What is the Dev's Current Opinion of Sym?

I know they are just classified her like “Forum Brig”… but I would actually want to know what they have plan for her and what they really think of her.

Currently they think the beam need the charge increased on the ptr…

With Ashe release… I don’t think that really matters, when Ashe can two tap you faster then you could close distance.

Honestly what do Dev’s think of Sym to make such small changes every other ptr.

Last time it was a change of 10 m to 12m, this time it was an increase in charge time.

Why not give it Autolocking again?

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Easier to play, but still terrible and universally hated and constantly falsely reported.

By us or the dev team itself?

They don’t want her to be a close range dps.
Look at her kit.
She is made for medium range.

Tell medium range to the new rifle man.

Oh by us. Sorry I can’t read.
The devs actually think she’s fine and only a little underpowered.

Yeah… sorry but I don’t believe them after Diablo stuff.

what needs a change is the way she deals damage. old beam vs new beam is a damage nerf. (Geguri’s avg Zarya primary fire accuracy is 57% at 180*.57=102.6 DPS compared to 120 DPS from old beam (even with charge up) Blizz fix pls

Overwatch developers aren’t Diablo developers, but sure.

New rifle man? Who? What?

Sym is medium range.