What' s your key bind for melee?

Mouse 3/4/5.

Depends on the character.

scroll down. makes more sense on the mouse imo and I only have 2 side mouse buttons and that’s taken up by interact and push to talk.

Left-Alt, Spacebar, or Mouse 4/Mouse 5

I click my scroll wheel to melee.


I have either the side button on my mouse OR the mouse wheel/scroller.

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Mouse 4

Cause I have the same for D2 melee abilities XD

Bound mine to middle mouse

Mouse button 5 easier for me

Depends on the hero. For most with no weapon switching I put it on the scroll wheel. Usually the down press of the scroll wheel. Only problem with this is if a hero does switch weapons via the mouse wheel it can cause you to accidentally melee.

For those it’s usually one of the side buttons on the mouse. Oh and then there is Sigma I tend to put his on right click. Because the primary to melee combo is really useful to use with him in a quick fashion.

I ult by pressing my mouse scroll wheel, whatever it’s called (m3?). Or, in the case of my main (mercy), i ult with E and rez with the scroll wheel.

Mouse4 (the upper thumb mouse button).

You should put the most frequently used actions to the most comfortable keys. Which keys are the most comfortable is a personal preference.

Many pro players bind their movement so that they always have 4 dedicated fingers for the 4 movement keys. (I know a guy who has forward movement on a mouse button.) With the classic arrow keys and WASD you have only 1 finger for the forward and backwards movement keys. Not a big deal but in some cases it might matter.

Most right handed players use the widespread WASD for movement which is inferior to ESDF. With ESDF your hand is in natural typing position (pointing finger on F), thumb on the space and there are more utility keys available with the little finger. I use ESDF for movement, A and Q for jump/duck and space is my melee. Since melee isn’t the most often used action I might waste a very comfortable button with the space but this is what I’m used to. My middle mouse button is my “shift” and the thumb mouse buttons are my second ability and ult.

I read somewhere that WASD became widespread/standard because players started to copy the settings of some good players of early shooters like quake.

I was thinking about buying two pedal buttons because that way I could bind and use my voice chat and reload hotkeys without removing my fingers from other valuable actions. Currently my voice chat and reload keys are W and R so I have to sacrifice my “move left” or “move right” action for a short period to press one of them.

yeah, basically. there wasn’t really a standard until someone figured out wasd/esdf are the closest you can get to arrow keys on the keyboard. I remember my friend’s dad saying he uses REGA as his binds because he has arthritis.

mouse 5 for me… tho for ana mouse 5 is sleep dart, waaay easier to hit sleep dart if its bound to your mouse , monkeys jump is right click as well

Having crouch on r3 is useful in games where you can slide like cod and apex

Crouch in overwatch is rarely used compared to melee so it’s better to have melee on r3 which is way faster to press than circle

Your brain gets used to it i switch constantly between these games and its not a problem

Yeah this is a great button

F for melee.
Left ALT for crouch (for easier ADAD/crouch spamming)
The rest is default.

Rival 310’s M4 button.

M4. Got Death Adder that has two thumb buttons – one is put to talk, the other is to bash people in the face. Feels about right when I just mash both.

uhhh, i move with ASDX, S being forward, X being backwards, Q is the first ability- blinks, sleep darts which i also have bound to MB4, acknowledge is MB5, secondary ability is W & scroll wheel, V is crouch, G is ulti, and F is melee.

Why in the world would anyone be touching V with their thumb? Genuine question. My binds are so odd because I learned to type eons before I ever played a PC game, and I couldn’t play without my fingers lying on ASDF, and hold W to move feels so weird to me. But for V, just a tap with the pointer finger? a thumb though?? whaaaat