Sometimes it feels like people completely forget that they’re competing against OTHER human beings who are thinking, living breathing and trying to win, or lose in some cases, just as much as anyone else.
This is one of the reasons, high Elo players get frustrated.
It depends on how effectively you are working on yourself. I used to be Low Gold myself and was stuck there for multiple seasons until I started working on my biggest issues (Aim, Positioning, Ability Usage and Panic). From there I climbed all the way to GM and peaked Top 500.
When I first got to Mid Masters elo I got myself an alt account since I was anxious of losing Masters, can you guess what happened? I EASILY stomped everybody from account placement until I reached Masters on the alt account, that gave me the confidence to keep playing on my main, which got me to GM and peaked Top 500 (Around 4300 SR).
I know you will be going on the subject of bad teammates, yes I have had bad teammates on my team through my whole climb, even here in Masters/GM+ I still get people not playing so great, sometimes I am that bad teammate myself.
If you are actually better than your peers, you will climb. How do I know? If I took ANY of the supposed hardstruck cursed accounts, I am sure I will be easily rank them up.
So I am 100% Convinced that climbing is related to skill.
You were talking about ego problems? Perpetuating this kind of thought, that you’re somehow superior to your teammates, while sharing their rank is honestly just pure nonsense and proof of egomania.
And you’ll have a very hard time convincing me that this kind of sanctimony isn’t toxic considering the multitude of posts I’ve seen bashing other players from these forum users.
They’re bullies just indirectly. It’s like in high school when you talk behind the popular girls back just because she doesn’t acknowledge you.
I mean…. I’ve definitely done it. I don’t claim to be clean.
But I can assure you it’s only because I have the best interests of the community at heart.
The whole idea of blaming teammates rather than looking inward is honestly more toxic to me than the “supposed bullying.”
It’s like a bunch of people on the playground who all talk behind the new kids back.
I try to give Bobby credit. And from time to time he makes me proud because I’ll see his gameplay and know that he’s making those decisions all on his own.
Yes Bob…. Overwatch is a team game. You are technically only responsible for 1/6 of the effort to win. You’re also capable of going well above the 1/6 limit in attempts to assure victory.
But if that’s truly the experience you deserve as you believe, then you shouldn’t be playing ladder competitive Overwatch and rather should be looking for a scrim team because I can assure you, you’ll never find any rank where the 5 other players in the match are as perfect as, a lot of people who complain about teammates, think they are.
I don’t care if you hit Gold, Silver or gud dem Grand Master. Overwatch is a hard game. I don’t care what anyone says.
Also, the idea that Ana doesn’t counter hog is literally just nonsense (I know you don’t believe that sentiment I’m just saying it’s ludacris).
Just a beautiful story. How long did it take for that new training to set in? So far I’m going on a year. Been playing overwatch since release. I guess you just smarter than I?
So you witness bad teammates. Taken into account what calc witnessed (what everybody is crying out for), there could be a “lesser queue”, takes in variables and matches you with people that are a little tougher to play with. Is it that so inconceivable??
Like “rigged” I think your version of “toxic” is like used in a different term. Just saying.
We still on that? Yes I laughed and owned up to my my poor Bob play. I have to review more of what you said but….
Not at all. Like you they can work on their skills and placement, map knowledge even surpass me. That’s why I complain more at the system. It should identify those folks earlier on and not put them in my game downgrading my experience. You know I track some of those guys in overbuff and it’s clear to me, why can’t it be clear to the system?
I just happen to disagree. I know you find that “toxic” but I again disagree. Coaches review failed plays all the time and can isolate which certain players were out of position and why the team failed.
Again, I don’t blame players for my career just the game. I blame the system for finding multiple of these potato’s so I get into loss streaks.
Even I am running into my limit on this topic.
You guys see bad players… but it’s not ok for anyone to actually point out a bad player. Calc witness some strangeness with one account, but it’s inconceivable that others have seen that strangeness and even at a more severe degree. You can analyze our own play, but not ok to analyze our teammates… even though every decision we make is influenced from said bad players. By identifying their bad decisions can’t we figure out our mindset and setting that lead to our bad decisions?
Anyhow… I can have this overall mindset and still be wanting to work on myself. Which to me is a different dimension and not mutually exclusive. So you can yell all you want about “toxic” behavior and I can still be working on myself. Just because I highlight a potato doesn’t mean I’m not working on myself - and so can others.
I see bad players because they choose to blame others rather than take responsibility for their own actions.
I have no interest in these “teammates” that haven’t ever asked me for any guidance whatsoever.
YOU’RE free to analyze them on your own time. But coming to the forums and acting like you’re somehow an excellent player while those in your same Elo are incompetent is proof of overly egotistical behavior.
Says the guy coming to the forums looking for a hive mind to support lack luster performance in a competitive setting.
Aren’t we all coming for hive mind support? We just disagree on the lack luster. You believe what you want I believe the system can be better.
Not sure why someone could have a more drastic reaction. I’ll stop posting for a day and I see 5 more topics and 10 more necro’d threads come back to life from people having weird experiences. And since it’s not mutually exclusive of working on one self, we can’t assume they haven’t done an aim trainer or have gotten a vod.
Hulk is one of a the few players on these forums who managed to escape low elo with his sanity still in tact. A true role model and beacon of hope for the future of this game and community. Someone who climbed yet isn’t afraid to be honest about matchmaking flaws or think he is above the rest.
I also appreciate how HeyZeus aka Mr. “can’t have it both ways” likes both the post defending Hulk and the reply attacking him.
So you think top500 players just drop from the sky? Most of them started in gold/plat. Though, you may not realize this because most of them don’t complain on the forums about the matchmaker.
Secondly, how can you (collective you) claim that the matchmaker is the reason you can’t climb, but at the same time praise hulk for making it to diamond? Either is holds everyone back or no one, but you can’t cherry pick when and who it prevents from climbing.
Edit: for the record, I don’t think anyone claims that the matchmaker is perfect. I’ve read this so many times now. What we claim is that the matchmaker works well enough to assess your skill and it certainly does not prevent you from climbing.
Because he’s not. He’s an equal member of the community with their own opinions just like everyone else, and no one deserve getting consistant rude posts directed at them.