What just insta-tilts you?

Anyone [DPS/TANK/SUPPORT equally] bringing up medals, as if it’s ANY indication on how well the teamfights are going…

Equally tilting when it’s like, a junkrat or reinhardt whining about having gold damage and saying “well obviously im not the problem”

Mystery Deathmatch weeks. Petra Deathmatch weeks.

Making a callout about a major problem (a DPS flanking, which Ults to watch out for, a target at “literally one” HP), being ignored, and then the team losing to whatever I called out.

  • Tryhard Players
  • Symmetra spamming her alt fire fire from a distance
  • Terrible Hit Detection
  • Getting Singled out and/or solo ulted
  • Getting blamed
  • Bad/Unresponsive healers
  • Stacking Barriers + Bastion Strategies
  • I could go on, so I’m stopping here.

Not gud players that say “git gud”

Enemy Sombra standing behind the team spamming “boop” all game instead of actually playing.

people that hate Orisa.
like they just have to let you know how bad a hero she is for the whole game

or they assume that the player is bad for playing her

People that use the “no aim no brain” argument.
Aiming’s overrated, I’d rather be focusing on the strategy than pure mechanical skill.
People that just want everyone to aim all day should go play a different game honestly.

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playing any healer against doomfist and getting stuck into that aids instakill combo

Lol u know you are bad

I try not to get tilted, it doesn’t help.

Of course, I am human so I do get tilted. It’s usually because I made the same mistake twice, like when a McCree is waiting behind a corner to flashbang me…

It’s been happening all day, so I’ve gone from being tilted and bitter, to just laughing my butt off when it happens.

Choosing heals, only for everyone to pick DPS and get mad when I switch off, despite refusing to tank. I was trying to do my part brah, but none of y’all wanted to play along.


mei’s who still think is really fun to enclose ourselves in spawn for any ammount of time

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See, I’ll forgive them if it’s a wall and then immediately drop it. I can accept a fakeout.

Someone complaining avout everything and crying.

The other thing that at least makes me roll my eyes is not waiting to regroup.

People who aren’t doing their job. People who aren’t even trying.

I can dismiss a lot of things. Even throwers, Toxicity, abusing game mechanics, crying, even cheaters. But for some reason, I get triggered when someone picks a hero but then not doing even the most basic stuff that hero provides.

For example. I’m fine with someone only picking Widow and not hitting a single shot for the entire game. But I get super triggered if he tries smg like a soldier staying behind Rein’s back. Or Mercy players trying to shoot while their own teammates dying. It doesn’t matter which team they are in, I get super pissed.

But only in comp though. I don’t mind someone trying to have fun in qp.

Seing bronze portraits with low level with godlike skills (usually genji or tracer)…

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I can really sympathize with you on this one. Especially the DPS Moira’s… I mean… Why?

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People overextending then flaming in chat.

Tbh some people not being on chat is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.
At least for me, i play better and tilt lrss if i am not on chat at all.
Yesterday joined a game, 5 instalock dps (df widow genji reaper hanzo). I pick baptiste.

Now once upon a time i would have spouted some passive agressive comment both in team chat and all chat, gotten talked back to by one of the dps, and switched to dps just to troll.

Instead i said nothing and saw nothing said due to not having chat.

Stood back and then on payload entire game while the dps guys all went their own way and did work, healing nonstop when possible. The genji and df would always come running back to my line of sight when low, jump around in place while I healed them up, toss a “thanks” voiceline and then run off back into the fray.

We won easily, but if i had been in voice chat , even if i didnt say anything, im 90% sure SOMEBODY probably did, and just seeing that would have changed the way i saw and played that game