And I don’t mean your favorite skin out of all of the skins in the game(there are 730 including stuff like the origins skins, noire and Kerrigan Widowmaker, the Blizzcon skins, and every OWL skin) I mean what is your favorite skin for each character, they don’t all have to be a legendary/event skin though, for example, my favorite skins are as follows:
Corsair Ana
Spitfire Bastion
Mechanic Brigitte
Black Cat D. Va(my 3rd favorite skin overall)
Caution Doomfist
Baihu Genji
Kabuki Hanzo
Beachrat Junkrat
Jazzy Lúcio
American McCree
Pajamei Mei(my absolute favorite skin)
Combat Medic Ziegler Mercy(my 2nd favorite after Pajamei)
Blackwatch Moira
Twilight Orisa
Frostbite Pharah
Biker Reaper(my 5th favorite skin)
Lieutenant Wilhelm Reinhardt
Rudolph Roadhog
Grillmaster: 76 Soldier: 76
Tulum Sombra
Dragon Symmetra
Tre Kronor Torbjörn
Track and Field Tracer(my 4th favorite overall)
Tricolore Widowmaker
Blizzcon 2017 Winston
Xuanwu Zarya
Cultist Zenyatta
And as I stated in the list of skins, my top 5 favorite are Pajamei, Combat Medic Ziegler, Black Cat, Track and Field, and Biker. And this list isn’t 100% always going to be this way, it will change as blizzard continues to add more skins or as my opinions of skins changes
Ghoul Ana
Corsair Ana
Classic Doomfist
Painted Doomfist
Talon Doomfist
Cote d’azur Widowmaker
Talon Widowmaker
Classic Widowmaker
American Mccree
Immortal Soldier 76
Possessed Pharah
I made a lot of lists like this already, so I can’t really be bothered.
The best skin in the game, at least in my opinion is Cultist Zenyatta. It’s simply perfect.
I like all of Sombra’s skins, just depends what mood I’m in, been using Noche a lot recently, sometimes I’ll switch to Los Muertos since it looks cool when it’s an enemy Sombra with the red outline and red abilities.
I’m honestly not a big fan of most of Widowmaker’s legendary skins(the only exception being Black Lily) I just really like how simplistic Tricolore is and how the white almost looks silver
Good question : )
I think I have to chop this down to top three though. There are too many to pick out that I love!
I suppose the best way to answer this is to point out which skins I absolutely do not want to change or have changed since I got them. In that case they would be:
Blackwatch Genji
Captain Amari
Cyber Ninja Hanzo
Screw it. My favorite is the new Talon Sobra. Because this is the first time I wanted to actually stick with a skin for her.