[✅] EASY way to encourage role diversity

So by rank then?

Sure, I could support that.

I was just worried that if it was across all ranks, otherwise you would force the higher ranks to PLAY goats if they wanted their coins.

Which isn’t what you were after.

Yep by rank :stuck_out_tongue:

The reward would need to be higher for higher ranks. Maybe 50-100 coins

Honestly, there is no amount of coins you could give me to make me tank or support anymore.

I’m in mid… and I’m pretty sure the upper ranked players would be like that.

If there was a skin I really wanted I would be inclined to do it heh.

Usually around event times

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I never took you for the mercenary type.

It would lead to some pretty funny spawn room conversations.

“Ok, goats goats goats… Goats if we want to win”

No way man, I am after that sweet new skin… I’m taking Torb.


Lol well they still have to win to get the coins

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You would hope so :slight_smile:

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Wasn’t the point of OQ to suck up a bunch of dps players and force them to suck it up and flex to win?

Let me guess: you just found out about the emote on title because of my thread?
You even deleted your reply there.
No problem then.

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Yeah lol do you know where we can get more coloured characters like that? That’s what I posted to ask you.
But yeah credit to you for finding that heh heh. (Or was it GreyFalcon? )
It’s funny because I could do [:lock:] but it doesn’t have quite the seem effect.

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GreyFalcon didn’t use emotes, he used some other kind of text symbols I guess, but he used between [ ], then I tested with emotes and it worked.

More colors? Well I just used the emoji keyboard on Windows 10. You press the [Windows button] + [.] (dot button) it opens the emoji keyboard.

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Sweet thanks. I wonder why it works between [ ]. I guess somehow it doesn’t recognize it as an emoji then.

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Wait, did you wrote:
on your tittle?

Think that doesn’t work. I just copied the character from tick character - Google Search fsymbols result

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I did copied from a website first too, but then I found out the emoji keyboard shortcut on Win10. Saved my time instead of browsing emojis.

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And it has worked for that :wink:

They don’t like flexing to Tank obviously.

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Somehow unsurprising. If tank mains don’t wanna play tank, why would anyone else

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I mean, there is no argument you can make against that :slight_smile:

Have your upvote :slight_smile:

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But the entire point of open queue is to let people play whatever roles they want. Encouraging certain roles to be played more or less goes completely against that.

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They can still play whatever they want. The key thing is that it isn’t forced. However I do agree that in a sense maybe it goes against the spirit of the mode and complete freedom because some people will still be feeling compelled to play a role just for the coins regardless although in my opinion that is still entirely their choice. But I do take your point.

Personally I see it as more of a minor incentive to play the role that maybe you would’ve played anyway and to continue doing so in open queue. For example some tank players may stick with role Q purely for the coins.

I don’t believe it will necessarily convinced many people to play a role that they don’t actually want to play. (Unlike troll q where you have to play an impacted role in order to even get into the game in the first place in a reasonable amount of time)

This also benefits players who are of equal skill in multiple roles so really they don’t lose out by playing another role