What is your favorite skin of all time?

Hmm… what a question…

A skin that i believe has no issues, no imperfections… a skin that i believe is better than any other…

Viking Torbjorn.

I am gonna go from low to bottom with my top 5

5 wave racer D.Va
4 Paragon Reinhardt
3 Cultist Zen
2 Police DVa
1 Toronto defiant Skins (all of em are the best to me coz my fav combo is black and red (if a black and blue comes they take the spot))

I have a few, can’t just name one. Sorry.

•Demon Hunter Sombra.
•Witch of the Wild Mercy.
•Ugly Sweater: 76.
•Spider Widowmaker.
•Yeti Winston.
•Lunar New Year Mei.
•Mountain Man McCree.
•Moon Moira.
•Vampire Baptiste.
•Ghoul Ana.

The guy named Reaper, with a Reaper-icon doesn’t list a Reaper skin?
I am stunned.


Don’t have a Reaper one actually, yeah shocker. None of his skins are really my favorite, I just like some better than others. Yeah I main Reaper, but his skins are kind of the same deal each time.

I can list the ones I hate that Reaper has and why I hate them, but I don’t think you want to see that rant. XD


Hmm., if its just about the skin itself, the look, the details etc. then it must be Ultraviolet Tracer for me.
This skin has really good colors (black, white, pink), A LOT of details, a unique hair cut, cool goggles, jacket, belt, shoes etc.
I think this is a true masterpiece of art and details. The only weak point are the guns imo. I think its just a recolor with stars on it.

Will O Wisp is also great going by the cage-like armor, the integrated pumpkin, the hair, blue skin,… but Ultraviolet just takes the cake for me.

If we are talking about the favorite skin considering nostalgia, and what friends use and you just love the skin for other reasons than the appearance, then its Captain Amari Ana.
A lot of memories with this skin. It was/is the fav. of a very good friend of mine.


Surf n Splash Torb
Lieutenant Wilhelm/Gridironhardt
Cultist Zenyatta
Grillmaster 76

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HZ Spark colors

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  1. Hawaiian BOB.

It’s a fan made skin I’m thirsty for. I already bomb twitter overwatch posts w this suggestion

  1. Glam Moira
    Bowie stuff
  1. Illidan Genji
    I’m thirsty for that wrist and haircut. Bought blizz ticket just for that.
  1. Florida Mayhem Soldier: 76
    Reminds me about hotline miami
  1. Ashe Atlanta Reign
    Fancy asf
  1. Mei Beekeper
    Cuteness is over 9000
  1. Sprinter tracer
    Perfectly fits Tracer and fansevice-y. Couldn’t ask for more
  1. Midnight D.va
    80’s vibe.
  1. Venom Soldier: 76
    80’s vibe and neon colors.
  1. Pretty much all owl team skins
    Can’t describe all skins, but they are awesome
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orisa - dynastinae

i saw the wired dev interview, and he said that orisa was a design challenge for the art team to push the envelope of the ow aesthetic. quadrapedal, interesting weapon, tusk, the eyes and of course fortifys gold shimmer. i never get tired of looking at it.

plus i love the colour scheme, looks kind of beetle-esk to me.

Zhung Guo Mei. Red with dragon motif looks great on her.