You just said there was never a bad time to use her ultimate, and then immediately provided an example of a bad time to use Resurrect.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe using Resurrect is exactly what the flanker wanted Mercy to do?
“Helden sterben nicht!” acted as a greenlight for the enemy team to start using ultimates. If Mercy used Resurrect to stay alive, that just means that the enemy secured a kill on her and he entire team while simultaneously baiting Resurrect.
People act like getting 5 man rezzes was extremely common. Before they removed it, i had 70 hours on mercy and only got one ever, and that was only because they weren’t paying attention.
2mans and 3mans were much more common. If they felt it was too frequent they could have just nerfed the charge rate.
If they were afraid of hide and rez gameplay, they could have given her an ability to periodically make it safer to play in an engagement. (like valk)
But honestly, getting off those huge rezzes felt good, and it encouraged ult management from the enemy team.
The only issue was the lack of counterplay before the ultimate went off and there wasn’t really a way to shut down the Rez from happening and the lack of benefit to use Tempo Resurrects. That’s about it.
The others parts to her kit that needed adjustments was an E ability. Something she can do during a fight that keeps her engaged in what’s going on during the fight.
The GA momentum buff is also what she needed too. It gives her some self movement on her own but is reliant on her teammates.
You have. You just don’t think they are justified. Anyone who is part of this forum/community and has 667 posts, knows why mass rezz was annoying to experience on the other end. Sure the Mercy player feels like MVP, her team loves it, but the reality is and will always be that a mass rezz mechanic in an FPS team shooter was a bad idea from the start.
I will however agree that her rework has just made her kind of bland, boring to play.
How exactly is an ultimate being annoying for the opposing team a problem? What ultimate, when pulled of successfully, isn’t annoying to play against?
Except Overwatch is a FPS/MOBA hybrid and therefore, doesn’t have to follow any specific rules and can be unique. Also, I can easily say wall hacks, aimbot and insta-kill dragon don’t belong in the game.
oh you mean when it made mercy invincible and the only reason she wasnt overpowered was because the rest of her kit wasnt good. Not to mention even more hated by the community that didnt play/main mercy?
totally balanced (:
as much as i like you for being a mature competent person titanium.
Mercy was never balanced especially in rez.
I want mercy to be balanced and fun, but frankly, may as well keep dreaming long as she has rez.
If yall really want mercy to be fun again, good again, sacrifice resurrect, because they will never make mercy balanced and most definitely wont buff her again for a long time otherwise, if ever again as long as resurrect is in the game.
“The only reason she wasn’t overpowered was because the rest of her kit wasn’t good.”
That’s not exactly an insignificant reason… especially when you consider that she never broke past D-tier during this period.
That’s a tall statement for a community that actually didn’t seem to mind Resurrect all that much.
I mean if you look at the forums from that time period, you’ll find threads that complain about Resurrect getting as many or fewer upvotes than threads defending Resurrect… and that data is skewed, because players don’t often join the forums unless prompted to by something they don’t like.
You might have noticed that the backlash from the rework over a year later is still greater than the backlash against Resurrect’s state prior to the rework… And none of that pre-rework backlash was due to the fact that Resurrect truly was imbalanced; it was due to the fact that people were annoyed by it.
Actual balance issues tend to be recognized fairly quickly by the community, and Resurrect went a full season before the complaints even began. All of season 4 went by with virtually no complaints.
Except she was in season 4/5.
I’m not willing to needlessly sacrifice something because the developers refuse to learn from the past.
When I think of Mercy, there are three characteristics that I think of, in this order:
Guardian Angel and Mercy’s wings/mobility.
For me, a third of Mercy’s identity isn’t something I’m ready to negotiate when the solution is so painfully obvious.
her kit not being good, at least specifically her movement capabilities, is why she was not good in the beginning of dive until her rework.
oh ofc, the backlash is greater, im not saying the backlash of old rez was as bad as it is now or greater, but to say a large portion of the community was okay with rez is also a tall order, not to mention taking facts off of the forums is very skewed as you said.
she was underpowered overall due to how bad her kit was in the meta that was forming, overpowered ult.
if you are not willing to sacrifice one thing so the other 2 things can live, then i guess you can live with all 3 being bad. Your solution, from your thread, is not perfect, and you most likely have no idea how that would overall effect the game. You only think about it would specifically impact mercy.
and this is not ‘i would only say this about mercy’. if any single character had the track record of mercy, which even brig doesnt have, id say the same thing.
As I correctly assumed, you know all the reasons why the community don’t like mass rezz, you simply disregard them and have a come back for each and every one
Ultimately, (excuse the pun) it’s time to move on.
I didn’t exactly disregard them since I made a list of the ones I know of. The 2 you stated, one had already been covered and the other, I didn’t even know people complained about and wouldn’t consider it an issue myself since it’s already wrong.
It is overtime for the last push your team killed 5 enemys all of you near death and than the mercy flys in and resurrect all 5 all fully health and killed your team = you lost the round because of 11 vs 6
totally agree with you, though I love the challenge of ultimates so I don’t find them disheartening at all. mercys ult was supper easy to counter and everyone forgets that if you had a zenyatta or lucio back then, which I did play to exclusively counter her, you could use transcedance or sound barrier right after she rezzed, get some picks and win the team fight again. strategy 101 right there, it worked 90% of the time, the only time it didn’t work was if 1. their team was just better than mine, more coordinated, or usually both or 2. my teammataes didn’t follow up on my transcedance to kill the team. #2 never happened lol
At this point, I’m wondering why team B couldn’t use ultimates in the next fight. I mean, they didn’t need to use ultimates in the 6v5 because, it’s a 6v5 so they would have plenty of ultimates in the fight afterwards. Also, they have a positioning advantage
Forgot to add, no 6v11’s to be seen.
All of this is assuming that the Mercy hide. If not, then it’s your fault for not killing the Mercy along with her team.
Skill is still very much relevant. Otherwise, a lot of abilities and ultimates would’ve been reworked by now.
Then think to yourself, since from what you said, you sound like you’re in a low rank, is it a problem with the ultimate or your skill?
Lmfao, this is not the case in my rank. Also, you don’t have to single out the Mercy and just target her. That being said, if you know that she has a powerful ultimate that affects the dead, she should be a priority target. Not the last target.
There is really not a single ultimate ability that you can compare with Mercy 1.0 resurrect. Imagine, a Sombra EMP would immediately kill all the enemies in the area. That’s exactly what the Mercy 1.0 resurrect ultimate ability did.