What just insta-tilts you?

-smurfs against lower elo
-pirateship bastion on payload ( i swear, if my team goes with this tactic,i literally refuse to heal/shield him)
-beeing blamed just because you’re using a non-meta hero, and even if you are doing your job, the team keeps blaming you, while the other dps/meta hero is playing trash, but it’s ok because he/she is meta.
-people picking hammond and then, keeping dying while feeding the enemy team.
-trashcer/sphamnzo/ widoneshotmaker
-greedy instapick dps, that won’t change role, even if they are trash.
-healers that acts like dps, such mora-rightclick-only / sniper-ana /pushard lucio / soldier7baptiste6 / zenyatatatatatata_spamdiscord-only.

Counterpoint: I’m a TERRIBLE damn tank. but I’m good at healing and ok at DPS. Not EVERYONE is capable of flexing to the team’s needs.

No imagination.

Widow’s ult is the setup for a LOT of good plays if done right.

Mei’s ult locks people in place, perfect for either Hanzo’s dragons or Genji’s blade.

Hanzo’s ult can be used for zoning, to get everyone into a neat little corner so Genji knows EXACTLY where to go to with his dragonblade. Even if Hanzo gets no picks, Genji will.

Yeah no.

Dragons are useless outside of zone control if the team doesn’t bunch together, and everyone reacts to Mei’s ult more so than any other ult in the game.

Gengoo blade is useless if the team is spread out or staggered which is likely to happen against Mei.

Widow ult is nearly useless all together if your team comp is so bad that you have to force ult combos that don’t work well together.

Statistically you are going to fail to combo well with that team comp.

Now if someone picked a Zarya, then we are talking.

Because Zarya can combo off any one of those picks.

But of course your team is dumb, and doesn’t pick the tank you should have and instead picks Hamtaro which again nothing about hamtaro can combo well with any of the 5 characters we discussed.

Now how about a healer.

Which healer would work well in that team comp?


I know we should pick a main healer like zen right? Another healer who’s ult cannot combo off anyone in that group. It’s more or less eye candy to make the game look neat.

1 good enemy sombra pick counters 1/2 your team.

Literally any onetricks.

Dps players passive aggressively demanding healers or tanks. And usually they demand specific healers or tanks that revolve around their dps pick (that they haven’t and wont switch off of themselves)

“I don’t think we need 3-4 dps guys! We can win if we get a barrier tank but I guess we don’t care…”.

Nothing worse then a one-trick dps trying to tell a tank how to tank. Or what tank is best.

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“Welcome to Horizon Lunar Colony”


Strong Doomfist on the other team. He’s just so broken right now. You’re forced to play Sombra or lose, and in most cases you’ll lose even with the Sombra.

Rein and Zarya on the other team, aka “the free win”. Meanwhile your team has like, a solo tanking Dva or something. Why do all the sensible tank players always end up on the other team?

Playing into triple/quad tank in general.

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Asking for help because Genji or Tracer are up your butt, no one helping, you playing spawn room simulator and the team telling at you asking for heals.

Oh you mean like what all flex players say about us One Tricks?

It’s better for us to flex rather than a flex player to flex.


Great argument btw!

This one is difficult because it totally depends on how my games have been going. I’m a support main mostly, so these might be one sided:

  • When you’re solo-healing and one member spams “Thanks!” after they died because you didn’t prioritize them over another team member.
  • Teammates that dive too far on their own and get mad because you didn’t pocket them.
  • Spamming “I need healing” when you know I cannot reach you.
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Counter-counter point: If you’re not playing tanks and there’s already 2 DPS, don’t pick the third, pick a healer.

Went right over your head didn’t it? Let me water it down for you. People who make demands of others when they themselves are not willing to offer the same in return. Then, if they don’t selfishly get what they want, they act snotty about it.

If your a one-trick you either ask nice or accept what team you get.


Pharmercy. I 100% blame that awful synergy for Pharah never getting any real buff and despise it so much that if I pick Pharah and a healer goes Mercy I immediately switch off, except if they are friends because they know how I feel.

If a friend Pharmercys and I don’t notice, I get pretty POd at them for doing it and me for not noticing so I won’t touch her for the rest of the night even though she is my main.

Apparently my post went over your head too.

Let me water it down for you.

“Hypocrite much?”

DPS that constantly bail on their Tanks/Healers, and then the DPS complains about a lack of Shields/Healing in voice.


A teammate solo ulting while everyone else is respawning.

People spamming “group up” as if it’ll make us spawn faster

People spamming “group up” while continuing to run into point alone. Bonus points if they spam “thanks!” when the obviously die.

The day you get this to work in comp is the day I will flex off my one trick.

You know nothing about me to assume I demand others to swap. I’m a flex tank player. I can roll Hammond with 4 dps easy, go Hog to be self sufficient. MT if we have the dps for it, run dive if the enemy is squishy.

I am an experienced solo que comp player. I never demand swaps because I don’t honestly care. Nore would it matter anyway. You cant force ppl to switch. especially with a snotty tone.

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  • Trickling, especially by tank players
  • DPS Moiras
  • People who remain mute except to flame the team in the end
  • Losses that could’ve been easy wins if people were on chat