What kind of weapons haven't see seen in overwatch yet?

Chakrams, I’ve loved that weapon since Xena:Warrior Princess and think the game needs more creative projectile weapons with environmental interactions rather rather than repetitive hit scan weapons.

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Ok Molotov cocktail I really like as long as the flames linger for around 6 seconds. I like the idea of shutting down a corrider with a Molotov.
Chainsaws I do not like because of the annoying chainsaw sound and everyone would pretty much be over it in about a day.
Nunchucks would be hilarious or a Bo staff because whoever gets it as a weapon automatically gets Napoleon Dynamites voice line “women like a man who has skills”
Laser gun but God please not another sniper

Ammo that ricochets like rubber bullets or something so you could do fun environmental plays in corridors etc…but with no headshots…although this would probably be scatterarrow hated!

well if it’s a single shot and ricochets only once i think that would be really dope.

could even add headshots that way without being OP.

skatter was insta kill. that was why it was broken.

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I would like to see:

  • Spear
  • trident
  • hands (like a mage)
  • Scythe

A frying pan.

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you forgot we have moira :wink:

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Genji shurikens, lucio.

pulse/burst rifle. Like one with recoil.

Building a robot.
Hey, a man can dream. Give me Gage blizzard.

A godd*mn flamethrower.

Otherwise… Crossbow,
pump-shell reloading shotgun,
a paintgun a la Splatoon (that leaves liquid effects on surfaces AND enemies the liquid lands on),

Another couple of personal guns I’d like to see is a guided missile launcher like the one in Half Life.

  • Single fire reloaded weapon, powerful for such a low clip of 1.
  • after firing, it will attempt to hit what you look at; your aim itself guides the missile.
  • obviously may be difficult to balance as a weapon, so probably won’t make it as a primary.

Also want to see a patterned cannon, that fires 3 shots: basically the Eradicator’s cannon (Eradicator for new Tank plz Blizzard.)

But now, I want a Flamethrower as top pick.

Isn’t bastiona big minigun

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I Present To You Dear Reader. The Nova.

This Long, Straight, Hard Beauty can kill people from Window to Mid on Mirage.

Aka, a long range pellet spread sniper rifle. Sucks close range though. So prepare yourselves for them sweet 99 in 4 hits.

Also, I’m on the wrong game. Csgo has nothing to do with Overwatch haha

Yeah but she kinda just sucks and shoots out juice. Not really something like


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