What is the reason why Hanzo can melt tanks?

Can’t a smart Hanzo wait out some d-matrix? As for the other defenses, he’ll burst those down, unlike the other snipers, and that’s what seems a bit unfair.

Also, his mobility is indeed limited in some ways but wallclimb as a passive is pretty huge, and imo absolutely contends with grapple or coach gun.

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Who is also bloated.

Are you seriously trying to convince me that Mercy’s kit is ‘more bloated’ than Hanzo’s or Dooms? ROFL.

Also, you should probably try and compare like to like; DPS to DPS. Mercy has significantly less to do in her kit than even Ana, (and passives aren’t really abilities you can actionably use, so while they may help your character they don’t necessarily add to bloat in the avenue I’m talking about. I’m talking about actionable abilities that give you either additional damage, health, movement, or utility.)

Hanzo’s kit is bloated in the sense that he’s been basically made a free Jack of All Trades; he’s got good mobility, great if you know how to use his wall climb and lunge well. He’s got great damage with his stormbow and primary fire, and he’s got great utility with Sonic arrow and his ult zoning people out of spaces to keep them off point or force them to reorient their setup to avoid it, and that’s assuming he doesn’t even get any kills with it which he does regularly.

Dude’s got the best of all worlds; unlike other heroes that struggle in one or more arenas. Compare him to Junkrat, who has poor mobility (and if he’s going fast he’s sacrificing his best damage abilities to pay for it) minimal utility - that trap is basically worthless at high levels - and an unreliable primary fire due to them making the mines significantly smaller than they used to be and reducing the bounce mechanics. Compare Hanzo to Junkrat and it’s very clear that one has a more bloated kit than the other; what passive wall climb does Junkrat have? Nothing like that. What secondary ability does he have that lets his entire team see through walls and use Widow’s ult on a 3 second cooldown? Nothing.

Many heroes on the roster are more like junkrat; clear ‘winner’ abilities, and then less great ones. Hanzo has nothing but great abilities.

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anyone who habitually uses, or switches to broken heros when losing, are “Those” people…

it is just unfortunate that the DPS category has the largest number of “Broken” heros inlcuding but not limited too hanzo…

sorry but thats the way it is, and yes i agree sigma is broken amongst the tank catigory and i hate people who use him just as i hate people who use hanzo

it is not an “All DPS players are like that” it is an “DPS players who use X hero are like that”…

its also the reason we need a “Hero Ban” phase pre game so the community can voice their displeasure at the balanced level of certain heros

i guarantee you in the current state of the game, Hanzo, sigma, and ana, would be banned more often than not

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since when 5m leap is “getting away” tool? Let’s better talk about 4s boosters of dva and what it gives compared to leap.

Since it can be used to dodge and get out of the way. People are saying Brig’s shield bash doing no damage and no cc in new OW2 is somehow a ‘movement ability’, so Hanzo has to accept that having a lunge ability IS in fact an ability that does in fact give him the opportunity to get away.

Especially since I’ve seen it play out in games more than once even at low levels; it can easily save his life if used at the right time. Like a ‘get away’ ability…

I would rather categorize them as “those people” rather than a blanket term encompassing any segment of the playerbase, then.

I am for hero bans. Even hero pools.

Because Hanzo is not a sniper, his niche is the close-mid range burst with storm arrows and well placed shots in chokes, he is very similar to Torbjorn, who by the way can also bust tanks close range with rightclick and on top of it has 250hp and can give himself 100hp in armor outside of that. To all the people saying hanzo is a sniper: Torb has higher projectile speed than a fully charged arrow. Everyone who plays Hanzo knows that he cant really contest a Ashe or a Widow unless you get into a range where they feel uncomfortable. Maybe Hanzos mobility is a bit too much, i will give you that. You could up the leap cooldown to make him a bit more vulnerable to dive.

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Thats what Hanzo really needs: Give him back his Sniper identity.

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well, because ‘they’ presumably know what a sniper is. Snipers existed before high powered rifles capable of shooting accurately over long distances were invented.

A sniper is a military/paramilitary marksman who engages targets from positions of concealment or at distances exceeding the target’s detection capabilities.

his not a sniper, widow is. most hanzo stays with his team those who dont usually dies, he melts because he cant snipe like widow,take that away then there is no reason to play hanzo lol. give his arrow speed back so you can just remove the storm arrow. but for now i dont think is possible game ded.

Because apparently it’s hard to nerf Storm Arrow properly.

They remove, add and lower the DMG and or arrow count. But don’t do the obvious which is just removing it’s ability to crit / headshot. :man_facepalming:

Balancing is hard, they think that because hanzo is a projectile hero, they should make him more powerful and less skill requiring than literally every hero in the game.

ummm, id like to introduce you to DOOMFIST, SOMBRA, SYMMETRA, PHARAH, and BASTION…these heroes are the literal floor of skill…LITERALLY MADE FOR FREE VALUE

Sym, sombra, and bastion are require immense skill. Pharah… maybe not so much. Doomfist is just a suicide and hope you get a kill first bs.

In other news, Black Lotus is balanced because it can be countered or destroyed.

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well his strenghts aren’t for free he also has to charge his shots constantly which in turn slows him down and he also has to account for arcing projectiles… plus his ult is easily avoidable and hard to charge if he’s not hitting shots and his escape isn’t as good as widow’s or ashe

storm arrows is very powerful though, no arguing about it but the justification for it exists

OP or not Hanzo is bad for the game and needs to be changed. A sniper can’t be good at all ranges and he can’t have abilities that cover up all his weaknesses. Double shield or DM isn’t a counter to Hanzo, it’s a requirement if you don’t want your team to die.

Has to charge his shots, just like widow. It’s only really a factor at long range, at short range Hanzo doesn’t really need to charge his shots if he needs to get damage out quicker. It’s not really a weakness, the character can one tap. His projectiles hardly arch, they drop less then torb’s projectiles, and hit a tree trunk width around them.

Hanzo’s ult is fantastic for blocking the enemy team from backing up and is excellent in combination with other ults.

Hanzo has both lunge and wall climb. I’d argue that his mobility is better than both Widow’s and Ashe’s because his wall climb is never on cooldown.

His leap cd was already raised from 3 to 5 for that exact reason and that was before Dva and Winston got their movement buffs.

If he were to get nerfed again I imagine in 5-6 months or however long it takes for him to reenter playability people would again start asking for nerfs for the same reasons. It’s a repeating cycle that has nothing to do with balance.

It’s really easy to counter a Hanzo.
You just need a Winston, a D.va, a lucio and a bit of luck and done, he’s dead. The only problem is that with that many resource wasted, your team might probably be dead also.

Another way is just avoid him, keep the whole time in cover and have really really boring game

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