What now? How long until Overwatch 2?

At the earliest end of November, but more realistic timetable, especially with COVID delaying things, is Q1 2021. They are certainly going to want it to be a launch window title for the new consoles.

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They are NOT releasing Overwatch 2 on Next Gen consoles any time soon! They are releasing Overwatch 2 on current gen consoles and knowing Blizzard, PS5 and Xbox Series X releases wont happen til 2022 or 2023.

EZ solution: move Tracer to tank category! Clearly she is the tankiest DPS in the game.

OW2 is not that far away, according to rumors. Which makes sense, as not releasing any new Overwatch content for over a year would be devastating. Just look at how many players jumped ship when Valorant went into beta. Most likely OW2 will go into beta at the end of the year, and release early next year.

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I feel like OW2 is a 2022 release

Regardless, I hope it’s not rushed

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How about:


  • Off Tanks and Winston = 1sec less on a cooldown
  • Orisa/Sigma = 350hp, Stronger barrier, 14% more firepower, weaker fortify/grasp
  • Rein = 400hp, Stronger barrier, 7% more firepower, 14% more barriered mobility
  • Mei = Tank, 350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall
    • So she can’t Peel for DoubleBarrier.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks


End of 2021 I would imagine.

That would make no sense from a business perspective so its not going to happen.

When the game comes out it WILL be on next gen consoles, because its a win-win for both Overwatch and the consoles. When OW2 comes out, whether its the end of this year or early next, it will probably be a dual console release that way they can move the console community forward and have them playing OW2 on the next generation of consoles.

It just makes zero sense for it to be anything else.

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Tell that to Jeff and this video.

I would imagine fall of 2021 if it’s not too delayed by the whole epidemic. Remember Blizzard is based in California and it’s one of the harder hit area’s. Not to mention has some seriously crazy politicians running things…

But way I look at it it was about 9 months from when OW 2 was announced till Echo came out. She was supposed to be the last hero released before OW 2. Assuming she was released some where around half way between the announcement and release of the game it would put it about 9 more months from then.

Or Year and half from the announcement date.

Since you mentioned Valorant, I find it pretty funny that their twitch viewership has dropped dramatically (right now it’s 60k). The hype has died and now Riot is rushing the launch lul.

Smart move on their part.

That video says NOTHING about it not being on the new consoles. You are assuming something based on the video, and I get why you would make that mistake, but for dual releases this happens a lot. This is one of those things that if you have dealt with announcements like this before it would make more sense, but that video had nothing to do with whether it would or would not be on new consoles.

The purpose of that was to announce that everywhere you could play OW1 you can play OW2. The new consoles, which again OW2 will 100% be on, had nothing to do with that announcement.

Well rather you like it or not, its going on current gen consoles.

Yes on current AND next gen which is not uncommon around the release time of new consoles

I SAID THAT, MAN! XD What do you mean!?

You said it would not release on next gen consoles for like 2 years when it will release on those consoles at the same time as on the previous gen consoles. Its going to do the very common “current and previous gen” thing that games do around this time.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, it won’t have much substance since OW1 will have simule updates but it will STILL be a rushed product

Well ok then. Let’s see what happens if a OW2 trailer pops in at Summer Game Fest

No way, they have been working on it since 2017