What is going on with the game?

People save this thread’s OP post entirely. You know it’s likely to be locked or deleted

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Edits the title but no response. Classy Blizz. Classy.


Not a Fortnite enthusiast, but Save the World paired with those cracks is already more lore than Overwatch has received in the last few months, if not even the last year.

Apparently, there are going to be several more European teams (1 of them is based in Paris in the next season) over the upcoming seasons. They’ll need to work out some kind of watchable schedule to support more than 1 timezone if they want to support the expanded locations in the future.

Likewise. I’m an avid user of /r/compow, /r/overwatch and even the /r/overwatchcirclejerk at times (marcril main representative). We do receive a ton of highlights, but there’s no denying that the number of active viewers significantly decreased over time - which is what I’m referring to.

I agree that the game has a good starting point, but I really do believe that the devs have a lot to work on.

okay deleting ow right now, looks like jeff abolished us

They are also putting emotes and skins behind price tags.

15$ for the OWL skins.
25$ for the Mercy skin, a good cause but hell of a lot of tax credit for Blizzard.
So not only we have to deal with sub-par content but also get pay walled.



I bet Blizzard have more game masters than devs on overwatch at this moment
and still, they keep doing like everything is fine and people aren’t quitting the game, and people are absolutly fans of this OWL thing, and its balanced tbh

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This list could be pages long (well, the original post alone is already 4 pages of text - so even more, I guess). What I put there was the tip of the iceberg, and it’s really only a starting point. Charging 15$ for OWL skins is a whole other can of worms.

Actually once the changes hit live servers people were pretty satisfied with the changes (myself included), it made her easier to play overall, but wasn´t the buff blizzard meant it to be though. Blizzard were also pretty quick to fix the mistakes they made in those change, so they at least listened to feedback there.

I agree with this post, especially with the lack of NEW progressive lore of heroes. Hopefully the new writer they hired recently will help out a lot.

We still know nothing about Zenyatta. Hopefully the new writer can clear that up.

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The Last Animated Short (The Reinhardt one) was more than 9 months ago, on 03.11.2017 :frowning:

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No it couldn’t, he reiterates the same thing in another way. Some of them are non issues, like the CC rant, replay rant, assumptions of devs caring or not, servers offline during maintenance etc (I didn’t have an issue).

People tend to pad their arguments in a big list making it hard to address all the issues one by one especially when its summarized and requires you to go in-depth discussion on each part.

Fire the Devs if they’re so bad damn OP.

Actually I probably play 10x more than you and don’t complain about any hero…unlike you.

Why bother with that even? Just leave everything about the game you hate so much.


it happened to me :frowning:


funnel this money into making Comp better (QoL included)

we need to have an OWL Junior/Mini in the game client itself.

funnel this money into Comp

Let’s help these people out!

Sombra demands infinite Invisibility. And she doesn’t get to contest a point when invisible. Aside from this, I haven’t done my homework.

Asking devs to hurry with balance is like asking a flower to grow. Please think about the people, please think about the flower.

funnel this money into Comp

I agree with you.

The detractors will always be the most vocal.

if you yell at flowers, they won’t grow any faster.

We must take all (most) balancing concerns from OWL. These are the brightest minds when it comes to Overwatch, coaches and players alike. What the forums have to say should hold little weight when it comes to balance. The devs have the numbers as well.

I agree with you.

I agree with you

I’m 50/50 on this one. If the devs never made forum posts, I would not consider this bad form.

I would expect that OWL is proportionally related to sales of OW across the world.

Let’s get Arathi Basin and Warsong Gultch up in this mug!

please stop asking flowers to grow. It would be nice if they reworked it so there were no seasons.

You don’t have all the information.

In 5 years Overwatch will be free to play, and many ppl will still play it.

Well, honestly a lot of those factors are common, but some of these? Like:

  • Unfinished ult animation going through;
  • Lack of developed content, when they said sharpening events would be a thing;
  • This is casually the most buggy the game has been in over a year (bugs have gone as far as lore description missing in-game! Not to mention gameplay.)

This lack of polish is just not normal with Overwatch so far, we might as well get a skin where Orisa becomes Zarya holding Bastion’s Sentry Gun!
Though I mostly defend our developers - and love them to bits -, trying to leave any space for criticism only if respectfully done, it begs the question:
What is going on?


Well, I think it’s ok to offer constructive critisicm, and if there is a good amount of people disappointed with the event that’s fine, but I feel like it’s very easy to forget all the good things they have done for the game and continue to do. If I’m being honest, right now, the game is the best it’s ever been for ME, I went from thinking of quitting to playing daily and enjoying myself. We got LFG, private profiles, endorsements, they are working on more social features, the balace team might not be perfect but they are trying, we just got a massive balance update, etc. Yes there are things that are not that good but as I said previously, I think they are doing what they can with what they got and they have to make some things a priority, this things take a ot of time and money and this community is super impatient and super divided most of the time.

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Blizzard would do itself a disservice not paying close attention to all the points brought up in this post. It will make the difference between making a mediocre game that will wane in popularity over time, or a game that will be popular for many years to come…