What is with the "buff genji" posts now days?

High diamond genji main here. He feels fine, he’s in the best state he’s been in in a long time. I would be in favor of a fire rate buff, even if it’s super slight, but he doesn’t need it and he’s more than playable

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Lack of sleep from RobotWizard shows otherwise. (sorry about that)


Something to do with a 1% pickrate in his most favorable meta.

Zen mains looking at Genji main begging for buff: “Weakling.”

Zen has a 3.7% pickrate with a 56% winrate. Genji has a 1.16% pickrate with a 53% winrate. They both need work.

If he’s so skillful, why do they need a buff?
Sounds like they lack the skill to use it.

I would prefer it if they nerfed Nano and brought Ana down to the level of the rest of the roster. She’s way too good and if she is proping up some bad heroes it’s better to kick out the crutch keeping them up so that you can see who actually needs help than to keep one hero around as a broken lynchpin that 3/4ths of the roster potentially rely on to be effective.

No, that’s not how it happened.

He got 4 buffs, then he got one of those 4 buffs reverted and then aother buff he recieved a couple months prior reverted.
The stance Jacoolest is referring to is that the buff from a couple months ago was more important and substantial than the 3 other buffs that he got in June that weren’t reverted.

Hope that helps.

So, in GM, the highest rank in the game where people are the most skilled, Genji has a 1% pick rate.


We should fix everyone including sym and bastion and genji

Honestly, most of us aren’t even asking for straight up buffs. I just want the thirty damage shurikens for not being able to damage boost blade. If his ult charge is problematic after that, nerf it as well.

i was just thinking about that…

Sombra is played because her garbage BS counteracts the garbage BS of other heroes. Without Sombra, we would have Ball, Doomfist, and Tracer running amok and free to do as they pleased.

In advance so you dont call me a genji onetrick, tanks my highest rated role, and i have much more playtime on most of the tanks the last couple seasons then i do genji.d

Dive is genjis best meta technically. He was the worst part of the first iteration of dive and isnt played in the current one.

Other chars being weaker dosnt make genji good.

I’ve seen Bastions, syms, sombras, brigs, baps, hogs, orisa’s and other technically underpowered heroes get value.

Its easier to call him underpowered then

And the only real “viable” part of his kit is Blade, and arguably, only with a nano boost cuz of how easy it is to counter.

There are plenty of things that counter those heros, sombra is just the option that doesn’t require you to be able to aim.

Aim does not counter these heroes. They are designed to be hard to hit or extremely durable.

Sounds like you just can’t aim mate cause I’ve definitely met soldier, Mccree, zarya, and Ashe players who can scare ball off by just landing there shots.

I think you are just further proving my point that sombra is used as a crutch for DPS players who don’t want to work on there aim.

Stop being a knob.

My aim is terrific, open profile feel free to peek. Some heroes are designed to be hard to hit or to have too much HP and mobility to kill at once.

Sombra is a necessary evil.

I think I have a good perspective on this topic as a former Genji onetrick turned support onetrick.

Genji is one of the most controvercial heros in this game, many (me included) love him others dont. Sadly many Genji players lack the perspective to see how frustrating he can be to play against. On the other side many supports who still argue that he is too strong have the same problem.
So here is my take on Genji:

Genji is a hero that is extremely fun and has a great learning curve. He as one of the most potent ults in the games but also one of the most dangerous to use. Many (me included) feel like almost every new hero starting with moira was a good counter to him. This made him way harder too play effective and was the reason why I stoped to play him.
On the other side he can absolutly hard carrie a team if played well and can feel almost unkillable for most supports.

Unlike other heros he was never in a position were he was so weak that picking him alone was seen as trolling. A buff like the one he got recently made him really easy to play (wich honestly made me want to play him even less). Its probably better if he gets reverted to the state he was in befor his buffs (give him the fire-rate back).

(Sry for my bad english its not my native language)
(This is my opinion from a gold/ plat/ dia pov)

genji is A, A+ tier right now, S tier when equipped with an Ana pocket that nanos him on cooldown. People are screaming to re-buff Genji because their SR predictably cratered when they weren’t completely overpowered and, instead, only relatively a little bit overpowered as he is right now.

I mean I’m pretty sure it would be fair if we nerfed his blade but buffed his base kit and there was a period in 2019 were he was a troll pick. Also your English is great.