What is with all the ELO ego?

read the patents please. several dda mechanisms include hitbox scaling among other stuff like registration prioritization, aim-assist/resist, ult charge % etc.

To help your case, you need to argue the intent and distance the system from ever having those implements. it’s not a live video onus. ip law > you.

Do you deny these patents are in-use with overwatch? Am i making this tech up? Did i somehow hack the IPO and slip in a screenshot of overwatch to go with all the rigging? What evidence do you have to deny/prove they’re not in use?

Please tell us because you’re 4100 and we’re all hardstuck.

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As somebody who placed in masters for a few seasons before I stopped playing competitive, I’m empirically better than you.

That’s basically the mindset.

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we’re gonna need a bit more evidence for that than just “read the patents bro”


and ur gonna need a bit more evidence than “my bro climbed”

what evidence do you have to deny the patents, the dev statements, explaining intent and mechanism of rigging? they literally show and cite overwatch and are in active use. that’s smoking gun plausibility. so what has the other side got? “guys my bro”. ok right ur bro climbed so everything is not rigged and these implements don’t exist.

The devs could end this debate with one orange font post. i dare them to come here on record and state none of these rigging patents has ever been in use in OW. They won’t, because legally they can’t. They’re guilty of rigging and you’re guilty of believing this game isn’t a rigged sham.

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you’re the one that made the affirmative statement that blizzard is rigging the game, the onus of providing evidence that they are actually being used is on you


i just showed u the evidence. a smoking gun and a ded body.
plausibility > you.

now try your defense by counter-factually refuting said evidence.
example: [fact]this patent can’t possibly be in ow because of reasons xyz.

I see you’re not caught up on this topic of conversation. Please read the briefs.
Start with How Competitive Matchmaking and Ranking Works (Season 28+) and go through the references, some of which are on video.

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literally all you have provided are your own words

you saying “the devs said they’re rigging the game dude” doesn’t mean anything unless you show me them saying that


you still haven’t provided any video evidence of this btw, i’m sure if it were real it’d be very easy for you to go into some GM mercy main’s stream and show how she’s healing more per second than normal


Because it never happened, its just more of Outside’s made up BS to mislead people


The patent happened. The patents that rig for likeability and changes hitboxes based on “skill” ? It says right there word for word, the patent is in active use, and mentions OW. It even includes screenshots.

Video evidence of some mercy doing more/less healing lmao.

So please tell us how the patents somehow don’t count. Please supply some evidence of them not being implemented.

Please refute their existence lmao.
Gamers want to know the truth.

The devs can end your suffering at any time with a simple orange text that says it’s all made up fantasy and the USIPO isn’t real.

more personal attacks and toxicity = weakness.
where is your evidence that overwatch isn’t rigged?

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So you have evidence? Then you wouldn’t mind showing it, right?

Its not a personal attack, I literally observed you over a long time, you keep making claims but never back them up other than talking more nonsense


Yep see the US patent listed above. that’s one of many pieces of evidence. They have been presented time and time again with no valid refutation.

Show how no part of the patents apply to OW.

The US patent is a claim. The USIPO registration process and IP law certainly aren’t nonsense.

You’re claiming these patents are false and don’t apply.
So back up your claim with your own facts and evidence.
Prove to us they’re invalid claims. Thanks.

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You said it showed pictures of it in use, where are these pics?

Am I supposed to sit there for 1000 hours looking and shooting around a mercy ingame to see if her hitbox has changed and record it all and go watch it in slow motion or something?

If your claims are correct, there would be videos of it, but there is none? Coincidence?

So up to you to show clear video evidence of weird hitboxes and faster/slower healing. Thanks =]


There is literally a screenshot in the patent.
You didn’t even do your side the curtoisy of clicking the link.
At this point you’re no longer qualified to judge evidence lmao.

You need to present your own evidence that contradicts the existence of these patents. This isn’t about some mercy vid. We can get to cherry-picking once you have something that refutes the rigging scope outlined by their IP portfolio.

The ball is in your court to show how any of that stuff can’t possibly be in OW.

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It would be nice if you specified what is wrong in the video. Its a 38 second clip


I am not interested in reading +10000 words. Its on you to specify where and quote it

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i remember so many matches like that. receipts is a terrible afk bot but I think they’re proving the point that nothing could even top teammates to full hp even without taking dmg. not to mention all the mouse i/o (his mouse basically goes numb as the dda kicks in). weird aim all his projectiles magically miss. weird cd noregs and weird deathcams from opponents crosshairs that look like console aim-assist. that’s a lot of dda.

he is NOT a likeable guy (been in voice he’s toxic af manchild and trolls for luls)
which is why they probably dial the algorithmic rigging up to max to vs. him.

edit: he’s literally standing still in that vid in awe of how little healing output he’s putting out. spent the entire game in healing aura and it took a moira bot to respawn for that orisa to be topped. lmao brutal

i bet a 1trick lucio with ‘likability voice’ would have whole team topped in 0.2seconds and gain 5x the ult charge for it. Nevermind the aim rigging and teammates rigging.

the point is it’s still rigged.

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The entire 10,000 words then. Please refute the parts you don’t think apply using facts and evidence of your own.

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Where does ANY of that happen in the clip Hulk linked? Timestamp and explanation

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