What role is Sombra supposed to fill?

I feel as if it’s become more and more confusing as time has gone by…

Initially Sombra was designed to be a low DPS flanker/disruptor with the ability to help make pushes easier and help the team during a battle by providing large amounts of crowd control and handicaps to the enemy.


  1. She has the intended playstyle of a generalist but is treated like- -and is, a specialist
  2. She’s unable to capitalize on her own abilities because of her low damage, this makes sense in theory because of her dependency on her team but she can’t even use her abilities to their fullest half the time
  3. right now 2 of her abilities (soon to be 3) are countered by simply taking damage which doesn’t fly well in a game where there’s a crap ton of splash, AOE, and poke damage flying everywhere

So what was Blizzard’s initial intent with Sombra? She’s not going to be a good character to play as or fight against by the looks of it. She needs serious buffs…


No role. “Be water my friend” - Bruce Lee


is supposed
to die.


Right now they’re really pushing for her to be an “infiltrator” with her infinite invis and translocator; but she was already filling that role wasnt she?

I’m not sure to be honest. I’ve always thought she was a very underestimated flanker. Put a good Sombra and a good Zenyatta together and you can delete almost anyone in the game.

I think the problem is that Blizzard just doesnt know what to do with her.

She’s one of those heroes that could very easily become OP just by the nature of her kit. She’s in that same boat with Genji, Bastion, and Widowmaker,


Sombra is filling the role of a pacifist


I have no idea :see_no_evil:

her name is Olivia, not Phil.


as of the ptr, sucky spectator cam


She fills the spaces in between the E and A

But look at genji, they give him some absurdly strong skills and damage without any handicaps. Blizzard needs to stop hamstringing Sombra. Giver her faster reloads and an auto reload on Translocate. Give her a 20 damage threshold on invis


Somebody put up a picture of Sombra on here with a security cam replacing her face. That’s her job! :joy:


Yeah it was already super easy to get in and out from behind an enemy team because of the speed. The infinite invisibility now that I’ve been playing with it quite a bit is nice, sure. But it doesn’t solve her problems. It’s just like the Ana QOL changes that have been slapped onto her over the past few months.

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Yessss that one it cracks me up!!! :joy_cat:

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Playable spectator camera


Sombra’s purpose is to pass the butter.

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I think her role is “offensive kneecapper”

She cripples the enemy to make it easier for teammates to get kills.

The layup.

There are two roles for DPS: Burst DPS and Pressure DPS. A hero that cannot do either will never be truly useful. Other qualifiers such as flanker, sniper, spammer, etc. are approaches to filling one of those two roles.

The only time Sombra has ever been part of the meta was when the healthpack ult charge allowed her to benefit from aggressively jumping in and out of the fight putting pressure on the enemy team until she got her ult.

It’s also why her hack and ult nerf basically doomfisted her into oblivion. By forcing her to be more careful and removing the reward of agressive just drop bullets in strategy, it basically destroyed her ability to put in pressure.

If the new changes allow her to play in a much more aggressive fashion she might be able to fill the role of pressure dps and become more viable. That said for any hero to be a viable pressure dps, Hanzo needs to be nerfed. Right now he is by far the best pressure dps and the second best burst dps in the game.

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Make her the boogyman?

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