What is your favorite/ least favorite hero?

Gamewise is tough, probably sombra, dva, Mercy or junk.
Least favorite would be Winston, widow, doom of Hammond.

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Fave Junkrat

Least fave Hanzo.

Trash bowman with trash beard and trash zoomer shoes.

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I wouldn’t let PyroPanda hear you say that… :joy:

Someone get the sedatives ready.

Edit: Soldier is amazing, wash your mouth out :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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I think Doomfist is cool :sunglasses: he seems like a nice guy too…if he weren’t a villain :rofl:

I love EVERYTHING you said about Hanzo :rofl::rofl:

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Yes!! Overwatch Patch notes : Mei, Reaper buffed, Moira fixes and Zen and Dva nerfs

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I just don’t find him aesthetically interesting.Even when they were hyping him before he was a hero, he just kind of bores me tbh. He’s just a guy with a big fake fist. The story around him isn’t too interesting to me, the cosmetics are not to my taste and his playstyle is just not for me.
It’s nice that you like him! But I think I have a total of maybe 45 minutes as him?

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Oh no I’m horrible at him…when I first bought Ow I was a brig onetrick :rofl: and second was doom…but thankfully I dropped him, bc I just feed, yet maybe that’s the correct way :thinking:

This is pretty interesting tho :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Favourite? Ana, I love her gameplay and even look. she’s just adorable.

least? Mercy. I don’t know why but I just dislike her…

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It would be if it was unique. A lot of heroes have fake limbs like Symmetra, McCree and Torb.
Doom just got an XL one :joy::joy:

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Hog favorite
Tracer least favorite

After the Storm Rising cinematic I can’t see Mercy the same…she cakes on so much eyeshadow to hide the lack of sleep…looks like stripper makeup :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Overall favorite: Mei

For each role
Best - Sigma, Ana, Mei
Worst - Dva, Zen, Bastion.

Honorable mention:
At first I hated Moira but then something about her passively aggressive personality made her one of my favorites lmao, She looks very good in the blackwatch skins. She is pretty low profile and I think that’s why I like her, unlike the rest of the loud mouth cast.


…and wears so much mascara that she has to flick her head back to get her eyes open

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I refused to play Doom because I realised he punched with his small hand. When you have a super cool fist I want you to smash peoples head in it aswell apart from RP.


Yeah, her personality is pretty, calm? Kind of? Although some sounds she makes I straight up don’t like :face_vomiting: It’s just visually, I hate her :rofl:

:rofl: have you seen the screenshots some people have of Mercy in game? It’s the stuff of nightmares :rofl:

I honestly hate Reaper because of how rigid (?) he looks when he shoots and m1s. Same with Tracer. I find it looks really weird how they hold their weapons super straight. Very small nitpick.
Love everything else about Tracer though - especially her weapon skins.

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Yeah I’m not sure how to describe it, maybe “quiet” is another good descriptor for her too. As for her skins, the blackwatch/scientist ones really make up for it in that category, as I like the sleek, low profile look of those skins. I wish Moira had even more skins that don’t make her look like a Halloween cosplay.

Also if anyone wonders why I hate Dva, it’s because her voice. That’s it. Yikes.

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Reaper just kinda walks like a robot, you’re right…but his hello is cute, he kinda tilts to the side, he’s nice…for a villain :rofl: