What just insta-tilts you?

People who throw. I dont really understand it at all, I dont see why people find it fun to waste their lives being angry at a game, to the point they actively want to make others feel that anger.


When I a healer player, finally wants to play some dps to have fun and my team all pick 5 other dps and the team won’t change to a tank or support.

  • Mei walls in spawn

  • M&Kb cheaters in console games

  • Three Moiras and Hogs in FFA

  • Backfilling into FFA match with the leader already at 14 kills

getting disconnected from a game because i can’t afford perfect internet.

Hanzo, Doomfist, Tracer and Genji. Those are the heroes that are most frustrating and unfun to play against. Though of those, Doomfist is by far the worst. It’s at a stage where I just can’t be bothered playing a match with an opposing Doomfist, it just takes away what little fun there is left in this game.

I’m referring to “ShadowKiller” “DeathWolf” “ShadowMaster” “KillerShadow” “DeathMaster”(what does that even mean? You’re a master of dying?) and “DarkKiller”, Basically any username that only a 9 year old could come up with.

The username “God” isn’t edgy, its more of a joke name like “AnEntireOrphanage” or “Yourself” / “Himself” . Just names that would look stupid in the kill feed.


Just this.

Always this.

  • Doomfist launching me into a wall
  • Mei freezing me again and again and again… and then very slowly lining up a headshot as I sip my drink and wait to die
  • Rez being interrupted by a knock back
  • Sombra in total mayhem

Hearing my team whine and botch at each other (yes, “botch” but you know what I would have wrote) as if our own teammates are more of the enemy than the opposing team.

Honestly, in-team fighting (over the dumbest, tiniest crap, mind you) is enough to make me stop playing the game altogether. Sometimes for days because I just think “yeah, I’m not in the mood to play a video game about babysitting today.”.

Your teammates are your allies even when making mistakes or not doing exactly what you think they should. You do not have all-knowing perception.

STOP trying to make enemies out of your own teammates for crap’s sake.