What is going on

I am a 4k player and I am getting placed into games with gold players. What. The. Hell.


They actually reset MMR. Absolutely idiotic

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They just reset MMR so that GM DPS players would stop complaining about the queue times.


I was wondering why I was facing high Diamond and Master players and former Top 500s in my support placements, yet placed GOLDā€¦ when I ended the beta at over 2600 on supportā€¦

whacked system is whacked


I am a Master player and I got placed on facking GOLD.

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Smurfing on my bronze and got t300 lmao


Same. Iā€™m not grinding back up from gold. Bye everyone!

BTW - Iā€™d be fine with them resetting MMR, but you have to WARN PEOPLE ABOUT IT


LMAO! I quit overwatch but now i want to play again just to see this. I like watching things burn :smiley:


I hit masters on all 3 roles in the beta. pre role queue had hit masters playing exclusively dps on my other account. Hit 3900 playing only tank on this account. and i just placed 2200 on dps. Looool. Think how many noobs ill have to stomp to make it back to masters after everything levels out. Im currious if was a bug


They are trying to fix it right now.

You need to look at your own gameplay and improve.

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The system saw your performance and did an accurate placement based on your gameplay .


Youā€™re on something pal. I climbed from silver to gm on over 5 accounts.

Let me guess those account where new , Its easy to rank up with a new account becuase you are given a better match making .

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I used my dadā€™s account once (Iā€™m 16). It was level 500, and I had played comp on it originally and it was 1600 rating from when I was maining Mercy my first time playing competitive. I played two seasons, dropped from 2200 (where I placed) to 1600.

Then I went on to buy my own Overwatch account, I played Genji while I was leveling to 25 and realized I wanted to main him. ~150 hours of climbing later, I hit diamond. I hit my plateau and Iā€™d heard people say I should use an alt account to practice new heroes. So, I used my dadā€™s account, placed 1700, climbed to diamond. 75 hours played on my main account later, I hit masters. New plateau, diamond games felt super easy. Climbed my dadā€™s account to masters.

Maybe itā€™s time you started accepting some flaws in your gameplay, rather than projecting them out on literally everything else possible. Even if the matchmaker ā€œsucksā€, we are all working in the same one, youā€™ve got no excuse.

it was a bug, they fixed it

! thing you missed out is that you played in a group with someone & you dad account might be new with good mmr ratinng (you Dad dont play that much). My alt account (this one ) is in Diamond , but i use it to practice or if i get warnings on my main account .

Heā€™s probably just taking credit for his dadā€™s hard work.

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My dad doesnā€™t play comp, the man is 40 years old. Itā€™s level 500.

He canā€™t stand Overwatch anymore.

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