What now for Orisa?

Only by virtue of the fact that D.Va is worse and he didn’t get nerfed like most other tanks.

Orisa’s better against armor and can’t take hits outside of fortify anyway so what’s an armor nerf?

Especially since she’s going to be better against Reinhardt.

This is also huge for Winston. Sure, what little armor he has is worse in some scenarios, but all the armor on everyone else has been killing him since season 10.

Hammond is probably going to see more play as well. He doesn’t really use armor to block damage and the high cc comps that have been keeping him irrelevant since his launch are nerfed by the armor changes.

It’s bad for Zarya though, since less Rein usually means less of her too.

She only loses that health to specific heroes, none of which are particularly good against her even now. Meanwhile her competition, Reinhardt, gets no benefits and is hurt more by it.

This is good for Orisa’s viability.

No worries. Being misunderstood is the story of my life. Good day to you sir.

tips hat

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Orisa is my #2 character. I would end up playing her much more often whenever I’d play QP cause no random wants to tank. And I actually started having lots of fun with her.

Now I worry that with the current list of changes she’ll just get run over even more now.


Agreed. This change discourages me from wanting to tank ://


She is possible the worst affected. Dead

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This patch is going to make her Roadkill and plus come with the toxic community that false reports players playing heroes they don’t like and think are bad because of their personal bias. Her future is not bright sadly.


The armor still worked during fortify, so she still suffers from the nerf.

He only gets nerfed though. Even against this weakened armor his damage is such that it still gets cut in half. This doesn’t help him at all.

Probably not. He also only gets nerfed. The changes affect his survivability without giving him a DPS buff against armor because of his damage per bullet.

Reinhardt isn’t going anywhere. He’s by far still the best main tank. Him, Zarya, and Orisa are also the only tanks who get a DPS increase against armor too.

? He’s one of the shotgun using heroes that got their damage heavily reduced by armor. His effective damage per shot just went way up.

He does gain a measly 2 damage per swing from it. But he doesn’t lose anything more than her. They have the same armor.

She is already weak. This doesn’t change anything. Reinhardt still out classes her and if tanks are played at all, it won’t be Orisa.

He already does 6 damage per pellet meaning his damage is still reduced by half.

Sadly, it didn’t. His damage per shot is too low. It’s still cut by 50%.

Well in reallity all you need to do is to get close to Orisa and shoot her in her massive hitbox. Not that hard if you use proper flank or hero with mobility. I wonder if devs were even considering how it will affect her when they came up with those changes.

Actually I looked into it, and yeah, you’re right. Literally nothing changed about hog, and the supposed buff to reaper is way smaller than I thought.

They literally pointed out shotguns for the buff and it barely does anything to them…

Torb shotgun does 20 more damage now and Sombra also does the same.

So…SOMBRA BUFF? Now that’s cause for celebration for me!

I’m surprised no one has brought it up yet.

Barely. I would not be surprised if she’s stronger now because now she’s better against armor.

Not directly, it’s the meta shift though. His teammates will be better against armor and overall it will be less common. That’s a big buff for Winston, worth getting his own armor nerfed for.

Something to keep in mind btw, this isn’t a huge nerf for armor. Nobody was even using pellets or rifles because they’re (they were? Ptr always makes that part of grammar confusing) useless, but even with all this burst damage flying around, we were still in a tank meta. The armor nerf just makes the substance less overwhelming for those most effected by it.
Anyway, back to the tanks.

Hammond mostly uses his adaptive shield to really tank so armor nerfs don’t hit him that hard, besides shotguns. He benefits the same way Winston does, the armor nerfs discourage the kind of meta thats been making him useless.

I dunno, if Brig is as useless as they say than she probably won’t be able to prop him up anymore. Then it just becomes season 9 again, except deathball sees more play because of buffs to a lot of its members like Lucio, Ana, Hanzo, Reaper, and Mei; but not Reinhardt.

orisa’s not really affected by these changes

reinhardt, d.va, and brigitte are hurt from the armor changes more than other heroes, and a nerf to goats is a buff to orisa