What is going on with the game?

I think that 1 star heroes should be less mechanically rewarding than 3 stars heroes. Which is kind of the deal we already have: if you can play Genji, Lúcio and let’s throw Widowmaker in there, if you can play them really well, you’ll be more rewarded by your actions. Heck, insta-kills rewarding good aim.

I guess the problem that inflamed the issue is that nerfs to Bash’s cooldown took way too long to happen and at this point we kind of don’t really now when it’ll stop. I think 7 seconds is good enough for her current kit, though I would gladly trade it for a longer cooldown if it meant she got a more consistent kit - imo they handled poorly her ultimate nerf and how repair pack works.

I’m with you on this one, I guess xD
When it comes to positioning, game-sense and these general things that any hero can have regardless of their kit, everyone should be rewarded equally.

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Indeed. Silence on their part is not constructive.

Edit before even posting: I’m so sorry this has become such a long message, my friend <3 Read if you have the time!

Here’s the thing, I agree with almost everything you said and I can see your heart is in a good place. We need more people like you in this community, imo.

I just don’t think that all the good done in the world is worth turning a blind eye for bad things happening. I could buy a car, a house, fix electrical problems and all these kinds of things for my parents, but it wouldn’t excuse leaving them stranded in an airport waiting for me to pick them up mid a heavy rain with no other means to get home, would it?

We have bugs with lots of characters in the roster (rein, doom, sombra and symmetra just to name the usual suspects) and balance issues I guess are just common. I believe as well that this is the best the game has been balance-wise since I’ve started playing it! I love LFG and endorsements are cool as well. Private profiles are OK! But I reserve the right to disagree with these support changes, even thought I think they are a way to try to fix it, so I don’t see why not give it a shot, right?

I think it’s healthy for the game the community being divided as well. One could argue the game would risk getting stale or too niche-y if everyone had the same opinion on all matters. What’s not healthy is when people decide to bash their heads against each other instead of discussing (that’s why I said we need more people like you, here you are, you disagree with me - at least partially - and still are respectful to me, so we can hold a conversation.)

Back to the matter at hand, I also think the content starvation is not OK. Clearly they’re thinking big scale in the future of the game with Overwatch League and I love that they want to preserve this beautiful and wonderful game for generations, probably.
But leaving it to collect dust as we play the same maps and modes over and over again, not doing what they said they would do (polishing previous events, maybe adding new game modes even) and allowing some very important characters such as healers and tanks to become bug-riddled is just risky to say the least, right? Right now I get the feeling like the game is 5 years old and in maintenance mode.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love playing it, but it concerns me for what the future hold in stock, you know? How does it end if it begins like this?
Idk, my friend, I think our devs could be handling the situation a lot better.
(Even though I agree that they 100% shouldn’t answer here! xD)


Very nice post.

One things I just want to point out is that colorblind options are coming and they would have to be very careful with subtitles, as to not make them superior to actual sounds.

Another is the thing about the impact of different skilled heroes. In my opinion, every hero should be equally as strong no matter their skill level.

Wow, drama alert.

I have a gtx 1080 on a 4770k PC, zero issues.

The events are the same each year, this has been stated. Not everyone has been playing since day 1 and to some ALL of the event cosmetics are new.

The reworks are very good, Mercy has been OP since day 1 and while trying to keep her in the meta they needed to address it.

Sombra was only good to the 0.1% that became good with her kit, the other 99.9% of players were basically trolling, this rework allows for better use of her scouting and coordination.

What high skill hero, apart from Mercy, has been “lessened”? Balance matters, a perfect example is Hanzo, he is a mis tier “skill” hero, you can be lucky and get 3 picks or miss 26 shots in a row, but when he gets dove he can leap, he could leap TOO often, so they addressed that. He should not have RANGE and EVADE.

The game is great, you watch too much RuPaul.

I believe Blizz devs care deeply for the game but something is clearly wrong. No lore and the recent event is VERY telling…it’s absolutely horrible.

They have been coming for almost 2 years now. No defending this bs

Such a thirsty response.


I beleive they were only recently confirmed, however, I agree that faster development would be great.

Agree. I mention competitive… dont have new rewards. NOBODY WANTS SPRAYS ANYMORE or GOLDEN GUNS. We need something new and fresh every season.

100% agree with you, balancing takes time and I accept this as a player but why don’t we see massive changes on the ptr? Ptr is for testing they can try out different things without consequences

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I’m just really upset with what Overwatch is becoming. In the beginning, I was so in love with Overwatch because the lore was amazing and the gameplay was fun. Now, there has been no lore at all and the devs keep changing the wrong heroes and it’s really getting tiring. Not to mention that we have had the same Events for the past 2 years! Wow, I love seeing Lucioball for the third time! The only event I like is Archives because at least that event changes. Overwatch was one of the only few games that really stuck out to me and that I felt connected to. It’s just sad to see it go to s***.

this is the other problem. the fanbois stop any criticism of blizzard.

as a result the quality of the product / game is never called into question.

this micro transaction event is a joke, the bugs need addressing they are even present in OWL games, the visual clutter has reached plague proportions, and fix the audio.

the visual clutter is insane. its like there is a competion amongst the blizzard devs to put more and more on the screen until you cant see anything. its similar to watching someone who cant cook make an italian pizza and they just keep putting more and more on top of it. guess what, u cant taste anything anymore. put more on then…but i cant taste anything, put more on…

Some major changes need To happen asap…

The state of the hero balance is not so great. Why play any other dps than Hanzo and Widow? Why use any healer other than Mercy?


I know it’s not a big point to a lot of people who play the game, but all the points about lore are especially relatable :frowning:

I actually got into this game because of the lore, I got interested in it seeing gameplay and then got SUPER interested in the story and characters and binge-read what I could.

I saved up just to order the collector’s edition just for the book.
I preordered First Strike as soon as it was available. I checked for information in November when it was supposed to come out almost daily until I got the notification that it was cancelled.
I used to stay up super late on my phone at night waiting for my friends who could download the updates faster than me to send me screenshots of new event items and the new lore information with them! Uprising was a goldmine of new lore when it came out!

But that’s all just, kinda gone now. Retribution was cool. We got sort of a new hero short? I guess? And a few lore skins? The Reinhardt short was super cool but how long ago was that now?

I feel like I got so tired of being slowly handfed sprinkled tidbits of lore that I just lost interest. I still adore the story and the world-building but it’s just so nonexistant. They had such a good thing going and just kinda forgot about it, it’s sad.


God forbid they create fun lovable characters on the surface but then fail to tell us literally anything else about them.

No. They have been making promises on that since the first year. The improvements keep being pushed back and merely told to be coming soon.

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Don’t know if this can help anyone in any way? Even just for how they feel about things?
It’s looking at things from a lore standpoint more than anything, but there’s ideas in there I’m sure you can apply to the game as well.

OP has some points, the climate around the game & all associated media at the moment is strange to say the least.

wow +1 this is so true

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