What is with all the ELO ego?

there was a post not long ago that was stating how hog just destroys ana’s and how ana cant counter a hog. literally everyone above gold was like “wtf no” and everyone below was like “wtf yes”

it was funny seeing the back and forth

the difference between high and low lvl decision making boils down to this:

how can i enable my team to win this fight?
ex 1: friendly soldier pops visor, friendly dva uses DM to shield soldier from cc or sleeps while providing value to the ulting soldier
ex 2: communication!
ex 3: combining ults for team wins!

see theres a big difference between winning the ult battle, and just using it. the problem is that people believe that their ult should team wipe every single fight, but thats wrong


I too believe that yet I’m gold.

I’d believe you more if the system wasn’t such a mess. IN GAME belittling is toxic. After a vod review… people should own up to their mistakes.

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If you say it to specific players directly in the game then yeah. That’s also reportable in game.

But there’s nothing wrong in saying that you generally have poor or low-skilled teammates or that your team on the whole was worse than the enemy team as that isn’t a personal attack.

That’s a post-fact observation.

It’s also more a criticism of the matchmaker/MMR system itself rather than specific individuals.

That is not remotely comparable to the actual bullying, belittling and harassment that goes on in this forum section by specific individuals towards other individuals.

That would be a good argument if it wasn’t true that generally higher ranked players have a better idea of what’s going on.
That doesn’t mean if youre an owl player, your opinions will always be valid, it just means that on average your positions will be more correct.

Although, logically speaking the source of the information is irrelevant towards its fundamental logical truth or fiction, the source can be a baseline determiner. For example if Neil deGrasse Tyson and I were having a discussion about astrophysics, the chance that my position about an issue being more correct than his is low, even if his position is wrong, it is still more likely to be correct than mine

Not all opinions are equally valid or useful, and you need to look at things searching for what’s real and not what you wish to believe


Well, it is factual that high SR play have a better understanding of the game (with a few exceptions, Crusty for instance). This doesn’t necessarily always translate into better balance suggestion, but it certainly helps in gauging whether a particular suggestion makes sense or not.

I can’t say much about an ELO ego, I’ve seen both sides having an ego on the forums but I would say that mostly stems from the frustration that comes from the misunderstanding between these two groups.


Lol it’s why I didn’t keep pushing the hog thread, a bad idea is a bad idea. But notice it was a bad idea from a low Elo player brought up again in a high Elo ego thread but somehow not example.

Also noted none of these great counter points are brought up in the original thread.

Yes, but you tend to be more stern with players who need to hear that it’s not always every body else’s fault, and it’s never in a way that implies they are lesser or lower than you.
And you are welcome <3

No. I’m just getting out of “Low elo” and playing around hog is all about counters, communication, and positioning.
Ana can ruin Hog. I as Junkrat have ruined a hog. Many, many ways to play around his kit. Communing with your team when he wastes a breather or hook is essential. He is not a problem if you make the effort to change what you’re doing.

Just as well you’ve gotta be very aware when playing hog. Good positioning. Using hooks carefully. Observing the situation and knowing when to fall back and charge your support ults versus healing yourself and pushing further.

IMO overwatch is about teamwork, and strategy. You climb by becoming more self aware of your surroundings.

I just hit very very low gold and I still think she is an amazing counter, especially sleeping mid ult and cancelling him.

Mmmmmmmm If you’re really smart with timing and call for your team to kill off the two tanks you can atleast get a four man with Soldier.

THIS is mainly what my post is referring too. There’s a lot of people on the forums who have to bring up their ult every convo and I bet a few of you have the same two people in mind.

I’m going to drop a naruto quote here:
As Rock Lee said, “Hard work beats natrual talent.”

Some people, like my boyfriend, have far more natrual talent than I will ever have. But, I put in my time, effort, and training to be better. WHile there will always be the Sasuke Uchiha’s in the game who are just good by nature, part of the challenge is to grow and learn so you can someday, be the Naruto.

And another quote from our favorite hammer wielding midge:

They brought it up yes, but you immediately went on attack about your supposed “Bad Idea” and now you’re trying to play the victim. None of them were attacking you by name. None of them told you to shut up over your rank, they all read what you had to say. Calculus didn’t want to respond and you even got tilted over it.


I think no one will deny help if you approach them with this kind of attitude on this forum. Blaming the inability to climb on external factors like team mates or the matchmaker, while dismissing actual help from knowledgeable people is what may bring out frustration and egos.


What about those who seek personal growth but still feel the match maker can be improved.

It’s my personal frustration when I see people who sees a system and it’s faults and choose to ignore them.

Also it’s amazballs to see rofl stomps and people mistreating said system and getting away with it.

Going back to the core of thread - low Elo people are the majority and feels like the majority on this forum are seeing something amiss with the system. Yet we can’t talk about the system.

It’s actually ignorance on the git gud crew on thinking are not trying to improve on themselves.


I would like some examples.

Low to Mid Elo players make the majority of the people in the game and forums, coincidence? I think not! Do all of them deserve to be higher, but the matchmaker somehow keeps them all at the bottom?


I think calc / Rhain already said the system isn’t perfect (sorry to use you as an example). But doesn’t like when we complain about the system giving me potatoes?

Your missing the point.

There actually maybe something wrong with the system…

Some people are working on themselves yet are still hard stuck. - but it’s assumed we all just shaking our fist at the sky.

Some people have high level accounts but can’t climb their main (speak up if this is you!). I hate to sleuth the forums on my vacation.

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I think we can all agree that the matchmaker isn’t perfect, but this is not the same as being convinced that the matchmaker is the reason why you can’t climb.

Well, what do you propose to do about it? Either you accept the state of the matchmaker and actually focus on what can change your rank, namely your gameplay, or you keep spending time on complaining on a system that you are unable to change instead of using that time on improving.

And that’s the reason why a lot of them will stay low Elo. They are unable to self reflect and acknowledge their flawed gameplay and instead blame team mates or the system and seek validation on the echo chamber that is this forum.

A person dismissing valuable advice in favor of blaming the system for their shortcomings cannot be trying that hard to improve. Improvement starts with the acknowledgment of one’s own mistakes.


Don’t use me as an example! I still study my vod review notes.

How can see someone is dismissing valuable advise? Proof?

The system isnt perfect but it works well enough to determine your skill +/- 200sr.

Just because someone is working on themselves doesn’t mean they are also getting better. If you don’t understand what you have to work on, you can’t improve.

I wasn’t, this was just a general statement. I think it’s great you are looking closely at your vods, do you also know what you are looking at?

Like I said, just a general statement that i have observed when I have tried to help people on the forums.


It’s like a bottomless pit.

The proof of someone improving themselves is them tanking up? But that’s under a perfect system which this is not.

No, the system only has to be good enough, which it is. You said earlier that you have climbed to gold, right? So your work is paying off, isn’t it


No system is perfect, name 1 other game with a “perfect” ranked system. There is none, GG.

If you would continue looking to improve yourself instead of blaming your other DPS, lets be completely honest, you both played EXTREMELY badly that match.


the Fact that WE are identifying ourselves with a nicknames and speak to other people with nicknames makes it harder to realize that there are real people behind the screen.
You would not blame somebody for playing badly in real world,most of the times

Secondly, with using alt accounts to one trick OR smurfing the ladder is all over the place.
masters are in diamond ranks, diamond are in plats ( cuz they have lost some games to higher players,and not all of them have climbed back)
the expectation from a certain SR is a lot.And a lot of people have really diffrent skill set and game knowledge at same sr

I hate to agree with Abdullah, but most of the playerbase is where you are now. You quite literally have to be better than tens of thousands of others to climb. That’s not the matchmaker, thats the sheer amount of people who play and there will always be those who are better, and those who are worse.


Something that has always bugged me is when higher ranked players (im low plat) assume that everything they say is 100% right and anyone who disagrees with them, if they are like one or two ranks below, then they;re wrong. Most of them forget that:

  1. balance is different in every rank, like widow might be amazing in higher ranks but garbage in lower (example)
  2. there is a difference between being skilled at the game, and knowledge over the game (damage numbers, knowledge of game balance etc)