What role is Sombra supposed to fill?

Yeah but she does the opposite because she, herself, is crippled by anything :slight_smile: effectively making most games a 5v6

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Sombra is crippled by damage because she is meant to work outside of combat. If you work well enough with Sombra, you’ll be able to pull off strategies you wouldn’t otherwise, because she works out of the battle. Try playing Sombra without shooting the entire match, and instead hacking healthpacks and targets, then running way. You’ll find out how to really play Sombra.

The things Sombra can do in terms of healthpack denial are effortlessly countered in her newest state, but of course she is an offensive character at the moment.

She shuts down the newest character in the game as well as other ability-reliant characters. Its all about being in the right place at the right time and then teleporting to the next right place at the right time.

Sombra’s “Low DPS” is higher than Pharah’s, Genji’s, Doomfist’s, Mei’s, and all of the Tanks and all of the Supports.

They should give her a bit more damage and make her a glass cannon.

She is a disruptor DPS, built to debilitate the enemy in order to create openings for her team.

In dive, the team with a Sombra is able to dive enemy tanks as well as squishies. She has a powerful engage tool with her EMP. She can also scout and coordinate dives better than Tracer.

Seems like someone needs more practice with Sombra……

backline assassin

annoyance (hacking can ruin some1s day if done right IE reaper cant fade away etc)

EMP is very good for setting up a reaper combo and other combos

id say shes dps / assassin overall

Her role? Disruptor or bait. You sneak into backline yell to Mercy ear “BEEN HERE ALL ALONG”. Then enemy team turn back to you and try to shoot you while your team attacks their back.
I play her more assasin style, hunting Widows chasing Zens and Mercies. I know it is wrong and sometimes I play her like Soldier 76 aka with team.

Disruptor and back line assassin.

Her main role is to open windows of opportunity for her team and assassinate fleeting enemies.

Y’all know Kagrenac is approximately 500sr above you, right?

Sombra is very versatile hero that could fill more roles yet she isn’t able to fill any of them.

Sightseeing and tour guide.

Sombra’s role is to make the enemy DPS feel good about themselves :smile:

Just kidding.

One of the devs said that they didn’t intend for Sombra to be a backline assassin, but that confuses me because they crafted her kit for exactly that, but pulled away at the last second. They didn’t give her the final piece – reliable burst damage. So she’s stuck between two niches at the moment.

Officially, Sombra is a disruptor – she’s meant to soften the enemy’s defenses so that your team can push more easily. She can also be an effective scout, as she can scope out the enemy’s defensive positions and strategies before your team even starts a push.

The problem is, is there real significance behind these roles? Would your team be fine sacrificing some extra intel with some raw damage? :thinking:

If I had a friendly Sombra tell me that the enemy’s far right side was exposed and a Teleporter would go unnoticed (First phase El Dorado far right wall), I’d very much enjoy sneaking in… Some kind of surprise burst damage team or an immobile bunker. Perhaps Sombra could throw a tele there, stealth to the left side to draw attention and translocate out when the real fight starts…

Moira / Zen with Roadhog / Orisa perhaps… Oh!

Sombra is a utility damage. Her damage is lessened because she can really help her team do things with her intelligence (Who, Location, Status, Ultimate, ETTK) and deny the enemy from doing things with her hacks. She pairs nicely with allies who are capable of capitalizing on her intelligence (damage dealing healers / tanks and mobile high DPS classes).

At this rate she’s just going to be there to decorate the hero select screen.

All of that is burst damage though. Sombra has consistent damage that can usually be healed through, not to mention most Sombras have accuracy around 38%.
So she would usually have 61 DPS

Not if they make Stealth permanent on the Hero select screen :thinking:

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offensive kneecapper? i think the term is fluffer.