What now for Orisa?

A main tank who has the joint lowest hp out of all 7 tanks.
Armour nerf , fan the hammer and reaper buff, her head and body hitboxes are already massive.

She was never part of the recent meta and now tanks have been nerfed because of it.

Maybe they could buff her hp up to 450/500 to match Reinhardt and Winston.

Maybe they could buff fortify to make it prevent head shots. She can’t be headshot for 4 seconds.

Just my opinion :slight_smile:


Hell yeah.

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Now when she fortifies her head clips into her body for the duration of fortify. Then it pops up.

This is to add realism, of course.


Tanks are screwed. All in the name of balance. Go figure.


Damn you made me actually want it just for this specific visual

I need it now


she have shield and the longest range in tanks still , she will be better than dva but that is it.
tanking in next patch will be harder especially rein

“In the name of balance, we’re further ruining balance!”

You what.

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Not my tanks, they’re coming out of this patch stronger.

First time I’ve wanted to tank for a long time.

Playing tank has already been unfun for a lot of people and these changes will make it worse.


The thing is, this change has made some heroes that are already really weak a bit stronger, and that includes Orisa. She’s gonna be melting armour, whilst Rein and Winston didn’t get a buff.

Due to the armour-fortify interaction, she can actually minimise the changes on herself.

Also, I might add, that Reaper is easily countered by Orisa and will continue to be so. Same with Roadhog and Torbjorn, the other shotgun heroes.

I was actually agreeing with you. The way they’re doing things…

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Long day at work.

The issue is the difference between the supply and demand of tank players.

Currently we’re in a 3 tank meta, and getting half your team to play tank is unrealistic. Making tanks weaker May lower the supply of people willing to play tanks, but it’d also lower the demand for tanks, which will probably be more impactful.

I love playing Orisa and Wrecking Ball as my Tanks. This patch puts them in huge jeopardy. I guess it’s time to become an Ashe/Mei main.


It’s hard to understand sarcasm in text form. I simply wasn’t clear enough, my apologies.

Have a nice remaning of the day ´ - `

Only if it’s called Turtle Mode.

”Turtle Mode activated”

”Turtling Defenses”

”Engaging Turtle Mode”

The only tanks that are stronger after this are Zarya and Hog, but mostly Zarya. She was already pretty strong before. All other tanks were nerfed.

I would like it if they split Fortify into two charges with each charge lasting 2 seconds on a 5 second cooldown.

Orisa gains 24 dps against armor, but she loses potentially the same health.

Overall, I consider her weaker after this. She needs a buff.

How is Hog better, his damage is exactly the same.