What people need to understand is

Here is the thing, I don’t care what they do with Mercy, as long as they don’t go back to her old mass rez, because that’s what I call bad design as I already explained why.

I just want Mercy’s ult to be engaging, something that keeps her on her toe and helps her team other than make them run on the point and do intentionally bad plays to die close together.

Fight me!!!

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Louder for everyone in the back :clap: :clap:

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That’s reasonable, if they don’t go back I’d like for her ult to be more engaging too. Don’t really feel that with Valkyrie though. :slightly_frowning_face:

I feel Valkyrie works better as a push-initiator rather than as a something to save my team, and I’d really like to feel that rush of having been the one to do so.

Her valkyrie ultimate is good for both initiating fights and to save your team. I have no problems what so ever using it effectively in both ways, so why can’t you? maybe because you’Re just not as good with her as you believe you are.

This is exactly what I was talking about. People are like “Oh, she sucks now!”, and then a couple days later they realized that her new rez is actually still usable, you just have to stop being bad and don’t rez people in the open unless it’s safe. The enemy can clearly see you there and shoot you. Get behind cover or a shield, otherwise don’t take the chance cause it will get you killed, like many other newbies.

Mercy’s Valkyrie could need some changes, yes, but not because it’s a bad ult, but because it feels a little boring now without the speed buff and the two instant rez. Not trying to say that you said that her ultimate was bad as in not effective, but it’s what a lot of Mercy mains used to say after they took away her speed buff and all that stuff.

Mass rez was with no doubt a better and healthier design than valkirie, that’s why it replaced valkirie during game’s development, because Blizz recognized that valkirie was horrible design and mass rez, even with stationary mode, was better. It had problems, yes, and they were basically these:
1- No E ability, so all Mercy’s power was concentrated in her ult. That gave a false impression that mass rez was op, but indeed, once you learnt to deal with it, she had no mid game utility, so she was pretty bad in comparison with other supports.
2- Exploits, aka hide and rez. As every exploit in the game, we are talking about a bad habit from a minority of the playerbase, nothing else. That only required minor tweaks, never a revert back to the two worst designs in all Ow’s history.

Nobody has problems with it excepting the fact that it’s incredibly easy and boring (way more than Molten Core, which works similar, but is fun at least imo), removes all skill and weakness from Mercy and as you said in other words, you can use it whenever you want. However, it can’t save your team at all, and even less with 50 pathetic hp/s, just 3 more than Lucio’s amp it up, which is a normal ability.

Hide and rez is not quality Mercy game. Current rez is just hiding and rezzing, nothing else.

Valkirie removes all Mercy’s skill taken and all her weaknesses at the same time. Also, E rez is ridiculously powerful as an E ability, even being a quicksands simulator. Mercy will never be balanced until valk and E rez are entirely replaced not because of balance reasons, but because of design reasons. They are bad and need to go forever again, and this time, remain forgotten for good.

Mercy never needed an ez mode pro simulator nor a quicksands simulator. She is supposed to be a mobile consistent single target support. That’s her main strenght and her weakness. Valkirie destroyed that, and that’s why it has no place as her ult already. Rez needs to come back as her ult, no matter how. New iterations can be tried, and we have a great mass rez’s counter, in the odd case it returns as it was. His name is Hammond.

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I considered it very fun, actually making a good play equal the Genji’s ultimate, just without killing anyone, and it always made me happy, whether I resed 4 people, or just 1-2.

Considering the changes to the report system now, you CAN report a Mercy for throwing if she hid with mass res. I think all Blizzard could have done was fix the reporting feature to prevent these Mercy’s instead of changing her to the point I don’t even recognize her.

(You should be able to report a hiding Mercy with mass res, for throwing. If they abused the system gameplay sabotage/cheating.)
Today’s reporting system could have fixed all of these issues.

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Yeah, report people that try to be efficent with their ultimate. Sounds like a perfect solution.

They handled it the right way by getting rid of it and trying something new. Valkyrie is better than what mass rez used to be. Is it the perfect ultimate for her? probably not. But mass rez was certainly not the right choice either for a game like Overwatch.

Get over it already, mass rez is dead for good. Nobody but you Mercy fanatics want it back cause you can’t handle her Valkyrie ultimate. It’s just too complicated for you guys which is why you keep talking crap about it.

Instead of trying to make Valkyrie better or come up with a new ultimate that doesn’t involve MASS REZ, all you do is cry for a revert. smh

Can you get your point across without being so divisive? It comes off as really immature bro.

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Just as immature as the Mercy mains are with their #RevertMercy crap that they spilled around in the forums.

But I’m not going to continue to argue in this rotten thread with the likes of you anymore, cause it’s pointless. Always has been, and always will be. Keep clinging onto your mass rez which is bound to remain under its well deserved grave.


I do like how Hammond’s ult kills allies. You know, it would be a nice counter to a certain other ultimate that was…mm…ripped away, yes?

That aside, Valk doesn’t really have much of an impact on PTR as I was holding hope out for. Her healing is still ok. Allies just die a lot quicker…

But eh, what do I know. I just come here to look at people arguing about stuff and inject my own cents into the piggybank.

I see both sides I guess, I just wish they’d be more responsive and less secretive about their ideas and intentions.

shrug Like I said, I might not have any clue what I’m saying. It’s just my thoughts.

I’m sorry?

Since when has flying around the map been complicated ever? Pharah exists and is still brain dead. Mercy gets to fly and do what she already does just slightly better and in an easy mode version. How is that in ANY WAY complicated?

I’ve actually given plenty of ideas that had nothing to do with mass res, like an ability of res that got earned by a certain amount of healing, and possibly even stack up to 3 reses. OR even something like Symmetra’s turrets, where she had a certain amount of reses that she could use, but they still have a 30 second cooldown, Valk would be able to add ONE charge to it, but that’s it. I’ve even said instead of res, give her a CLEANSE of some sort (something that removes Ana healing debuff, and Widow mine).

Efficient? You literally say you’re tired of Mercies hiding, so why not report them? They are ruining your game, they are not doing their job. They are also technically cheating, abusing the system.

Valkyrie was never a good choice, they have tried it during/before beta, and decided it didn’t belong in this game, as they also had said with cast-time res. But guess what? Both of them exist today in Overwatch.

I didn’t want to post here anymore, but I can’t help my ego, so here we go again. I will try to be more nice this time around tho, since I admit that I was a little harsh in my last posts.

First off: I wasn’t talking about Mercy herself being complicated, she’s the easiest hero in the entire game. I was talking about the fact that most Mercy mains are just used to being lazy and not do anything other than hold left click and press Q. Valkyrie is asking them to move around and be cautious, to watch their positioning else they could get sniped out of the sky. Or to get aggressive to kill off their widow which is what I tend to do in Valkyrie if I see a widow nearby. There is a lot more strategy, movement and skill involved with Valkyrie than there will ever be with Mass Rez or any kind of ultimate that does nothing other than rez people by simply pushing a button.

2nd: No, just no. There is a REASON as to why the devs toned her rez down with her 2.0 rework. Rez in a game like Overwatch has too big of an impact. It shouldn’t even be in the game period. But if they were to take out rez now completely, obviously people are going to cry, so they won’t do that. At least I doubt that they will ever remove rez completely from her. But that’s just my opinion about rez in a whole in this game in general.

3rd: It’s efficent to try to get the most value out of something in any kind of game. And I didn’t say that to support the old Mass Rez in any way. But you can’t report someone who is just trying to be effective with his hero. You might as well report someome for being bad at the game at that point. And it’s not like they’re not doing their job when they did the whole hide & rez thing. People who practiced it and got good with it won games just because of it. I’ve watched some people stream and pull those off and win fights with it, so there was merit to it. It’s just the fact that it requires your teammates to die all closely together, thus they needed to be told that when Mercy was getting ready for her huge Mass Rez. AND THAT is what the problem with Mass Rez was, the whole “Die on point, I have rez” thing. Nothing would have stopped people from doing this because the ultimate allowed them to do these things. Thus getting rid of it was the best action they could have done.

4thf: Well, that’s your opinion. I don’t share it, but I know I won’t be able to change your or any Mercy mains mind with what I’m saying. Which is totally fine. I don’t expect you to love and adore her Valkyrie ultimate. But I have no sympathy for the Mercy mains that demand Mass Rez to be back in its old glory, which is what they tried to convey for the longest time, and still do… some of them. Thus, as I said in a previous post, they deserve all the hate they get. No heart feelings from my side. They had it coming for them.

Agreed. That’s why I’ve given up this toxic game.

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If there was one feature I could bring back from the old forums it would be to ignore/hide specific forum users.

(Can’t believe I read all of that) Might be late to the party, but I fell the need to say: Thank you for posting this. I think that, at least on a way, this is a bit like how console players fell when they say “Blizzard don’t care about consoles”. Hell, today’s update came 30 minutes later to PS4. Mercy was one of the heroes I most looked forward to play with when I brought the game. Never had even studied the meta and it got me bugged on “why the people that play the medic on this game recieve so much hate”. Now I’m quite bored of playing her just because whenever I have my ult ready I’m just like “meh, now i can fly and pray that my teammates don’t die, I guess” doesn’t fell anything like the Ult Rez. There’s so many ways that Blizzard could balance that Ult, a lot of them in that thread, so sad that they simply decide to ignore them. Now with the new update, let’s make some predictions: Ana will still be underhelming, Lúcio and Moira are going to probably stay in the same spot… And Mercy will still be the best support, but in an even more boring way just so that 2 weeks from the new update the same people saying “Stop crying, now’s she’s balanced” to say that she’s OP and needs another nerf.

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Not just ignore them, but not even let us have the opportunity to test them out on the ptr. This harkens back to a previous criticism that I have where the PTR isn’t really used to test the game, but simply a glorified bug hunter that Blizzard uses to take advantage of their more loyal fans.

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Damnnnn. You are really caught up on the ways I debate and interact with people huh? This is like the third topic you’ve came out of left field and brought this up. It’s irrelevant to what is being discussed. I don’t want to derail topics just because due to some exchange we had you have some grudge and unresolved emotions when it comes to how I handle discussions. Alas, people have commented on what you said, so I feel I must represent myself.

That said, I don’t go out of my way for people. What is given to me, is what I give back. If someone is being difficult with me, then I will be difficult with them. That’s why I responded to Redwolf in the way I did, and you in that very same thread the way I did.

I’m interested in objective analysis of the situation, with consideration ofc to all sides etc. That’s not to say I’m a role model, or I will approach every single conversation in some sublimely civil way. That’s not the person I am. You can go through my post history and find tons of dismissive, condescending, trolly posts. You can also find a lot of very detailed, considerate, and constructive ones as well.

It takes work to be considerate. It’s easy to just be memey and trolly. That’s, fundamentally, a big part of what is being discussed in this thread. It’s easy to just attribute blame and animosity to say Mercy mains, it’s harder to sit down and try to remove yourself from the polarization and disregard the innumerable “THE SKY IS FALLING” posts that flooded the forum every time Mercy was nerfed.

TL;DR: It’s still cute you’re caught up on this :wink: I like how you even went to linking posts. You care. That’s good. I don’t. You can link all kinds of stuff that paints me as some scumbaggy hypocrite of a debater… I still won’t care. I will voice my opinion, do with it what you will. If it’s abrasive, maybe consider why I chose to be that way with you.

Much <3 friend.


Nah man. I’m down for discussing meaningful things. That’s cool. Thus why I responded to Redwolf the way I did in that one thread, you remember? Thus why I responded to RichC the way I did in this thread. Both were representing themselves in very open minded and considerate ways, so I responded in turn.

I’m not a big fan of nonsense though. Tbf, I considered everything you said up until the point you basically said all you care about is pick rate in GM/OWL. Then I wrote you off, as that’s just an inconsiderate and unhealthy position to view this game through. Shrug.

I’d happily debate myself many times over, infact, I do just that every day of my life. Nice try though.

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