What' s your key bind for melee?

I have F as the melee but my friend suggests V is better as you can just take your thumb off space bar but I find F easier. What do you think?

PS4 player here. I have it binded to O, it’s way more comfortable for me than R3 which is now crouch. (Basically, I’ve switched crouch and melee).


So I can pay my respects.


I highly recommend a thumb button on your mouse, if you have one.


Mouse thumb button. Even basic mice should come with them now.


I’ve got it bound to Q on PC and B on Xbox.



I see this suggested alot, but I find it easier to be able to aim and melee at the same time

Just use claw grip 4head.


I have a touch screen so I punch the monitor.

I spent $2000.00 a week on this method do not recommend.



How do you ult ?

I use Q

F and thumb mouse button.

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V is just a reflex nowadays for me. And at the end of the day, that’s what it should be, just a button you’ll easily and instinctively push for the action and don’t have to think about. The exact one it is doesn’t necessarily matter.

That said I don’t really like binding F to anything I may have to press in the moment, just because I can’t really press F and D at the same time if I’m trying to move right while meleeing.


I have it as a thumb button on my mouse, but I am thinking of putting duck there instead.

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Most people have it on left click. Explains why there are so many bad dps players.

Mouse 3/Middle Mouse

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Mouse 4 for days.


I use V for melee. B, Q, E, and Z are my voice lines. U, Y, K, and L are my emote keys. Shift is my reload key, control is my crouch button. Numbers 1 through 5 are my “command” buttons (hello, join me, need healing, ult charge, thanks). All my character abilities are bound to the five buttons on my mouse.
I don’t know why I have some of my keys mapped the way I do.