What just insta-tilts you?

This post i just saw yesterday

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When people talk with food in their mouth.

Oh wait you mean in game.

When people talk with food in their mouth

Mostly the oversized EGO and people trying to play the “im offended” card when they are critizised.

Like you see a dude messing up HARD on a hero you have a lot of knowledge and you just say something “uhh … toxic” or you get the classic “Chill bruh, its QP”.

Ok, my bad, I guess you are just trolling and you are actually a T500 that is basically acting like a bronze “for fun” and your blatant mistakes are just a facade. Got it.

When the opposition Doomfist feeds in to your entire team, smashes all his cooldowns and nobody is able to deal with it before he launches himself away to safety.

The official Overwatch forums and the fake news that spreads like bacteria on them.

When players pick heroes they can’t even play properly and then refuse to switch said heroes which in a situation where the opponents play properly will in 9/10 games lead into them throwing the game through this move

What instatilts me? People that just whine constantly about mechanically hard to play heroes like widow and ana.

“Hur dur op nerf nerf nerf”

brig moira sombra mei existing

Oh god I forgot this one : Shoot the shields

Being in a team where the enemy Orisa plants a shield and it lasts for 10-12 seconds, and you have Road, Zarya, Mcree, Zen (me), Baptiste and Junkrat. Like … seriously? That winston that jumps you in the middle of your team, puts the bubble and NOBODY shoots it?

Does shooting shields make you lose SR? Even in Quick Play?
Sure mate, if you are playing Dive and you just … jump the shield, fine. Otherwise?


Getting killed by Rocket Punch.
I don’t really mind the rest of Doomfist’s kit, but RP, oh god…

Hanzo “headshotting” me when the arrow is five feet away from my body

CC and some extremely random deaths either due to lag or just the game decided my shots won’t register when I use deflect/my slashes won’t register when I use blade.

Sub-gold players to talk egregious amounts of trash playing extremely basic heroes like they’re the next Dafran.
You miss tanks with Reaper but everyone else isn’t allowed to make mistakes?
Get bent, dude. We’re all bad here, you’re no exception.

Says the guy who’s name is “God” :thinking:

I don’t have an issue with it as I have ‘dark’ in mine but God literally falls into the same category as all those words in a gamer tag. I can’t bare the irony :rofl:

I don’t remember if I’ve replied to this yet, but-

-People who blame the healers for their own stupidity
-People who blame a everyone on their team for a loss rather than look at how they could improve themselves with all that ‘carry potential’
-People who give up instantly in Competitive just because there’s a Symmetra or Torbjorn, without even giving them a chance to prove that they’re perfectly capable of playing
-Being spawn camped by a Widowmaker 3k yards away

Doomfist, Winston, Genji - just seeing them makes me vomit

All projectiles do this. It’s just more obvious with Hanzo’s arrows and Mei’s icicles because they stick out of your body.

They bend to your character model so that they don’t float after colliding with your character’s outward hitbox.

When a projectile phases through the target.

Makes me want to quit instantly, and this is from a guy that laughs off cc and bad RNG on shotguns.

I think I saw someone named ShadowKiller recently.

People who keep their ults for the next game.
Playing main tank.