What SR do you consider good?


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That is way too elite. If you consider good to be better than most people then diamond plus is good I would say.

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Id say diamond since thats around the top 10% of the game

This is the only right answer.


Around plat, Most people don’t even play comp.

Not sure why people think you need to be top 1% in the world to be consider good. They would be exceptional player that play 6 to 8 hours a day


This is the falsest thing I have read in this whole thread, and someone above you said this:

This guy is giving participation medals and he is more correct than you.

You don’t. I don’t care about percentages and numbers. People say “oh it’s the top 10% they MUST be good, but no. 1% is just the amount of people who ACTUALLY make it to a decent skill level

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It’s a few 100SR to go from Diamond into Masters. The serious SR compression issues don’t even really kick in until 4k. The difference between 3.3k, 3.6k, 3.8k isn’t “wow”, at all. Least of all on some of the lower mechanical heroes…
In most cases it’s one person willing to get on the grind, play a bunch of games and the correct heroes etc and the other just isn’t for whatever reason.

Now sure the punch into GM isn’t easy but anyone can get into diamond and any one who is a decent diamond player can hit masters if they play enough games.

You sound like one of those people who drape themselves over their Porsche boxer and go on and on about how Porsche isn’t just a car it’s blah blah blah. Errr it’s a Boxer buddy, not GT2, GT3 or even a Twin Turbo. It’s a nice 50k level of car but it’s not this out of reach level of 300k+ like some others cars on the list.

and the point still stands, good is top 10%, 15% etc, not 3% or 1%. There isn’t any other system out there that views needing to be top 1% to be just seen as “good”.

In my journey through every single rank other than T500, I will tell you that in all those ranks, every one is garbage at the game (including me). That is all I will say.

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SR is terrible! every single rank has throwers and bad players that SR is useless! Go play community comp games with teams and then tell me how good you are!

I mean, I have. The golds are bad. The plats are still bad. Diamonds are a bit better. SR is gonna be off by 200 MAX. There’s a reason they split lobbies into 500 sr ranges there too.

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Eh, I don’t want to sound like one of those dudes where “the line is where I am,” but I probably would draw the line at Plat.

You don’t have to be the absolute best of the best to just be good at something, and it honestly bugs me that some people seem to think that anything below #1 spot means you suck. That’s just elitist and dumb. There are plenty of big words to describe really good players. Let the bar for simply being “good” be reasonable.

That said, I’ve been in Gold, and even though that’s where the objectionable average is, it mostly tends to just be those who don’t fall into Silver, which is why I say Plat.


I know, which is why I don’t think that. It’s just that everyone below 4400 literally doesn’t understand the basic-basics of the game (4400 isn’t CLOSE to #1 either, it’s BARELY tier 3). If I knew the bare minimum of something would you say I’m ‘good’? Well you get the bare minimum at GM!

subjective view point at best…
Also someone being better doesn’t make the player one rung under them trash.

You can have a large pool of average and good and then a very small pool of very good with a tiny subgroup that is great. It’s not this light switch zero shade of grey issue.
Least of all in a heavy team based game that revolves around requirements of playing 100s and 100s of games in most cases.

The requirements to be good at Overwatch kicks in around mid 3k… You just have refine it a bit to hit masters and then play a bunch of games. It happens all the time. If the requirements where truly next level, no one would ever rank up.

Next level is stuff like real sports, not wiggling around a mouse in Overwatch. It’s why a lot of very good player never go pro in sports and a lot of very, very good elite level pros never win championships.

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But ‘bare minimum’ is down in like bronze and silver.

You don’t skip 99% of players and say that all of them don’t know anything.

For NA, 4400 is at like #180

Out of literally millions of players, yea I’d say that’s pretty damn close to the top of the list.

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3k+ is pretty good.

No. They literally know nothing. The ‘bare minimum’ is the basics, like positioning, compositions, synergy, ult tracking. These are basics of the game which aren’t understood until atleast 4K. And yes, I believe that 99% of the player base know NOTHING. Up till 4400 u are literally scratching the surface.

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No, minimum only applies to the bottom. That’s literally what the definition of minimum means. Anything above that knows more than the bare minimum, you just have unreasonably high standards.

Then I go back to my original statement. You’re simply elitist and quite honestly a little dumb.

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Reins in plat (what you consider ‘good’) don’t even shield hop. How can you POSSIBLY call that good?

Then you haven’t played/understood true Overwatch at its best. If you saw how garbage Masters players are compared to what is ‘good’…

Definition: having the qualities required for a particular role.

Synonyms: high quality, superior.

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Simple, that’s a more complex idea than the “bare minimum” that you’ve been advocating for the entire time.

Since bare minimum seems to have been your standard, then plat Reins, by definition, are “good”, or at least “good enough”.

Considering I say the bar for “good” is down in plat, then Masters play exceptionally well, and your 4400’s play amazingly well.

Doesn’t mean plat isn’t “just good”, they’re just not good enough for the literal highest tier of game play possible, which is fine. As I said, not being the best doesn’t make you bad.

Anyways, I’m done for the night. Have fun pruning over your rank my man, I’m sure someone out there might even respect you for it.

Again, I agree. But think of Overwatch like this: replace Overwatch with… soccer. Bronzes are the 3 year olds just playing the game, they have no idea about the intricacies, nor do they really care. GMs are the kids that just made the A team in their kids league. Would I call them ‘good’? No, because again they literally know JUST the basics. 4400s are like your university teams that start to get scouted, while Contenders/OWL have literally taken ‘good’ to another level. That is how little most people actually understand the game. Up till 4400 you’re still at the movie previews, you haven’t even started the movie yet you’re already standing up, clapping and saying how amazing it was.

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