What is the beam buff on PTR?

I see mention of Zarya getting a buff through a beam buff currently on PTR, but I can’t find any patchnotes about it. Can someone clarify for me please?

It’s for all beams

Basically, there’s less room for error on tracking, I can’t rmeber the exact details(cant remember where I read it) but it’s basically once the beam leaves the target, the damage stays for like a millisecond more.

In essence: buff for those who can’t aim a lot, nothing new for those that can


There was a tiny window where if a beam hit a target for around 0.1 or 0.15 seconds or less, it would do a fraction of what it should have. It’s a bug fix actually.

In fact, Josh Noh said that the better a player is at tracking, the less impact and difference they would experience.


As a symmetra player, its like a 50% damage buff

My acc hovers around 50% but on ptr I’m doing 30-40% more damage and using my beam WAY more

Its a bug fix for beam characters



This. With genji jumping around even if i was tracking him I would still so less damage than I was suppose to

I don’t see anything in the patch notes about a beam update, can anyone link the correct place please?

They weren’t buffed.

They were fixed.

Symmetra’s beam has been buggy for a while, due to a ‘fix’ Blizzard had put in to stop some people from exploiting the way Symm’s beam ramped up. It would cause you to not be able to ramp your beam if you lost your target for a super fraction of a second (like if you were tracking the edge of a Tracer).

Now they have FIXED it, and Symmetra’s beam is ramping as intended, which is letting her PERFORM HER ACTUAL FUNCTION.


I’m not really even sure how it affects Zarya’s beam since her damage is related to her charge and isn’t quite as dependent on accuracy as Symmetra is with her ramp up (I also don’t play Zarya so) but yeah.

It’s so far an undocumented bug fix.

because zarya wasnt overpowered enough. she has to oneshot everyone whoever touches her beam.

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Josh Noh replies around 30 or so down:

Nope, it only helps ticks when you miss, and Moira rarely does and her damage is unimpressive.

Ah okay, I thought they changed that ages ago. Which the devs said made no difference to Moira and said her damage is the same :sob::sob::sob:

lucky sym mains I’m jealous bye

Yeah it’s really just a fix for Symmetra because of the damage ramp. And it’s actually really nice to be able to engage in CQC with Symm and come out on top with your primary fire instead of having to dodge and charge your orb lol.

People are finally going to have to respect that beam, and Symm finally has a reason to use it.

:sunglasses: nobody will ever respect a beam coming from Sym or Moira, sad truth :frowning:

Literally their funeral :stuck_out_tongue:

Bruh, she is completely insane on PTR. :joy: When my team is getting stomped, I just swap to Sym and literally 1V6 the enemy team. I cut through them like paper and they’re utterly powerless to do anything about it.

Been having some chats in the matches about whether or not this is intended or a bug. Nobody can figure it out. It’ll be extremely interesting if she goes live like this… :sweat_smile:

“Fixed a bug that could cause damage to not be dealt if a damage dealing ability was rapidly gaining/losing targets, like a Zarya trying to track a fast moving hero”

its in the july 18 patch notes


people saying its not a buff when it clearly is if you’ve even played a second of PTR

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Wasn’t there some video where they just spammed the fire button so the button presses out-sped her tick-rate therefore increasing her damage by like A TON?