What is one thing you’re looking forward to on the OWL ExC?

For example: will be excited over any role changes or huge support non healing utility buffs

Rein nerfs/reverts.

I think people can’t wait for it at this point.

The character became super brawly after the other characters changed around him while he kept his previous armor + damage buffs.

You keep him alive and speeded up and he will threat people to death in close range instead of feeding (very contrary to Winston, D.Va and Orisa for example).

Lucio buffs, such as lower SB decay, lower SB ult cost, and (this ones for me, i’ve been good) 22 damage per blob. Also full speed nerf reverts from when he was nerfed in GOATS meta.

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Forums gonna be burning and in shambles cause hurrdurr, my hero X has been killed, oh no, oh my, what dis OWL doin ragefaceemoji

Realistically, i dont have much or high hopes. Some changes gonna be good and interesting, others opressive straightout … expecting pretty much buffs to Ashe and Widow because 2 OWL hitscan players are involved, and some gonna be straight garbage.

Ill grab popcorn and enjoy the chaos a while.

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I’m looking forward to it being over.

Well, except for the part where they keep most of the changes.

disappointment, salt and mountains of popcorn.

cause I sense it’ll be a pile of bias balancing through and through.

too bad I won’t be awake when they premiere it tho.


Just grab my popcorn to see how bad it is. It would prove that pros suck at balancing.


Anyone knows when it is published?

I’m curious to see how bad they butcher briggitte.

in a few hours apparently:

im hopeful that they will touch upon genji. no matter how many people hate the character for whatever reason, he just isnt in a good spot right now.

same with:

  • doomfist

  • moira

  • (maybe) symmetra

I’m looking forward to seeing a group of people who all play primarily the same group of heroes making decisions for heroes they barely if ever play.

My expectations are very low.

A different take on balance. The devs have an obsession with vision; nothing inherently wrong with that but there are some clear disconnects between that and what the playerbase wants. An injection of fresh, outsider ideas would do wonders.

Personally, I wish people would calm the hell down. We don’t know what the changes are yet and everyone’s acting like their main is gonna be gutted. Don’t get me wrong, people are free to complain, but at least wait until we know what the changes are.

The optimism on these forums is depressing


symmetra is honestly in a good spot rn, idk why people think she’s weak

it would just be nice if they didnt make her so map dependent. if they can balance out her kit so that she works in a broader spectrum of situations (without making her op of course) then i would be all for it.


Oh well, turned really messy out and like the way who and how the proposed changes has been handled was very amateur-ish. Didnt expect much, got almost nothing. Lets hope they remain just as a temporary balance patch.


Yep…I take back every single optimistic thing I said.

Don’t worry, fortunately, it’s not going live unless they get good feedback which we know isn’t happening. I mean 10% more damage taken on the ground? What the actual hell

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Sounds like a different Junkrat version (lol). No idea what they had in mind there. Biggest yikes is surely the Tracer HP Buff … W T F xD

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