What just insta-tilts you?

Rein constantly charging into narnia feeding.
anybody spamming “I need healing” while being 100 miles from the team trying to 1v6.


People who try to give orders.

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-The only player to pick tank/healer, even with no healers/support/tank, and people complaining about how I tank/heal

Gets me everytime



(20 characters)


This actually makes me laugh more often than it annoys me. Because it’s just so hilariously embarrassing. It’s like watching the school bully’s pants fall down while he’s running and he faceplants in the mud. You can’t take them seriously after that. That player is forever considered a nincompoop in my eyes.

  • Oh yeah i almost forgot! The constant steamrolls from the smurfs that the devs and veteran elitists think don’t exists on OW.
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Buddy pocketing - yesterday, QP, Pharah and her friend running Mercy, pocketing her the whole match, not healing others and making an otherwise mediocre Widow seem god-like. I honestly would like to just see boosting removed from Mercy’s kit, its just abused too much.

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Getting someone down to 5 or less hp and then getting insta-gibbed by a 3rd player


I have a lot.

  • junkrat mains that materialize out of nowhere to concussion mine and steal kills/finish you.
  • Sombras and Meis that hard focus wrecking ball
  • Relentless genjis and tracers
  • Respawning and accidentally ulting instead moving forward.
  • Dying right as you ult so it not only doesn’t activate, but it also removes all the charge.
  • Projectiles being deleted when I die.
  • Widows that ALWAYS go for you first
  • Nanoing the wrong person because he/she walked in front of me (unless it’s a mercy)
  • Torb’s new insta lvl 2
  • People who kill friendlies in skirmish
  • Solo healers that switch to DPS 2 minutes into the match
  • Obnoxious Twitch streamers.
  • Moira’s that only play her as a DPS
  • 76s that are only able to get kills via M2
  • People that complain about the unbalanced team comp in chat but don’t switch.
  • Players with words like “killer” “shadow” “dark” “death” “wolf” or “master” in their gamer tag, as well as any Latin stuff.
  • Squeakers
  • Smurfs or trolls that aren’t even funny
  • People that run away from the objective or aren’t trying to contest during overtime.

Picking Winston and seeing three hard counters as I walk around the corner, so I have to play my personal pick for the most boring hero- Reinhardt.

People who pick heros that can’t combo well together.

Which is pretty much 1/2 the roster.

Seeing Genji + Hanzo + Widow get insta-locked.

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So every game pretty much tilts you lol

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Simply, YES. It does.

Insta-tilt… hmm…

Probably when the first 4 to pick grab dps. I grab a tank and then the last guy waits till we are halfway to the point and then picks Genji.

I managed to nano a baby dva the other day. I think thats my worst so far…

Followed by Mei

None of which can combo off one another

widow and the SMASH cast existing


Hanzo spam one shots when you aren’t even visible in the kill cam.

When a Mei is freezing you, and just stands completely still.
Like at this point, you can’t move. So they just stand still and struggle to hit you with their icicle.

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