What is your favorite skin?

Overgrown… Bastion…

Maybe this isn’t an issue on PC, but on PS4, it seems like everyone and their mother uses it, and along with being overused, the grass in turret mode covers a bit of your view, but it’s not a bad skin otherwise


Honestly how could you choose any other Hanzo skin as your favorite?

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Lol. I think I haven’t changed his skin since I first got that one like two years ago.

sombra augmented is the best sombra skin imo

I agree 100%. I would like the Talon skin if she didnt have such a bucket head and if she had red makeup like this https://imgur.com/a/DiZvLCG Although I would prefer if she had another hairstyle.

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Doomfist: Talon
Genji: Baihu
Mcree: Van Helsing
Pharah: The new year one, what’s it called?
Reaper: Pumpkin
Soldier: Cyborg
Sombra: Time
Tracer: Grafitti
Bastion: Avalanche
Hanzo: Scion
Junkrat: Cricket
Mei: Pyjamei
Torbjorm: Magni
Widow: Keriggan
D.va: Black Cat
Orisa: Null Sector
Reinhardt: Baldritch
Roadhog: Butcher
Zarya: Barbarian
Ana: Snow Owl
Brigitte: I hate them all
Lucio: Equalizer
Mercy: New year skin, forgot name
Moira: Blackwatch
Symettra: Dragon
Zen: Cultist

You’re right, I completely overlooked his skin where he fanboys over the protagonist of 90% of Kingdom Hearts games by naming the skin after it, Sora

But honestly, I’m not really a fan of his other skins, I think the robotic legs on his “Young” skins look out of place, his wolf skins are ok but I see/hear them way too often, I don’t much care for the formal gimmick Scion has(that and the sleeves being a different color) and he doesn’t come across as much of a ninja for cyberninja to work, honestly I would’ve said casual but the backpack instead of a quiver looks out of place with the rest of the skin

I’ve never played a Kingdom hearts game

Tracers grafiti skin👍

Angela’s goddess skin😁

I’ve only played 3: the first one, 358/2 days(which is part of the 10%), and Dream Drop Distance, but the protagonist is named Sora

Im going to say Oni Genji, cause of the detail and little references in the skin. But I am not sure if any skins has come out since then that would match it. Havent really thought too much about this question in a while.

  1. Snow Owl Ana
  2. Engineer Brigitte
  3. Avalanche/Rooster Bastion
  4. Cruiser/Black Cat D.Va
  5. Talon Doomfist
  6. Scion Hanzo (literally turning me into a Hanzo main because I like the bow so much)
  7. Blackwatch Genji
  8. Capoeira/Equalizer Lúcio
  9. Blackwatch/Lifeguard McCree
  10. Blackwatch Moira
  11. Winged Victory/Valkyrie Mercy
  12. Dragon/Raindancer Pharah (don’t ask me how to spell her CNY skin right now, I just woke up)
  13. Carbon Fiber/LA Gladiators Orisa
  14. Paragon Reinhardt
  15. Blackwatch Reyes/Soldier: 24 Reaper
  16. Peppermint/Tulum/Azúcar/Augmented Sombra
  17. Peacock/Dragon Symmetra
  18. Ironclad/Viking Torb
  19. Grafitti Tracer
  20. Black Lily/Huntress Widowmaker
  21. Totally 80s/Frosted Zarya
  22. Cultist Zenyatta
  23. Pajamei
  24. Beachrat Junkrat
  25. BlizzCon Winston
  26. Mako Roadhog
  27. Jet/Grillmaster/Strike-Commander Soldier: 76

He did get a few new skins since Oni, he got the Blackwatch skin in Uprising/Archives, He got the Power Ranger(Sentai) from Anniversary, and Baihufrom year of the dog that swaps his dragon motif for a white tiger