What makes you unique on the forums?


That's fake. That's not an emoji.

NVM… How. You must teach me!

The secret is in the [ brackets

Delete this so Hulk doesn’t see

We can’t get nerfed again

A new meta strategy has arisen it seems. 

 Now onto the topic. I am well known for having what I suppose some people might call rather controversial opinions and some have even gone so far as to call me a troll. I would say that I am someone who does not shrink from telling the truth about things or Believing authority without questioning them.

I am known for strongly advocating against forced rq and competitive classic and fiercely arguing my opinions.

I am also known for being sceptical of the efficacy of masks and I refuse to be compelled to wear them.

You clearly don’t know the truth… But you soon will

[✅] EASY way to encourage role diversity - #18 by ƕlĸ-2818

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You stole that colored text from me.

Then go play open queue.

Well, now they can’t clickbait anymore

I didn't have the option for the past year unfortunately however it seems that blizzard are indeed listening to our feedback so I can only be extremely grateful to them

:eyes: being a super Moira & Reaper stan

like just typing this excites me :sob: :star_struck:


I guess coming up with weird topics that don’t have to do with game mechanics?

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:arrow_backward:this profile photo?

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There’s also two other people called [adjective]Dragon that I sometimes see. One of them is quite nice, but the other one is so ridiculously toxic that I IGNORE them. I know, pretty bad.

I pull out that wildcard baby

I don’t see cultist icon around that often.

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Being a Bastion main. We are a rare breed of Overwatchers.


Probably recognized for my occasional skin edits…


I don’t believe I have anything that makes me stand out here :confused:.

You’re friendly, if that counts

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Thank you very much :flushed:. But I have my days where I am snarky. And you are friendly, too. There are many others.

At least you stand out by caring so much about Bastion and being happy about any little attention he gets (cosmetics, buffs…).

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