Damnnnn. You are really caught up on the ways I debate and interact with people huh? This is like the third topic you’ve came out of left field and brought this up. It’s irrelevant to what is being discussed. I don’t want to derail topics just because due to some exchange we had you have some grudge and unresolved emotions when it comes to how I handle discussions. Alas, people have commented on what you said, so I feel I must represent myself.
That said, I don’t go out of my way for people. What is given to me, is what I give back. If someone is being difficult with me, then I will be difficult with them. That’s why I responded to Redwolf in the way I did, and you in that very same thread the way I did.
I’m interested in objective analysis of the situation, with consideration ofc to all sides etc. That’s not to say I’m a role model, or I will approach every single conversation in some sublimely civil way. That’s not the person I am. You can go through my post history and find tons of dismissive, condescending, trolly posts. You can also find a lot of very detailed, considerate, and constructive ones as well.
It takes work to be considerate. It’s easy to just be memey and trolly. That’s, fundamentally, a big part of what is being discussed in this thread. It’s easy to just attribute blame and animosity to say Mercy mains, it’s harder to sit down and try to remove yourself from the polarization and disregard the innumerable “THE SKY IS FALLING” posts that flooded the forum every time Mercy was nerfed.
TL;DR: It’s still cute you’re caught up on this I like how you even went to linking posts. You care. That’s good. I don’t. You can link all kinds of stuff that paints me as some scumbaggy hypocrite of a debater… I still won’t care. I will voice my opinion, do with it what you will. If it’s abrasive, maybe consider why I chose to be that way with you.
Much <3 friend.
Nah man. I’m down for discussing meaningful things. That’s cool. Thus why I responded to Redwolf the way I did in that one thread, you remember? Thus why I responded to RichC the way I did in this thread. Both were representing themselves in very open minded and considerate ways, so I responded in turn.
I’m not a big fan of nonsense though. Tbf, I considered everything you said up until the point you basically said all you care about is pick rate in GM/OWL. Then I wrote you off, as that’s just an inconsiderate and unhealthy position to view this game through. Shrug.
I’d happily debate myself many times over, infact, I do just that every day of my life. Nice try though.