Sure I do have some good stuff but I warn you some of those threads are VERY long.
Some of you might have seen this coming…
I’m making this post to spell out exactly what I hate about the current iteration of Mercy, being a former Mercy main. Technically, this is part three of this thread, but because it is the first version of this thread on the new forums, I conveniently decided not to add that to the title for maximum clickbaitiness (that’s a word now). For those of you who did not see the two previous threads when they were on the old forums, here they are:
Is Mercy overpowered? The short answer to this is “probably”.
I’m not one for half-measures, so I’m giving you a longer answer as well. Let’s head over to Overbuff to check out Mercy’s statistics.
Starting simple, Mercy’s overall competitive pickrate for this month is 11.08%. What does that mean? Nothing. Statistics without context or precision don’t indicate anything.
To throw in some context, Mercy’s competitive pickrate before her latest nerf in was around 15%. You can see this by looking …
TL;DR - If you can’t be bothered digging in and reading this maybe you shouldn’t bother discussing either…
I’m not going to bore you with explaining what we already know - something is rotten with the state of supports. And this can mostly be traced back to Mercy’s rework as it removed Mercy’s weaknesses and compensated the loss of a beloved (by some at least) ultimate with sheer power and versatility. Not everything about the rework is disliked; some really like Valkyrie and find it a l…
Why didn’t the dev team try to make Resurrect as an ultimate work differently similar to how McCree Deadeye works?
It should’ve been everything that McCree can do except the opposite.
So instead of Mercy being able to Resurrect allies 70M away and being slowed heavily. Mercy is able to lock onto allies who are in sight of her and are 20M away. Mercy isnt penalized with a movement speed slow so she is able to move freely through the battlefield! Mercy will not be put in an animation so she is a…
Resurrect Mercy or Valkyrie Mercy…
The community seems to be very divided by the choice, which one would be better for the overall health of the game.
In one thread i see many say that Mass Res should stay far away from the game, but on other threads the opinion that Resurrect Mercy should return is seen as the, for Overwatch as a game, healthiest option by a lot of users.
Even after that long time, the revert is still discussed a lot, hated a lot, liked a lot and it seems like no…
Have fun reading as much as you want. I just hope they are complete and not destroyed from the merging. There are other users with good ideas and all which write a lot of constructive stuff like Lithy and WildElements. Sadly they made no threads and just comment on them.
We have quite a lot of people who want Mercy fixed and not OPAF in any way. We are fine with making compromisses and try to adjust our ideas as much as possible. We also try to come up with new stuff but it gets mostly ignored and I cant blame anyone at this point for getting damn tired about it.
Edit: Thanks to Titanium, Macster, Quizzybunny and Brawl for being awesome and making good threads.