What’s a question you’ve always wanted a dev to answer?

Do you regret making a competitive PvP game where in-match hero switching was supposed to be a mainstay of the game, while also trying to make suitable heroes for all skill levels?

If given the chance for a redo, would you make a game with locked hero selection and abilities that are more easily balanced against each other?

Why, despite the fact that the team at Blizzard is more than large enough to tackle such a task and despite every-present community demands, do we only get a slow trickle of lore that purely fills in past events rather than advancing the story forward?

When is “soon”?

twenty char

Why can’t you add a text system for console I just wanna be able to day gg or nice shot to the other team. It really honestly doesn’t take long for some it might be most people can say gg in less than a second

1st: Why are you responding to a 4-month old post?
2nd: Other DPS heroes can’t solo kill a tank hero, given the right circumstances(Pharah would kill Rein, but have a tough time against Orisa).

Tracer is the only one that can take on any tank and come out either with full health after Recalling or some health remaining after getting the kill. Other DPS have difficulty with tanks, and some that were “designed” or “reworked” to be tank busters just aren’t.

1st: I don’t look at post dates, I just saw this thread pop up on front page so I clicked on it and joined in the discussion
2nd: So you’re saying no DPS should be able to solo a tank and come out with HP left? I’m still perplexed at this idea. Tracer has the right kit to deal with slow tanks because she can zip around them and shoot them up then recall out of there. I don’t see why that’s ‘unfair’ somehow because other heroes aren’t as good at doing such a thing.