What is your honest opinion about sym?

I just want to see how the community thinks about her. Personally I think she needs a few buffs, and that the dev team has no idea what to do with her.
So, what do you guys think about her?


“Fixing the bug” messed her up so badly. I think she could use some buffs and the nerfs on the PTR shouldn’t go live.

If they pushed her nerfs do live she will be in her worst position since the start of the game (considering Dive will come back).


She was fine with her latest damage nerfs. What’s currently on the PTR is major overkill


I miss sym 1.0. Love the teleport and the leash.

Seems like she was changed to please the “aim” crowd and it totally gutted what was fun about her.

And even so, i dont think it made the “aim” crowd any more receptive to her than before


I think they should give her a rework again since they won’t let her be good even when the meta absurdly favors her using her current kit.

She’s already bad in GM and they are going nuclear on her kit on PTR.


Honestly I just hate her Ult, everything else about her does not bother me.

The aim crowd isn’t happy because she still has turrets.

there are people out there who legitimately want her to be so weak that she will never be viable in any form because they don’t want to learn to play against her.


Sym’s a unicorn

she is an OW hero with an interesting backstory

I don’t have much of a problem with the nerfs on the PTR, however I do find her grossly overrated and the nerfs unnecessary but I don’t see them making a huge difference.
She’s definitely going to suck the second the meta shifts, though. What sym desperately needs is some survivability or range buffs, not too much unlike what Tracer got on this PTR patch. Her biggest problem that has plagued her since her inception, and has only gotten worse with 3.0 with the lack of shield gen and her old throwable shield, is her lack of survivability in what’s intended to be her effective range. Compared to other heroes who operate in similar range, such as reaper, mei, and Tracer to name a few, her durability is nothing short of pathetic.
She only has 200 HP, no abilities such as ice block that can bide time for her team and bait key abilities, and her only mobility is tied to a clunky tp on a 12 sec cd that has only become more difficult to use for sym herself since the infinite tp change.
I guarantee that a simple range increase to allow her to operate outside of her current range or health buffs (new ability or passive maybe?) to make her more durable and she’d be fine. until then though, there’s a lot to be desired.

Not a fan of playing her, and one of the dps heroes I hate playing against most, only behind doomfist right now.

I mean look at that stats, and that’s in a meta that favors her.

I hate her with the passion of 1000 burning suns. But on balance I think her beam should be a bit longer and her turrets weaker. And her beam ramp-up should be a bit faster.

Yes, because auto locking onto someone and doing major amounts of damage is fair :joy:

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She didn’t do major amounts of damage until she ramped up. That’s why she was F tier. Most of the time, even with lock-on, she was dead before she could ramp.

Her players were actually trolled and reported.


She had the worst pickrate in the game, by a huge margin. You cant tell me that was OP?


Frankly? From my perspective, she’s probably going to up needing yet another rework.

The current has plenty of its own design problems, and despite moving her to DPS, Blizzard seems to be unwilling to truly commit and is still keeping her identity in conflict. She’s been made too over reliant on communication (just like a certain hacker) and it really seems like they aren’t ever going to allow her to be widely viable for long. Not to mention, just how much of her was lost to this mediocre rework…


I personally think they should have made her work as a shield giving support. Her kit as a dps doesn’t make sense to me.


My honest opinion is that I think sym 2.0 is a stronger version of sym that would have been simpler to balance than what we we have now.

I think 2.0 just needed a nerf to shield gen to stop the snowballing affect. Just give it something to limit it’s durration

I also believe sym 2.0 to be significantly more healthy for this game especially now. Her piercing shot would have been incredibly effective vs double shield. And shield gen would help enable dive vs double shield.

Sym 2.0 also had her own weaknesses so the best comp vs sym isn’t to mirror her which would have been very healthy for the meta

I just think removing the kit entirely was a huge blunder from the balance team

And for thoughts on 3.0 she’s fine. She probably will suffer significantly though once double shield gets weaker. You can already see she is being countered effectively in the higher ranks it’s only a matter of time.


Guys guys, sym was op, brain dead, troll pick, etc. she was everything all at once, I miss sym 2.0 Shield gen helped so much, tp back to point was amazing, flank tp, etc. oh man, now it’s beam bot the character. Anyone that says sym was op in her previous states, never played her, and / or 1v1 in her nest over and over. Man I love the genji mains that came to point in a 1v1 and typed in match chat telling me how op she is because he thought his little deflect could stop 7 lasers pointing at him. the mega minds of the dps back then.

sym 2.0 is best sym


It’s interesting how all of her current strength comes from that little passive ability to build her damage by charging from enemy barriers. Something that was not a crucial part of her main kit in previous versions.