What Rank Do You Think You Should Be?

I’m not trolling anyone. I’m asking legitimate questions and poking holes in your excuses. If you think a new icon will instantly make your partners better then you’re sadly mistaken. It takes about 200 SR into a rank for noticeable changes. If you’re so good and belong in Diamond how come actual diamonds can smurf there and win easily but not you? Answer: you’re not near diamond caliber.

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Next batch of snake oil you pick up, get me a couple of vials as well, thanks.

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Comp isn’t a death match.

High elims and damage take a backseat to the objective, target prioritization, counters, and figuring out and indicating what needs to be done to win the match.

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people have seen you in games and thought the same


The problem with this game, and all competitive games in general… Everyone gets a number, and either they’re ashamed of it OR they have to flaunt it in people’s faces. This is how stupid the concept is: You press buttons on a keyboard. Other people press buttons better. Your number means you press buttons better or worse than someone else.

There are only 2 truths: Buy lootboxes. Buy alt accounts. Serve your purpose XD

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Because MOST of them who “smurf” have skewed metadata BECAUSE they smurf.

One-tricking skews the metadata that the MMR/SR system uses to calculate SR. Having multiple accounts and playing 1 hero is not the way this game was designed. It was designed to evaluate a players OVERALL skill with all heros.

“I am a GM Mercy but I am a Diamond Tracer.”

If a player who is a GM Mercy played Tracer and lost, YEAH, they’d lose a chunk of SR. So yeah, it’s kind of unfair that people who play multiple heros on a single account suffer more than players who one-trick in a game that involves being flexible and changing heros should the need arise.

Top teir players are too damn rigid and stubborn so they resort to manipulating the system for a rank thats poorly calculated.

^^^THIS is the BS that is the cause of all the issues. People having multiple accounts does NOT give you skill. Most of the top 500 players barely put in any time and sit on a rank they do not deserve.

If you think you are at a certain rank, then you should be at that rank already.
Everybody meet smurfs, you are not an exception.
I’m not a one-trick, I can flex to multiple heroes, I can easily climb out of gold.

To be a top 500, you need to play at least 50 matches and continue playing to prevent decay. What make you think they don’t deserve that rank?


That’s not how Ana works. Ana’s accuracy numbers plummeted when they buffed her healing to pass through full-HP units. It can be difficult to tell if someone is topped off, so you’ll often fire a shot at them and watch it pass through completely. This is still preferable to not healing them at all.

I’ve been a hardstuck Master since season 5, I’ve just recently hit GM for first time.

I believe there is a small bit of an elo hell but it’s nothing like what people describe. You’ll always have bad games I.E. throwers/leavers but just because you lose those doesn’t mean you can’t climb.

It’s all in the head if you think you can’t climb, watch Pro streamers and learn what they do and why, had it not been for Kephrii and Emongg I most likely wouldn’t be in GM or even close to Masters.

Focus on improving yourself and just don’t care if you lose, tilting alone can mess you up, especially if you’re focusing on a teammate you think is doing bad.

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Probs like 3.2k or so. Past couple of season I’ve only done my placements. In those games I ALWAYS fill for what we need (usually main heals, sometimes a tank and rarely dps). I feel like if I actually played comp more and insta locked a certain role, then I could probs climb no problem. I also play on like a 5 year old laptop with LUL specs, so a decent setup could help as well.

About 2600 to 2800, the games below 2600 are a complete joke to me, I don’t even need to get out of 2nd gear if my team don’t throw, and 4th gear is more often than not good enough for a hard carry.

What I see most of the time is a Reaper will be on the enemy team and on fire most of the match because some people still do not understand that Reaper hard counters Roadhog and Winston. When someone is dying to that Reaper…every…time…they…jump…in…that’s just dumb.

Another scenario.

A Widow/hanzo keeps being focused by a Winston and doesn’t make a switch.

A Zarya who keeps launching her ult into Dva matrix 4 times in a match after being asked to WAIT FOR A COMBO!!

Reins who blatantly charge without warning into areas they can’t be seen by healers and die, then have the nerve to complain they weren’t being healed.

These are the common poor decisions and issues I see all the time that feed the enemy ults.

This isn’t just a matter of someone being better than me and I lose. I am fine with losing in an even match if the other team is slightly better.

The PROBLEM is people who are at 1750 who team up with someone who is 2640 and they queue together and that 1750 player plays poorly and feeds the enemy. That SR threshold needs to be severely tightened so that people cant boost lower skill players into ranked matches they do not belong in. That number needs to be +/- 250 SR for grouping in Comp. Anything more than that is completely excessive and skews the MM team average SR.

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Just had another match with people who dont know how to counter.

We had a Winston AND a Brig, yet NEITHER of them can deal with the Genji that is eating the hell out of our back line.

We also had a boosted 1300 Hanzo who seriously could not land shots.

This is why I have been stuck in Gold. because some people literally make the match harder than it needs to be with their ineptitude.

Barely Plat :laughing:

Probably around mid plat. (I’ve been 1 game away from it in 2 different seasons.)

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I think I am in bronze where I’m supposed to be. I am also getting over my fear of comp and not choking during games so I might climb a little but, honestly my games are fun, I stomp as much as I get stomped and lots of my games are exciting, fun, and settled in overtime.
I think the matchmaker is fine.


That has happened to be at least 5 times over the past maybe 6 seasons. Hate it when I get all the incompetent players the instant I really dont need them!!

Low to Mid Masters. I’ve been hovering around mid-diamond for the past few seasons since hitting and staying in masters not to long ago. I know my skills are good enough to play at that level consistently.

But due to work and not having the desire to play as often, I haven’t felt the need to grind back up to Masters. My hours on this game have dropped significantly from season to season.

Plat. I haven’t been in gold since season 7 and I was around 2900 last season.

I am a gm offtank plat support plat dps plat main tank :slight_smile: