why has zarya had this split cooldown since the pvp livestream months ago

Tanks will probably be non-existent in OW2. Inbe4 tank diff.

This is the first time I have heard of the healing reduction in combat, which is a very smart decision.

Healing never should have been something to extend fights forever.
Healing should be something to get you back into fight faster.
Basically in every game healing reduces your combat effectiveness sometimes even to 0, Overwatch is the only game I know where your combat effectiveness stays at 100% regardless of healing.

It is really good that the look to address this issue, although I am not entirely sure that the healing reduction is the right thing to do that. It should be rather something that reduces the effectiveness of the person healed not the healer.

The problem is this is hard to do with all the AOE-Healing present in the game.

that’s fair

It would bode extremely poorly for OW2 if they are so lost game design wise that they are trying half baked ideas out by publicly demonstrating them in their eSports league for all to see. It’s like “hey guys, what can we do to tank our reputation even more ?”.

All reworks, at least the way Blizzard does them, are bad for the game in general as well. You screw over the players who liked playing the original, you force players to relearn a character, and you in essence admit that you released a hero with such bad design that you had to completely change them. It’d be one thing if Blizzard maintained the spirit behind the original character but they never do.


COD is trash, I play Apex a lot more than I do overwatch.

oh a tank main is angry because their role now equal as a dps, what a surprise

He said supports are stronger than tanks, so why are so many people crying about them being the least impactful in OW2? Shouldn’t we be crying about tanks?

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Waiting patiently while the devs take the game into a direction that you heavily dislike doesn’t exactly sound like it would do you any good though.

They are confident enough with what they have to show it to the public, so it has to at least somewhat resemble what they are trying to go for with OW2.

So when do you think is the time to voice your concerns?
When they are almost completely done with everything and go into Open Beta?
They won’t make any major changes at that point :joy:

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Well, we do. I’m not wild about having tanks melt like butter.

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That wasn’t Super’s take. Super’s take was DPS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Support >>>>> tank.

I could be like “Oh, a DPS main happy that their role is getting mega buffed while the other roles are getting shafted, what a surprise” too. Random personal attacks don’t accomplish anything.

It’s called “shoot the healer first.”

Overwatch used to be unique in that healers could be just as much as a threat as damage dealers, just in a different way.

“Fights last forever and no one dies” was usually the result of highly skilled support players carrying their team by being that good at their job… Combined with no one on the other team doing anything to stop them.

That’s not a design issue, that’s just a classic case of “L2P.”