Pink Mercy!
Unfortunately I didn’t had Overwatch when the event was happening :c
Patina Widowmaker. For those that don’t know it’s a purple skin, her default outfit but in all gold. It’s special to me, because its the skin that matches her golden weapon the best, and I had to much pride in myself whenever I’d get PotG and see my beautiful golden skin with the “I see you” HIghlight intro. It holds a special place in my heart, more than any legendary skin could ever do.
59 shots, 1 kill,
Oasis Sym, Baihu Genji and Toxic Roadhog are really really good. I also love scientist Moira
Thunderbird Pharah most probs
- Genji Baihu
- Symmetra Dragon
- Sigma Rime
- Reinhardt Stonehardt
- Lucio Gorgon
They are simply must-buys.
A tie between Victory Goddess Mercy and the upcoming GOAT skin for Briggy
Anything Roadhog has is the best for me
Pink Mercy is my all-time favorite. It’s genuinely the most unique skin (new sounds/new colors) it’s just a top tier skin.
But I would definitely say that my next favorite would be the Face Changer Sombra! What a cool design! I don’t think I’ll be changing that one!
Well I think the face changer is a pretty cool idea, I just don’t like the skin itself. I’m not keen on any of these event skins. I kinda like Brig’s shield though but not her weapon.
Hard to say, but Atlantic Mercy sure is up there.
Witch Mercy:heart_eyes:
I love the star effect on the staff🌟
Possessed, Celestial and Lake. I guess I’m boring.
I find the Bastion Lego one a bit annoying with the sound it makes.
That said skin looks awesome.
I do love Riot gear for Brig and Forest Spirit for Orisa.
Reaper has awesome skins but must say I loved Soldier ugly sweater lol
I know it’s blasphemous, but I can’t stand the sharting noises he makes with every jump.
When he is an old man… and i can relate to that…
Sugar Plum Mercy.
She’s just so dainty!!
Uhh i really like all of tracers real epic skins, including the oel ones.
Her all star is also quite special with its water sound effects.
My favorite skins are
-Atlantic Mercy
-Honeydew Mei
-Goat Brig
I can’t wait for Goat Brig to come to the game, finally my girl gets a good skin
I don’t know, man. I like a lot of heroes and a lot of skins.
But, if I had to pick just one, I would probably have to go with Brick Bastion as well.
For a long time, I thought his character model was the perfect type for a Lego style skin. And, considering he had Lego build sets and all that, it was nice to actually see him get an in game skin of that nature.