What people need to understand is


Finally someone else says it.

You are right but to me it does look like they are using Mercy as a punching bag more and more. The nerfs get more and more desperate the further we go and still nothing helps.

We had quite a few of those megavoids already and people are tired of repeating their stuff over and over again. These megathreads wont help with anything anymore since its mostly tons of merged threads and some weird offtopic discussion inbetween.


Nah they aren’t even trying to glue the pieces together, I don’t believe it personally at all. They are stubbornly and childishly clinging onto a rework that was called a failure nearly a year ago.

And even a year later they are making abysmal changes that change nothing of the problem (their free unearned undeserved revive on a free unearned cooldown) and are breaking her for it.

There are alot of great and well thought out rework ideas that cater to both sides. Yet they get swamped with threads and threads of utter nonsense. Even a joke thread was merged. I do think they should be working on listening to community feedback a little more.

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I didn’t realize it is actually merged with those locked threads, maybe that’s why. I always think they are just locked.

But again the truly helpful ones are sunk to the bottom. It’s a shame that they are buried with the unrelated stuff.

By the way, do you, or anyone that’s reading this, have some saved up links of the good arguments and suggestions out there? I’d like to read them.

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Sure I do have some good stuff but I warn you some of those threads are VERY long.

Have fun reading as much as you want. I just hope they are complete and not destroyed from the merging. There are other users with good ideas and all which write a lot of constructive stuff like Lithy and WildElements. Sadly they made no threads and just comment on them.
We have quite a lot of people who want Mercy fixed and not OPAF in any way. We are fine with making compromisses and try to adjust our ideas as much as possible. We also try to come up with new stuff but it gets mostly ignored and I cant blame anyone at this point for getting damn tired about it.

Edit: Thanks to Titanium, Macster, Quizzybunny and Brawl for being awesome and making good threads.


But why listen to the rest of the community when you can just turn to the pros? /s
They didn’t even get the Hanzo nerf right. If they would have looked at what the community had been saying, they would have looked ar Hanzo’s ult charge. But instead they gave him a slap on the wrist and proceeded to nerf Zarya and Mercy.

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I’ve become so fed up with the balance team and their philosophy for balance. They need to just admit that they don’t know what they’re doing and man up. At its core is Goodman. Fired off of HotS for a reason and it’s become a better game since then. Imagine what it could be like for Overwatch!

I’ve become so fed up with the devs and the forums. Our attempt to give “feedback” isn’t even worth trying anymore. They don’t listen. Look at Sombra and what they’re doing to her. Everyone and their mother begged the changes to not go live, but look what happened. Most responses we get from devs is to either shut down a post because it’s “not constructive” or they’re too embarrassed to say they don’t like the things we say about them, and monthly updates.

I’ve become so fed up with the amount of lore we get. It’s been almost a year since the last cinematic. Comics aren’t even being produced as far as I know. Blah blah blah it takes a long time to make one. You know what else takes a long time? Fixing this broken game!

I’ve become so fed up with the state of the game. Overwatch has quickly become one of my all time favorite games. I hate to see it suffering like this and watching the devs just laughing at it.


did this thread get knocked off the forums top topics page or is it just me

Most ironic part about new mercy is that it never killed the “hide and ress” they sought to remove with the removal of mass ress.

In fact, you’re hiding now more than ever before since ressing itself is so clunky and leaves you completely open. But nobody complains about this feature of needing to hide to ress one person, which I find amusing.

The only thing I personally like about new mercy is the bunny hop that I’ve found extremely enjoyable to use and it helps mercy’s survival so much. So I’m not sure if I’d want this rework to never have happened because I love the new mobility mechanics far too much to let them go. And I’ve not even mastered her mobility, like bunny hopping backwards to upper ledge which actually seems difficult to do.

Unfortunately Blizz is going to kill all that enjoyment from flexing for the team on qp and destroy her soloheal potential completely, so those 80% games where I solohealed as mercy yesterday are going to be lost games. Ana nor Moira won’t be able to make up for their lack of mobility/range when solohealing, especially QP groups where nobody groups up, people overextend, people spread out…

You won’t get more games where you soloheal 5 dps with mercy, 55% team damage taken, only one death and Hanzo got the potg with his fast dragon because of your damage boost helped him to charge his ulti that quick and he got sufficient pocket so he did not die during ulti either. Not with the healing nerf.

And that’s the aspect of mercy I’m sorely going to miss, simply because devs find themselves incapable of balancing Mercy. I would not like so much value on resurrection but they keep putting more and more value in that “thing that gets me most easily killed” via nerfing healing and other indirect changes like buffing ohko characters that it really diminishes the value of her core kit when they favour resurrection more.

Quickplay will probably be dead to most players who happen to also play mercy. Which is also a mode most of the playerbase plays as opposed to comp. You won’t be getting secondary supports in that mode, but solohealing as mercy will cease to be. I’m sure some vindictive ana mains rejoice that finally the witch is dead, but my own future prospects for this game look dim.


Did you ever see that video of XQC calling a Mercy player a “soapbox” because instead of hiding for rezz they actually tried to support their team?

That’s why Mercy was reworked. Because it wasn’t just streamers doing that, it was EVERYBODY and it was annoying as hell. I’d rather Rezz be deleted from the game then ever have to go back to that.


Problem is, this is what Quest does.

Quest has specifically told me and other people he’s debated with that he has no interest in actually having a fair discussion with what someone says and, in fact, has proudly claimed to have “manipulated” what an opponent has said to cherry pick their argument rather than respond to their actual points.

Let me quote the man himself:

And also:

Quest claims he hates having his opinions dismissed in a discussion, but his entire debate tactic is to dismiss his opponent’s opinion, cherrypick what they say, and try to use it as ammo for the next debate.

He’s EXACTLY the type of debater he claims to hate.

I honestly thought that they were talking about me, and when I saw the discussion it made me anxious. I liked their post to show that I agreed with all of their other points, but my response was kind of weak… It still felt like they didn’t understand, though. >.>
I am curious, though… Which topics did you get these from? The quotes don’t seem to say who wrote them or where they were from, so I just wanted to make sure.

It comes from these posts:

Like, you’re free to agree or disagree with his positions. But he debates like a scumbag.

Ah, thank you! I’m personally just someone who needs solid proof before I’ll believe that someone is like that. I do agree that that’s a scummy way to handle things.

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Well those were interesting reads.

Most people were just spamming “RevertMercy” threads at the time. Nowadays that might have changed, not too surprising considering how much flag they got for their spams and how they wanted to force a revert from the devs and not care about the people that actually liked the new rework with Valkyrie.

Mass rez was just giving people the habit of hiding behind walls for fat rezes. A lot of streamers did that, thus more people started to mimic it. Could they have handled it differently? sure, probably. But I liked the Valkyrie rework and found it way more engaging then just pressing Q and PUFF~ people are back to life.

Again, back then a lot of the Mercy mains in this forum used to be so obnoxious with their “RevertMercy” propaganda that it has marked them as an annoying fanbase. And now either the senseable Mercy mains are only left, or some of the old Mercy mains started to come to sense and realized that spaming “RevertMercy” everywhere isn’t going to fly with the rest of the community, let alone fly with the devs and change their mind.

Also, this is unrelated to you oceanman so don’t bother reading this, but what the heck did I write that some SJW mod had to edit my post? did the dreaded “stupid” word slip my tongue again or something? or what was the problem this time? I’m honestly so annoyed of how this forum got turned into a kindergarten place. Sigh

I honestly don’t care, just like how those Mercy mains didn’t care about the people that actually liked the new rework of her and wanted it to stay, but nope! they wanted it to be reverted. They were trying to force the devs by spaming it everyday and almost every hour in the forums with their RevertMercy nonsense. Makes you kind of think, doesn’t it?

If you weren’t there when the Mercy mains were losing their feces (better mods? am I allowed to say feces? …) over their beloved Mercy after her rework, you have no idea of what I am even on about.

They did it to themselfs. I tried to reason with them every now and then, but they were just too stubborn.

You are still talking about hating on them. You should never hate on anyone period, regardless of reasons, especially for something as silly as a bloody video game.

We’ve all be exposed to stupid [expletive] on these forums, I would never say they deserve hate and harassment regardless.


Jesus christ, you are pretty annoying with how hard you are trying to be a super nice person. Sorry, but I was being a nice guy myself a lot back in the days, but the amount of bad people that roam around the internet nowadays makes it near impossible to be nice to anyone anymore, unless it’s a close friend.

Keep living in your little bubble, in your happy world.