I see it every once in a while in game, but the forums are pretty much 50% low ELO players minding their own business, or actually bringing up real topics that low ELO people put up with every day, and the other half is people trying to tell them what bronze is really like when…
they aren’t bronze.
Additionally, while a few ppl like calculus, moira, and a few others I’ve noticed never do this,(thank you for being nice ppl btw) A LOT of other high ELO users always have to be “that one guy” that proceeds to announce their rank in every argument like it matters or makes them more important, or use the phrase “This is why ur low ELO” while immediately after stating their rank as though it means something.
It’s one think to tell someone what they are actually doing pertaining to a real mistake in game. You can give them tips and tricks without being a dirt bag, and they’re more likely to remember what you told them if you’re a kind, respectable person who is only looking to help them. But it’s a whole different thing to immediately tell someone that smurfs don’t exist therefore they suck, or that they suck with without any previous videos or posted plays. And yes, smurfs, toxics, cheaters, and even throwers are a massive problem in bronze, silver, and even gold.
These people act like they get off on it or something, and then they’re 9/10 times the ones griping about people leaving the game, and that it is “dying”.
It does not give you special rights or privileges.
It does not give you right to breach TOS.
It does not give you the right to bully or belittle other people.
The only thing your high ELO gives you is possibly an ego and a few shiny guns.
P.S. I do tend to be a bit stern with people. But only when they fail to self-reflect.
Let’s be real though, a lot of people do refuse to accept their own shortcomings.
I think that’s what leads others to lose their cool.
Smurfs 100% exist!!
But I think people hype this up a lot more than most realize
None of the players I know from the forums are guilty of this.
The game is definitely passed its prime though and lots of players are seeking other experiences.
I meet more low/average Elo players with ego problems than high Elo players.
From how I read the interactions, high Elo players try to offer a piece of advice and the low Elo players say it’s wrong or blame their teammates (my biggest pet peeve) and high Elo players are tired of hearing excuses because at the end of the day, if you soloqueue, the only player in every game you lost is you.
There’s never any reason to blame your teammates unless someone is actively throwing, and I don’t mean failing to play the game as YOU define the game should be played. I mean like jumping off a cliff repeatedly, charging in and dying repeatedly (int-ing), etc.
It’s mostly just frustrating reading opinions that are fundamentally at odds with reality. And you know those players only hold those opinions because they are not good at the game.
My personal hatred is people saying hog needs nerfs when in reality, hog is very bad, and I know that even if hog gets nerfed as the forumer might suggest, they would still feel he was op on the next patch. Their issue with hog stems not from the balance of hog but rather their bad movement and positioning which allows hog to easily hook and kill you. Hog becomes much worse the higher you are because people use cover much better and hog gets far more exploited as a large ult battery hero
Geez makes me not want to put my thoughts out there any more about hero balance.
For the record I saw multiple posts before making that “awful” suggestion. I sent the idea out just as a feeler.
Sorry to stir up hatred lol relax dude it’s just a game.
For the record making people have to check abilities is not a hero nerf but more demanding on the player… and… like I said even if someone does get out of the hook over a pit hog still gets the kill.
Also youre not taking into account the initial positioning of the hanzo, if the hanzo is not using cover and positioning effectively, an escape shouldn’t exist. He should be able to be easily punished by the hog. This is why when you see higher level games, everyone plays corners and everyone plays high ground.
Which is why the suggested “nerf” is not change the situation for the hanzo.
Hanzo was a bad example. Tbh, he does not have an escape. He would still die in high Elo or low Elo. Asking for more demand on the player shouldn’t stir hatred is my point.
But folks if you want to talk about the suggested change - talk about it on my thread don’t ruined this thread with your Misunderstandings.
Deemed not good at the game cause of low Elo “how dare they make a balance suggestion”. “He doesn’t know what reality is, while I at [high elo] know exactly what’s going on”.
Just proved the point of OP.
And you continue to type on something you don’t know nor care about (your words btw).