What just insta-tilts you?

Apparently my post went over your head again. Let me water it down for you.

“I never said you said that.”

Asking nice is just a way to up the odds you will get a tank receptive or willing to take on the request. It still doesn’t mean you will get a swap. I get requests a lot by non-tank players tend to know very little about how certain tank interact with maps and certain dps comps.

Example, I often get requests to go barrier tank with dps dues like Sombra+Widow. Odds are there will be huge windows of little to no pressure being applied to the enemy and they will run me down. In that situation Hammond/Winston would be my go to pick. Say we don’t have enough heals? Then Hammond/Hog will be my pick.

I can appreciate politeness but I won’t pick a poor choice when I know it wont do well. (or at least far less likely to work, enemy comp will dictate part of this)

The problem is no one EVER asks nice, they literally have a bish fit if I pick my one trick.

In which case, I don’t do comp anymore, I wouldn’t want to get banned after all.

This here is an example why you shouldn’t play a shield tank.

Widow provides absolutely no support to the shield tank.

Orisa might not be a bad pick, with Sombra, since Sombra can actually support a shield tank.

But over all given the effectiveness of Sombra on average. Sombra is a bad pick as well especially with a widow.

Now consider 2-2-2 forced

So we have 1 front line weak DPS player, and one weak poor accuracy long range uncontested point sniper

You didn’t say much so your comment was rather open ended

If you are a one trick that is fine. If you are a one trick requesting a certain swap that is also fine. If you are a one-trick being snotty and demanding swaps this is not fine.

Understand the difference? This does not mean flex players can’t be snotty too but it is slightly more tolerable because they at least may be trying to work out a comp with the team.


Like you I don’t request swaps, I just don’t care that much about the game. It’s why I force my one trick into every situation in QP. Because I’m playing the game for myself not someone else.

In Comp yes I play more considerate, and I literally never play my one trick in comp, I play whatever people need me to play even if I’m bronze level at that character.

I did what my team asked, and I never said I was good at playing symmetra

Either way, Comp is the reason I stopped playing Comp. I only do my placements, and that’s it.

Thats why I changed my name from Shadow a long time ago, people assumed i was too edgy to be a good teammate

Everyone with the name of Dad, Daddy, or Egg are superior players in this game I noticed.

I’ve been rekt by dad so many times I’m starting to think I was adopted.

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People picking widow in gold.

That’s commendable but how and when you should swap or do what your team asks is a whole other monster.

This was simply a statement on what gets me peeved (not so much tilted as the OP asked, I don’t tilt often) when people passive aggressively make demands of others. Especially when they themselves refuse to return the favor. Everyone can be toxic but when a one-trick displays this toxicity it is especially appalling to me.

I did not say anything bad about one-tricks but simply pointing out one of the most odious behaviors a player can exibit that is exacerbated by their decision never to flex themselves.

That was my point about one tricks.

Everyone wants one tricks to flex, and none of the capable flex players ever switch or ask nicely, or at least give the one trick a chance to show what they can do.

It’s literally a toxic bish fest before the game even starts.

That’s the hypocrisy I was pointing out. Because on the forums it’s the same argument especially regarding one tricks.

I don’t deny this. The community has mixed feelings about one-tricks but my post has nothing to do with their choices in heros.

If you make a choice not to ever flex and then start berating others because they won’t flex for YOU is not only Hypocritical but selfish. A flex player demanding specific swaps to make a comp is just selfish. It’s not Hypocritical because they are far more likely to swap then a one-trick. Both are annoying but when it comes from a one-trick it’s got a little extra punch.

No one wants to hear a one-trick whine about group composition because your putting yourself at the center.

No I berate flex players who complain about one tricks not flexing. When there are 5 other people on the team next to that one trick.

Even from a mathematical standpoint the one trick is only 16% of the problem, The rest of the flex players on the team team consist of 84% of the problem.

pointless toxicity.
I bite back, and I don’t care if I costs me my endorsement level.

Waiting 3 mins for a game…and then instant defeat…then back to waiting

Eyes roll as soon as I see this come up

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You shouldn’t be berating anyone. If your a one-trick then you need to understand that it may have some positives as a solo player but far more negatives as a team player.

I agree that one should not ask one-tricks to switch because they often suck at everything else but people don’t often understand this.

This is not math (although it is involved on a far more complicated scale) This about synergy and building a strong solid comp. A Torb in a dive comp for example will put ur team in a massive disadvantage. your placing the burden of responsibility on others and why one-tricks can garner so much hate.

I have a one-trick account and I will work with my team within the realm of my hero choice but I understand that if something isn’t working I’ll be the only one trying to force the pick. I’m self aware enough to know I have put my team at a disadvantage just as many times as I’ve carried games with my superior skill.

level 10 Genji smurfs who write “gg ez” after the match with like 150 kills in their name.

That was me being sarcastic,

Flex players like to preach about it being a team game, but won’t do what the team needs, because it’s the one tricks job.

Which makes the real issue the other 84% of the team, in MOST cases. Because those other 5 people are also unwilling to compromise at all when they as flex players are easier to compromise

