What is the worst ulti in game?

Because after he lands there is a second where he cannot contest objectives or move, but can still be shot at and take damage.

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When there is 20 seconds left on attack one of the last things you want to hear is “Personne n’échappe à mon regard.”

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It is a pretty bad ultimate, definitely worse than Bastion’s. I thought he was invulnerable when he landed.

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Any ult that is channeled on the ground thanks to Brig :stuck_out_tongue:

Nap, you can do serious harm to him as ANYONE when DoomFist uses is ultimate.

He and Pharah have that in common I guess, only problem being their ultimates have a similar AOE, but Pharah’s is better in just about every single way.

That’s a terrible argument of why Widowmaker’s ultimate isn’t the worst, lol.

No it really isn’t.

Doomfist’s ultimate can be used to escape, it’s not that bad.

Now, Whole Hog is simply a call out “just end my suffering”.

Doomfist. Bastion, Widow, Winston, and McCree.

Yes it really is.

Doomfist’s ultimate can get him out of bad situations, can be used in combo with other ultimates, can kill immobile supports.

Widow’s literally grants… vision.

his ult does do weak damage but it’s main job is to be the main target in a fight and disrupt the fight

100% Mei’s ult.

It’s nearly useless against most of the cast. I’m shocked at people saying Widow. Having wallhacks for the whole team is insanely good.

It grants one of the most powerful hacks a sniper could have at their disposal?

just add skill and tada, a good ultimate.

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Baby dva’s ult sucks

I think widow’s. At least doomfist’s ult grants extra life, not to mention it has combo potential.

Channeled ults have the higher damage potential, that’s why all them are risky to use. The players need to pay attention to cooldowns like Roadhog’s hook,D.Va’a DM, ally Zarya’s bubble, etc.
It does 1200 damage per second and lasts for 3 seconds. You need to use it near the enemies so the rockets don’t spread too much, preferable by surprise, you don’t make noise when falling, only when pressing space, and you begin shooting the rockets before you start your voiceline (she is the only one that does that), and warn your team about that, so Brigitte can give you armor, you Zarya can bubble you, etc.

You can check overbuff, her ult is in the top 3 killing ults, so yes, it’s high risk high reward, you do need to learn when and how to use it.

Knowing where each and every person is, isn’t something to underestimate, specially on defense. It basically negates any flank the enemy is trying, your team doesn’t need to pay attention to 3 different paths to know where are the enemies trying to come from, and in the hands of a good Widow this is one of the best push delayers.

At higher rank wall hacks is one of the most dangerous ultimates.

I was actually thinking last night, baby D.va pretty much has the strongest ultimate in the game.

Imagine if Tracer could turn into a 600HP tank with 3 new abilities permanently until she died xD

High Noon. Even if someone protects Mccree he needs the enemies to be completely unprotected in line of sight for at least 1 second (if they are 200hp) to finally start shooting which isn’t even instantly (there is a delay between each shot).
Also, Doomfist’s is also pretty bad since he usually can only kill some low mobility enemies provided they don’t get protected (by any barrier) before you land, or don’t just step out of the inner circle.